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Thread: 6's Best Character?

  1. #1
    Registered User 6's Best Character? Locke4God's Avatar
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    6's Best Character?

    Oh boy, here we go. There are so many characters in this game it's unbelievable, but most of them were so good that it made for one of the very best titles in the series. Rank them however you like, but maybe a combination of personality, usefulness, and relevance to the story. Here's my pics.

    14. GOGO - I don't know where to begin with this one. Necessary? No. Useful? Not really. Ummmm,,, yeah.
    13. MOG - Because ya know,, in the end I guess he was a little useful, but didn't really bring much to the table.
    12. Gau - Some of you may hate me for putting him this low. I did find him tragic, but good lord I hated his abilities beyond measure, and i hid him for the entire game. I'll rank him ahead of Mog for his backstory alone, but uhg.
    11. Umaru - WOW, I mean I found it intriquing that you saw him early in the game, but couldn't get him until later, and while he had really no story to speak of, how crazy strong was this dude? I loved having him later on in the final dungeons.
    10. Relm - I mean, she's cool, and with the "who's" her father angle she worked and was interesting in how she fit in the why people have magic story, but meh overall in ability. Ya know?
    9. Strago - Kind of the same story as Relm really. A little more useful though.
    8. Shadow - You know I really want to rank him higher, especially with a side, but interesting backstory, and the "choice" that must be made about him, but ultimately, and depending on the choice, he just wasn't around enough to get to love him as much as some of the others. Though I do enjoy him. I've got to make the right "choice" next time.
    7. Setzer - And again, I almost want to rank him higher, but he is sort of an outsider in the way that Shadow is. Well he's a little more connected to the meat & potatoes of the story, and he's useful, and gets really strong near the end, but not quite a main eventer in the tale.
    6. Locke - Now we're getting the cream of the crop, and this guy is kind of the advertized male lead of this game, sorta. He plays a good part, has some interesting background connections, but perhaps doesn't have quite the strongest connection to the core of the tale as some of the others. At least like,,,,
    5. Cyan - His entire civilization wasn't destroyed. I really love this guy. Powerful & fun, and I really enjoyed his part at the begining of the World of Ruin.
    4. Celes - She's sort of an oldschool Edea, only part of your actual team, and more of a warrior. If you've played you may know what I mean, but she is definately a big influence both in power and background insite into what is going on.
    3. Sabin - Along with the guy at number 2 these guys were two halfs of a very big coin. Regal, influential, powerful, and just commanded a large presense within the game from start to finish.
    2. Edgar - Was really the most powerful male in the game. He could really do it all, was the king of the primary oppositions land, and I mean what else do you need to know?
    1. Terra - WAS THE GAME! She represented the goal of the Evil Empire, the connection to the planets deep history, the use of magic, the idea of defining ones personality, the internal struggle of power and responsibility, the internal struggle of power and control, love, fear, everything. SHE WAS THE GAME!
    Last edited by Locke4God; 04-08-2011 at 08:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Registered User 6's Best Character? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Terra is by far the most important,useful and powerful character in the game but i think Shadow and Strago are one of the most useful and powerful as well, at least more than Setzer, didn't think he was that powerful. Locke was useful because of his steal but that was pretty much it. For power i'd rather use Strago or Shadow.

  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Ah, my favorite FF! But it has so many characters! And most of them are AWESOME.

