View Poll Results: Which FFI Job is your favourite?

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  • Warrior/Knight

    2 11.11%
  • Thief/Ninja

    0 0%
  • Monk/Master

    3 16.67%
  • White Mage/White Wizard

    3 16.67%
  • Black Mage/Black Wizard

    6 33.33%
  • Red Mage/Red Wizard

    4 22.22%
Results 1 to 20 of 20

Thread: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

  1. #1

    Post What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    So guys and gals, out of the six job types available in the game, which one was your personal favourite? (both in terms of appearance and ability in battle)

    My vote would probably go to the Black Mage. Aside from looking pretty suave, the Black Mage/Black Wizard has some pretty devestating spells in combat and can do some decent damage physically as well (provided you have a powerful melee weapon equipped). Although somewhat disadvantaged at the beginning, Black Mages/Wizards come into their own during the late game. Plus they can cast Flare. xD
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  2. #2
    I will save the world What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    I also have to go with the black mage, he's just really cool and Black Magic > Physical attacks

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  3. #3

    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    As I posted in another thread:

    My favorite job in Final Fantasy I is the good old Knight job class. Powerful offensively and defensively and a pretty cool look I might add.

    Yeah, the knight is a tank. A knight is always a must in my party.
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  4. #4
    The Lost Writer What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI? Psiko's Avatar
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    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    Favorite job is, of course, the jack-of-all-trades Red Mage. His versatility makes for an ideal party member early on in the game because he can attack for good damage, take hits without dying fast, and cast both sets of magic. His limitations really come into play late in the game, when he can only learn a few of the more powerful spells, but he still is a decent contributor in terms of physical attacks.

    The best job is the Black Belt/Master combo for reasons I've gone into many, many times on this forum. I think it might be about time for an entire discourse on the reason that this job is, by far, the best in the game. Not only is the Black Belt a badass powerhouse, but he is also considerate of others. It takes minimal funding to make this melee man kick ass, leaving more for the GP hogs (every other class).
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  5. #5

    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Psiko View Post
    I think it might be about time for an entire discourse on the reason that this job is, by far, the best in the game.
    Haha, although i acknowledge that the Black Belt/Master class can potentially be the best class in the game, this thread is purely just asking people's opinions on who they like. You don't have to justify why, just who
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  6. #6
    TFF's Resident Messenger What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    My favorite Class in Final Fantasy I is the White Mage. This is because it is generally an underrated class. I have always had one in the party, sometimes two in the party. Every one is expendable in my opinion. For me, there has to be a White Mage.

    The ability to heal, protect others, and prevent elemental attack are pivotal in a big battle. On top of that, the Dia series of magic AND Holy magic!
    Last edited by Michael Swayne; 10-15-2011 at 10:01 AM.
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  7. #7
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    Thief and or Red Mage. They are just to fun. My thief's are always great party members.

    Also Black Belt is best. Haste? One Shot Chaos.
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  8. #8
    Just kind of there. What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI? Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    My favorite class used to be Red mage, Untill I got to the end of the game and realized that they can't learn level 8 spells.

    My favorite changed to Black mage shortly there after,
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  9. #9
    The White Wizard of Fynn What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI? Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    I would go for the monk simply because he can dish out more damage than the knight later on in the game, and like Psiko pointed out doesn't cost a lot to upgrade. I've never used the thief or red mage either of the times I played, but will be sure to pick the red mage if I play this again simply because the black mage's Flare didn't seem to do a hell of a lot of damage to Chaos; neither did Holy for that matter. However, I don't know if a red mage can learn Haste.

  10. #10

    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    Black Mage FTW! I have 2 of them in my party and they own the game.

  11. #11
    I will save the world What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    I remember when I first started the game, I played it on the GB, I had Knight, Black Mage, White Mage and Monk, my black mage became my favorite person in the whole freaking game...I just love black magic. Monks are powerful and swords are great too, but can they use flare? I think not. mwhahahaha

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  12. #12

    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    Exactly! And neither can they attack multiple enemies at once.

  13. #13
    The White Wizard of Fynn What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI? Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    I started a new game of FF1 this week. My party this time is a knight, monk, white mage and red mage. By the time I had beaten Bikke in Pravoka, I was already finding the red mage infinitely more useful than the black mage for being a decent physical attacker as well as being a secondary healer. I have seen it mentioned somewhere that a red mage's usefulness burns out towards the end of the game, because they cannot learn the most powerful spells (does this include Cure 4, Heal 3 and Life 2?). I'm assuming they cannot equip the most powerful swords as well - except for Masamune, which is more effectively used by a knight anyway. Although like I mentioned before, Flare didn't do much damage to Chaos (about 250), and a red mage can use Haste, so I don't think not having a black mage would make much difference in the final battle.

  14. #14
    Passing fair judgement What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    I like the monk/master, I'm a raw power kinda guy and they fit the parameters of my style. A close second is the Black Mage/Black Wizard though.
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  15. #15
    All is One.One is All. What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Swayne View Post
    My favorite Class in Final Fantasy I is the White Mage. This is because it is generally an underrated class. I have always had one in the party, sometimes two in the party. Every one is expendable in my opinion. For me, there has to be a White Mage.

    The ability to heal, protect others, and prevent elemental attack are pivotal in a big battle. On top of that, the Dia series of magic AND Holy magic!
    I agree with this! The white mage is also my favorite( appearance and abilities).
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  16. #16
    The White Wizard of Fynn What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI? Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    I've finished the game again, although it looks like I was wrong about a red mage and Masamune. It was doing about the same amount of damage to Chaos as the knight was with Excalibur - an average of 400 when under Haste. Because of this, and because I found the red mage a lot more useful throughout the whole game, I would never recommend picking a black mage again.

  17. #17

    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    Black mage rocks, red mage use Flare? no xD But he don't use white magic

  18. #18
    Registered User What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI? Angel Black's Avatar
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    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    Monk is the best, armor and attack damage level up, free slots to store stuff, they need some more potions than other classes, and they are a little weak at the beggining, but later on they become living tanks.
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  19. #19
    Jack of all trades What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI? Red Mage's Avatar
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    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    Red Mages. They use the best of both worlds while having solid stats.

    Hi there were Red Mages. We can hurt you with our Black Magic and heal you with our white Magic just so we can kick your asses some more. If we run out of MP or is just bored we can shank you with our sword. No need to waste your slots on a Black