    1. Locke Cole: My favorite FF character, and one of my favorite video game characters, period. He was just big pimpin' all around, and had access to one of the best swords in the game (combination genji glove + offering + 2 atma/ultima weapons + 9999 HP = death to most enemies.) He seemed like a really kindhearted guy (with a clear soft spot for the ladies) but he could also be pretty badass if he needed to be. Plus, he was a "treasure hunter," which automatically earns him points with me.
    2. Terra Branford: A lot of people say that they can't relate to this character or that she felt wooden or stale, but I think they just don't get her. She was like a confused child thrust into a world she never knew for the first time. She had no friends growing up, and never really got to think for herself before the start of the game; that slave crown had her mindlessly following orders. She didn't know how to behave or react to people, and I kinda felt like I could relate to that, or at least sympathize. Plus, her esper form was badass, and I love when she goes mama bear on Humbaba.
    3. Sabin Rene Figaro: Big dorky guy with muscles for days. His blitz attacks made him badass throughout most of the game, although they get overshadowed by atma weapon-wielding characters late in game. Still, a lot of fun.
    4. Mog: The lone moogle to ever actually join the main party in a Fina Fantasy game, and the game's mascot in the states. Cute little bastard, and made for a rather effective mage to boot.
    5. Shadow: Badass ninja type. Loved when I got to learn about his checkered past, and his relationship with a certain other character... Kinda tragic.
    6. Celes Chere: A pretty kick-ass girl, though not as kick-ass as Terra. She becomes pretty important in the second half of the game, and had plenty of epic moments. Opera House, anyone?
    Suicide scene, anyone?

    7. Cyan Garamonde: Bad ass grandpa. Or papa, I guess. But he was old. What happens to him is tragic, and how he deals with it through the game is touching.
    8. Setzer Gabbiani: Yet another badass character; this time, a gambler! He didn't actually effect me as much as he did other people, but I still thought he was pretty cool. Plus, he gave you an airship to use!
    9. Edgar Roni Figaro: Silly dork trying to be a playboy, but his tools were pretty awesome. Also thought what he was doing in WoR was pretty cool.
    10. Relm Arrowny: Little girl character, though not as annoying to me as other little girl characters. In fact, she is probably my favorite little girl character in any Final Fantasy game. I hope she marries Edgar some day, haha.
    11. Umaro: No story, but a pretty powerful beast. He could kick your ass. Good thing Mog was there to keep him in check! (Actually, that's more reason to like Mog, right there, heh.)
    12. Gogo: Where did he come from? Why is he here? The idea that he MIGHT be Gilgamesh gives him a few extra points, there.
    13. Strago Magus: Kinda an oddball character. Didn't register with me much, but I didn't hate him either.
    14. Gau: Don't hate Gau, just don't think highly him either. I like his back story and feel it's kinda tragic, but at the same time... *shrug*


    Wuv, Yer Mom

  4. #4
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    I like the OP ranks, but I think a few changes are in order. I'm going off of character usefulness in game and how important they are in the story as well as how good their story was.

    I think Celes should be a bit higher since shes unbelievably broken as a character AND is the main character of sorts after halfway through the game.

    Cyan should be lower; hes one of the worst characters at the end of the game, and his story pretty much tapers off after the initial encounter with him.

    Everything else I'm alright with, I think Mog should be higher then Umaro imo since he has more utility but I also am biased towards Mog, lol.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  5. #5
    My couch pulls out but I don't. 6's Best Character? midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    1: Locke - I have always loved the ability to steal, and getting a character early that can do that is just cake for me. As stated above... combine a few choice items and he becomes wtfpwn sauce.
    2: Celes - I always have Celes in the party, though, what I want to do with her when it comes to a boss is always a toss up (depending on the boss of course). Being able to eat some spells while my melee team goes to town is great; or just nuking the ever living hell out of things.
    3: Tera - while she didn't always make my team (about 2/3rd of the time), she is an all around great character. The story is mostly centered around her etc, so you grow attached... even when she dips out on your party nearly as much as shadow does. ha.
    4: Edgar - He almost always finds a spot in my main party as well. The extensive uses of his items is great. He also ends up always having Ragnorak or w/e it is to turn enemies into items.
    5: Relm / Strago - Loved both. They got flipped into the party regularly. Blue magic was always fun and control from Relm was always entertaining. Their story is heart wrenching, and makes me connect to them on an emotional level.

    The rest were all great characters and I enjoyed them. The bottom 3 on my 'best character' list would be Umaro, Gau, and Mog... while I liked the characters, they're the least best for how I play the game. I like actually CONTROLLING their actions, and since I can't, they get the back burner a lot.
    mel 1:32 AM
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  6. #6
    Registered User 6's Best Character? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    @ Rocky - Agreed on Cyan. He does have that huge part when you meet him, but then kinda tapers. Then he has a small renaissance at the start of WoR with the letter sending thing and all, and then again he tapers.

    Celes is middle ground for me. I do really like her and her story, but rating her importance is a struggle for me. In some ways I want to put her high up, but in others not so much.

  7. #7
    Warlord of Your Mom 6's Best Character? ultima_trev's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Sabin: Offering + Tiger Claw=UBER PWNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!
    Cyan: Quadra Slash + Strato=UBER PWNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Shadow: Genji Glove+Stunner+Graedus=UBER PWNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!
    Umaro+Rage Ring=UBER PWNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Of course, I could be a little wuss and equip Terra, Celes, Locke or Edgar with the uninspiring Genji Glove+Atma Weapon+Ragnarok combo, but where's the fun in such generic configuration?????????

    Undisputed masters of all creation since 2004.11.11.

  8. #8
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gorath Sodom View Post
    Cyan: Quadra Slash + Strato=UBER PWNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Yeah, except for the fact that if I did that regularly I'd be older than Strago by the time I finished the game. Cyan is slow as balls, and his swordtechs make him an even slower character.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  9. #9

    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Celes was my favorite, I got a thing for blonde damsels in distress.

  10. #10

    Re: 6's Best Character?

    1. It's all about Setzer. He's the awesome gambler with the ship! He has unique and cool weapons too. His slots are good if you exploit them but I usually can't be bothered so Gill Toss is a fine alternative for a powerful all attack. Still since characters can be built up how you like with magic and level up bonus's he usually ends up fairly kick ass in my games.
    2. Edgar. Hes a cool king with strong tools. He's a stand-up trustworthy guy (forget about his coin...) He defies the empire as much as he can as a king and brings matters into his own hands.
    3. Sabin. A mountain dwelling monk who has equal claim to the throne but choose not to be a jacked up powerhouse. His Blitz are always strong, when i was a lazy/dumb kid I only used Pummel with him a whole playthrough and I don't think it hurt me difficulty wise at all. Unlike how many jacked up people are in real life he's one stand up guy all the time.
    4. Umaro. Power Power POWER! He's simple and uncontrollable but many times I'm just mashing the attack button anyways so it's good that I don't have to bother managing what spells he needs just level bonus's. He's also the biggest character to date, take that Snow!
    5. Cyan - Samurai with a story that fizzles out.
    6. Shadow - best Ninja in any game. Interceptor rocks.
    7. Locke -Helpful thief with too much of a weak spot for women.
    8. Celes - I figured i better rank a girl high somewhere. Useful in WoR story wise
    9. Strago - Funny old man. Blue magic only half useful
    10. Relm - Sweet little girl.
    11. Terra - Enticing force? yes. Interesting? no. Good ability? barely.
    12. Mog - If Dance isn't used he's like the other characters, if used he becomes a slightly better Gau.
    13. GoGo - Useful as a player, Useless to plot
    14.Gau - a relatively weak burden on any team. Funny when introduced, useless from then on.
    Last edited by Dan558; 04-14-2011 at 01:05 PM.
    Playstaion ID: Setzer_All-in

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  11. #11
    I do what you can't. 6's Best Character? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    1. Edgar: Capability of using most of the best equipment in the game. Excellant "Tools" command. Fun to watch, interesting character, and interesting backstory. I relate to his "hopeless romantic" line of thinking, along with his loyalty to his country and to his brother.

    2. Sabin: Powerhouse. Interesting backstory, with the refusal of monarchy and desire to honor his trainer. Great attacks, great abilities.

    3. Terra: Obvious main character. Good stats, natural magical abilities, good equipment, and "Morph" changed her into a powerful, naked, pink beast. What's not to like? Not to mention her maternal instincts, despite being an abused orphan, over children that were in no way her responsibility.

    4. Celes: Main character in second half. Fought for the primary enemy force, then turned away from them and joined the resistance. Shameful for what she was, but proud of what she became. Good stats, natural magic abilities, and, if used correctly, "Runic" can be a lifesaver.

    5. Locke: Chivalrous, without being as flirty as Edgar. Protected women and maintained his honor. Good stats, a "steal" or "mug" ability that actually acquired items (unlike some other Final Fantasy games, where "steal" doesn't usually work), and good equipment.

    6. Shadow: Started out as nothing more than a mercinary, but later joined as a full enemy of the Empire once they wrong him. Vague references to his past and to his paternal relationship to Relm.

    7. Relm: A mediocre character with a few well-redeeming qualities. While she was slow and weak, with poor equipment, she had the highest natural Magic Power out of everybody, and though Sketch wasn't worth much, Control could be very useful. Just remember not to have her in a party with characters whose attacks (regular or special) cannot be aimed.

    8. Umaro: The guy was awesome. He's a sasquatch. He hit harder than anybody else, and even though you couldn't change his regular equipment, you could put a Gauntlet and a Rage Ring on him and just let him go. He did everything on his own, without needing to be controlled. He also introduced you to the Snow Muffler, one of the best pieces of armor in the game (if not the best, only equippable by himself, Mog, and Gau.

    9. Setzer: While he was an interesting character with a somewhat peculiar backstory, he wasn't very good in battle. His Slot ability was unreliable and inconsistent, and the only way to change that was to make him do damage by throwing your money at them.

    10. Cyan: Slower than molasses in January. He had the strength, he had the story (in WoB and WoR both), but he had absolutely no speed. And while one would think, "oh, if I can't use his special ability, I'll just have him use magic", think again, as his Magic Power stat left something to be desired.

    11. Gau: Useful in many situations, but only with a few Rage abilities. I used Pteradon for the Narshe fight, then Stray Cat or Holy Dragon for the rest of the game. While Catscratch does more damage than most physical attacks, he used it inconsistently, damaging his reliability, and wasn't really worth taking along the majority of the time, since he couldn't be controlled unless you used him solely for magic.

    12. Mog: Cute. Interesting character, but not much for a backstory. Interesting abilities, but again, could not be controlled. And many Dances would not work unless in the same type of battle setting.

    13. Gogo: Weak stats, weak abilities, zero backstory. The only redeeming factors Gogo had were that he could use any ability, and that he could "Mimic" another character to do the same thing. Unfortunately, because of his abysmal stats, his actions would always be disappointing in comparison.

    14. Strago: Crap. Weak stats, except for decent Magic Power. Weak weapons. Weak equipment. He was only useful with Blue Magic if you kept him in your party often enough to learn it, but that would mean keeping an inferior character in your party until he learned enough Blue Magic. Very little story, very weak everything else.

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    John 15:13

  12. #12

    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Yay, another ranking!

    1. Celes
    It was really hard to decide who'd be my favorite character, but as the years passed by and playing FFVI is quite long ago (only a few years, but whatever XD), she's the one who really fascinated me. The one I could understand in all her entirety. I loved the opera scene and I actually yelled at my TV when... you know, the WoR was there. Nah, that was really hard for me and I get kinda sad when I think about it.
    Celes is a character who's just special. I've never suffered as much with a character as I did with Celes. (Freya being a close second when it comes to suffering with characters.)

    2. Edgar
    I swear, when I played the game, I wanted to marry him. Edgar was a character I really liked, though he was a bit too womanizing sometimes. (Though that only seemed to be some kind of mask he wore.) I like the whole coin story and how he decided to be king. :> Also:
    You see, there are more girls here than grains of sand out there. I can't keep track of 'em all!
    Made me laugh! XD

    Now it's getting way harder, as I liked most of the characters. :/

    3. Locke
    I liked the story about Rachel and I really liked his "treasure hunter" thing. XD Also, he was pretty useful throughout the game. At least sometimes... when I wanted to steal something. ^^" Other than that, I liked his personality.

    4. Terra
    I wouldn't say she "was the game", but she was a great protagonist, though nobody really understood how she felt. I don't remember her showing any emotions anyways... But that was okay. She was useful, interesting and pretty important for the storyline.

    5. Cyan
    I liked his story and I was able to understand him, completely. I understand how he was so sad when he lost so much because of Kefka. Yet I didn't find him to be that old. On pictures he looks pretty old. O_o Nonetheless, a useful character with an interesting story (like... almost everyone in the game?)

    6. Setzer
    He was okay, but I didn't use him much and I don't remember much of his background story. But he definitely was pretty cool.

    7. Shadow
    Also, an interesting character, BUT he didn't say that much. And I made the wrong choice at the end. << >> So I don't think I saw enough of him. Besides, I found him strange, just because he happened to be there all of a sudden and then vanish again.

    8. Sabin
    Though he's Edgar's brother, I didn't like him as much as Edgar. That's mostly because I couldn't emphasize with him. I didn't understand his personality. But he was a strong character, I used him often at the beginning of the game. As for his looks... ah, well, I don't like men with too many muscles. ^^"

    9. Relm
    She WAS cute, but I found her draws to be pretty useless. I don't even remember having her in my party even ONCE. (Only when the story demanded it.) Not useful, not interesting, but cute.

    10. Strago
    Not very interesting character, but he was there, so... well. He... was... there... *shrugs*

    11. Gau
    "Mr. Thou!!!" was probably the only thing I liked about this little strange wild boy. I didn't like him much, but sometimes he was useful. SOMETIMES. Which means: Barely ever.

    12. Gogo, Mog & Umaru
    No story, no personality, not interesting AT ALL.

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  13. #13
    Registered User 6's Best Character?
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Edgar - My favorite in terms of abilities, character and story. He's a womanizer, but he doesn't come off as a creep. He's also a great King to his people, and isn't afraid to get his own hands dirty. His tools are fantastic, easy to use and it doesn't matter where you set Edgar, they'll do the same amount of damage regardless. You can keep using them too, since there's no limitations (such as MP cost). A very "user-friendly" type of character, and my pick for overall best character.

    Celes - I should knock her down a bit because I don't have much use for her "Runic" ability, but she shines so much in the WoR, that I just can't. I hated having Cid die, but her scene afterward was just so powerful. She was pretty great in WoB too, defecting from the empire because she didn't like Gestahl's greed and Kefka's insanity. Her interactions with Locke were enjoyable too.

    Locke - He's cool, and I like the whole thief treasure hunter with a good heart thing he has going on (especially concerning the ladies ) Though tbh, it's kind of creepy having the body of his former love embalmed in some dude's basement...but eh. He's great to have in battle. Fairly well-rounded and it's always cool to steal valuable items (and clothes ) from your enemies.

    Relm - She's adorable and has a lot of sass. Her theme music is awesome too, and probably my favorite character theme in the game. Like stated earlier, she has crazy high magic stats, so I like her for one of my mage characters.

    Setzer - I enjoy his laid-back attitude. He lives the high-flying life in the sky with his sweet airship casino without a care in the world, but he did see some tragic moments too which gave him more depth. As for his abilities, the slots were great fun to use, because it was like a minigame in battle.

    Terra - I feel bad for ranking her as low as I did, but tbh I kind of forgot about her in the WoR. ^^; She's decent in battle, since she's like Celes but with more of an emphasis on magic damage.

    Cyan - Poor guy went through a lot, but I had to knock him down in the ranking because of his bushido skills were just too slow... I did like his character though. He lost his family and kingdom, and yet still keeps an aura of nobility about him. I liked the whole Dreamscape sequence too.

    Sabin - I feel bad for ranking him low-ish, when his bro got ranked high, but he just came off as kind of a meat head to me. He was funny sometimes though, and when he was with Cyan and Gau he had a decent story, but then he just kind of fizzled out. His abilities were good, but I can't pull off many of the blitzes very well, so for me, that knocks him down a few pegs.

    Shadow - He does a good job of being a mysterious bad-ass, and I liked the subtlety of his familial relationship to Relm. He's decent in battle too, though not exactly top-tiered. I never used his Throw ability.

    Strago - I've never really used Blue Mages in my party, as I don't like going around and learning all the spells. His story is fairly minimal too, but it was sad to see how he was in the Cult of Kefka because he thought that Relm has died.

    Mog - He's a mascot character who is pretty cute since he's a moogle, but I haven't really used him much. He gets points for being a playable Moogle. :3

    Gau - Why does he join the party? He really doen't have any stake in any of the matters going on in the story, so he doesn't get to be high on the list. He gets a point for the scene with his dad though.

    Gogo and Umaro - Haven't had much of a chance to use these characters, so I don't have much of an opinion.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 04-17-2011 at 05:27 PM.
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  14. #14

    Re: 6's Best Character?

    1. Terra - As mentioned already, she was the most important character to the game. I liked her. She was strong, both physically and when it came to magic. Her character development was great and she could freaking transform into an esper!

    2. Shadow - Dark, mysterious, cool guy. That's always the kind of character I prefer. He might not've been quite as useful as a couple others late in the game, but he still did well for himself.

    3. Sabin - Very useful character. Very powerful. His character was cool.

    4. Celes - Always liked her for her beauty alone, but she's also one of the more strong, useful characters in the game. She also had some of the best character development in the game.
    Especially during the beginning parts of the World of Ruin, when she tries commiting suicide by jumping off the cliff after Cid dies (if you allow him to die, that is).

    5. Edgar - Personality was likeable enough. Useful skills with his Tool command. The chainsaw in particular. He was also the closest to a dragoon we got in FFVI, with the spear-weilding.

    6. Locke - I found the most useful thing about him to be his Steal command. He was decent in strength and all, but I don't think he was quite as useful as the others mentioned above.

    7. Strago - I always thought of him as the "Tellah" of FFVI. Old man mastered in the art of magic...yeah, reminded me of Tellah. That's a plus, by the way. His character might not have been too interesting, but that's ok.

    8. Mog - It was cool to have a moogle in the party. Some of his dance abilities were really useful.

    9. Cyan - Pretty strong physically. His sword technique ability was useful at times. He was also the center point of one of my favorite parts of the game, that being the Phantom Train. Kind of lost interest in him later in the game, though, so I used him less.

    10. Setzer - Alot of people list him as one of their favorite FFVI characters, but I didn't really like him too much. I didn't hate him or anything, but I found him a little uninteresting and a little useless.

    11. Gau - I used to think he was totally useless, until I started watching someone's "Let's Play" video series of FFVI on YouTube, which showed me how useful Gau can really be with this Rage command. I still rank him low on my list, though, since he was pretty uninteresting as a character and didn't have much going on outside of Rages.

    12. Gogo - COULD be useful in some instances, like if you're up against a powerful boss or something and you want him to mimic one of your strong attacks or whatever, but that situation doesn't come up very often, so yeah.

    13. Relm - Only thing I really found her useful for is the ability to control the enemy in battle and use their attacks. Outside of that...yawn.

    14. Umaro - When I play, I only obtain this character for the sake of completion. I never use him, though, except for when you have to split up into multiple parties. The fact you can't control him at all just really turned me off on this character.


    That's how I would rank the characters. By the way, the temporary ghost character in the Phantom Train was cool. Not really useful, but still cool just to have a ghost in your party.
    Last edited by Cereal~Killer; 05-26-2011 at 07:06 PM.

  15. #15
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! 6's Best Character? nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Terra, Locke and Celes were always my favourite characters in this game. Terra was powerful both physically and magically. Locke could steal and had the best possible weapon and armour combinations. Celes was a great all-round character, and I really felt for her backstory.
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

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  16. #16

    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Terra: just cause you start with her and she is the best magician of that game.

    shadow: good dmg, good tank and unic abilities (interceptor)

    Celes: I like her because I can use her as a magician or a dual weilding sword master (even if she can,t go in the back row that way)

    Edgar and MoG: I couldn't decide wich one I like the most. Edgar is powerfull from day 1 to the end of the game and MoG is one of the best tank in the game, he his overpowered in WoB and still quite good in WoR as a phisical damage dealer.

    Sabin: Basicaly when I don't want to use either celes or terra as a mage he got the her spot. Not that best mage but since you can,t raise him as a physical damage dealer its bether then nothing I guess.

    And the character I hate the most is, Locke. To me he just looked gay since the first day I played the game and he is bad. Realy he suck. And don,t talk about his 9999 dmg move by lvl 99 because the game is just trivia at that point.

  17. #17

    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    Edgar - My favorite in terms of abilities, character and story. He's a womanizer, but he doesn't come off as a creep. He's also a great King to his people, and isn't afraid to get his own hands dirty. His tools are fantastic, easy to use and it doesn't matter where you set Edgar, they'll do the same amount of damage regardless. You can keep using them too, since there's no limitations (such as MP cost). A very "user-friendly" type of character, and my pick for overall best character.

    Celes - I should knock her down a bit because I don't have much use for her "Runic" ability, but she shines so much in the WoR, that I just can't. I hated having Cid die, but her scene afterward was just so powerful. She was pretty great in WoB too, defecting from the empire because she didn't like Gestahl's greed and Kefka's insanity. Her interactions with Locke were enjoyable too.

    Locke - He's cool, and I like the whole thief treasure hunter with a good heart thing he has going on (especially concerning the ladies ) Though tbh, it's kind of creepy having the body of his former love embalmed in some dude's basement...but eh. He's great to have in battle. Fairly well-rounded and it's always cool to steal valuable items (and clothes ) from your enemies.

    Relm - She's adorable and has a lot of sass. Her theme music is awesome too, and probably my favorite character theme in the game. Like stated earlier, she has crazy high magic stats, so I like her for one of my mage characters.

    Setzer - I enjoy his laid-back attitude. He lives the high-flying life in the sky with his sweet airship casino without a care in the world, but he did see some tragic moments too which gave him more depth. As for his abilities, the slots were great fun to use, because it was like a minigame in battle.

    Terra - I feel bad for ranking her as low as I did, but tbh I kind of forgot about her in the WoR. ^^; She's decent in battle, since she's like Celes but with more of an emphasis on magic damage.

    Cyan - Poor guy went through a lot, but I had to knock him down in the ranking because of his bushido skills were just too slow... I did like his character though. He lost his family and kingdom, and yet still keeps an aura of nobility about him. I liked the whole Dreamscape sequence too.

    Sabin - I feel bad for ranking him low-ish, when his bro got ranked high, but he just came off as kind of a meat head to me. He was funny sometimes though, and when he was with Cyan and Gau he had a decent story, but then he just kind of fizzled out. His abilities were good, but I can't pull off many of the blitzes very well, so for me, that knocks him down a few pegs.

    Shadow - He does a good job of being a mysterious bad-ass, and I liked the subtlety of his familial relationship to Relm. He's decent in battle too, though not exactly top-tiered. I never used his Throw ability.

    Strago - I've never really used Blue Mages in my party, as I don't like going around and learning all the spells. His story is fairly minimal too, but it was sad to see how he was in the Cult of Kefka because he thought that Relm has died.

    Mog - He's a mascot character who is pretty cute since he's a moogle, but I haven't really used him much. He gets points for being a playable Moogle. :3

    Gau - Why does he join the party? He really doen't have any stake in any of the matters going on in the story, so he doesn't get to be high on the list. He gets a point for the scene with his dad though.

    Gogo and Umaro - Haven't had much of a chance to use these characters, so I don't have much of an opinion.
    Cid doesn't die if you do the fish quest right.

  18. #18
    Registered User 6's Best Character?
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    If you trained Gogo Properly, he can be the strongest character of all. With him being able to use blitzes. rages, swordtechs, etc. Its the whole package into 1 character. Use your espers to train his stats up.


    Cid can live if you do it right correct, but I think the story is better if he dies.

  19. #19

    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Quote Originally Posted by FFGamer86 View Post
    If you trained Gogo Properly, he can be the strongest character of all. With him being able to use blitzes. rages, swordtechs, etc. Its the whole package into 1 character. Use your espers to train his stats up.


    Cid can live if you do it right correct, but I think the story is better if he dies.
    How sad....

  20. #20
    Scourge of Esthar 6's Best Character? CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    I'm gonna say Kefca. Yeah, he was the villian and Joker level crazy, but he made for a good villian. Besides, I couldn't help but feel kinda bad for him at the end. It's kinda sad to the that the only thing he could find any meaning in was destruction.
    You'll have your reward for finding me, and don't think of running off without collecting. My shot is faster, or my names not Balthier.

  21. #21

    Re: 6's Best Character?

    No.1 For me would be Locke Cole, because he is incredibly useful in the beginning when you don't want to waste GP on items. I always fight and use him to steal anything he can get his hands on.
    Also, I love his character to death! I've loved him since I was a little girl of four, and always will. I always wondered about his past pre-Rachel, and have been reading as many fics about him as I can to expand his character in my mind.
    No.2 is Terra~ Everything in the game goes back to her in some way. She is my favorite female character from any game, and I looked up to her growing up. She is so sweet and sad, and the wanting to know what love is broke my heart. I love how she is the most human character, and her back story is stellar.
    No.3 Edgar, because he is hilarious, and foppish. Yus.

  22. #22

    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Terra: Very good magic and good physical stats. Best all around character.
    Celes: Good magic caster, good fighter.
    Strago: Good magic caster, cool lore spells.
    Shadow: He's just awesome and a well rounded character with good skills.
    Mog: Decent fighter, cool looking, good for exploring areas when you don't want to fight.
    Gogo: His mimic ability is pure ownage.

  23. #23
    Carpe Deim 6's Best Character? stanman666's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    can i say kefka or ultros those two were hilarious i mean kefka was batshit insane but the corny lines of ultros still make me chuckle but besides that shadow if only for his theme and the mystery behind him
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  24. #24
    I will save the world 6's Best Character? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    I like most of the characters from 6....I honestly can't decide but because people are doing a list. I'm going to do a top 3.

    3. Sabin: Character was...honestly I think is one of the most powerful in final fantasy, the best monk in the game without question. But I also love his back story how we was able to get his freedom by a coin toss yet he still remains loyal to his brother. That and his attacks are just awesome.

    2. Sezter He flys the only airship in the game, he uses cards, he looks awesome. He gambles and once again awesome back story, I just always liked Sezter even though he may not be one of the most powerful characters in the game. I just love the guy.

    1. Terra From being forced to attack a town without knowing what is happening to finding out who she really is and found her true power and became the most powerful character in the game. It's a really awesome's kind of sad actually the whole story. But it's an amazing tale

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  25. #25
    Registered User 6's Best Character? NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Honestly, my top 3 are Terra, Locke, and Cyan. They each had different skills that made them useful to me. Cyan just had a lot of cool and useful attacks as long as you could time them right.

  26. #26
    Bananarama 6's Best Character? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: 6's Best Character?

    Can I say that the story is the best character, since it draws on so much of each of the characters, where they all have their moment to shine, without really overpowering or overshadowing anyone else?

    If not, I suppose I'll list my ever-rotating, but current three.

    Locke- Something about him is just totally awesome and yet kind of sad at the same time, and I guess you can say that about all of the characters in the game. He has his own shit to take care of, and is still very much motivated by his own goals and... treasure hunting, and yet he can still see the bigger picture and fight for a more "real" cause.

    General Leo- so much confliction! To serve under a madman or to do the right thing, all while still struggling to maintain his loyalty to his homeland and empire.

    Celes- I love her thought progression throughout the game, and her realizations. She's just so well fleshed out in her storyline and her thoughts that it's a really awesome deviation from your standard "tough knight chick" role.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

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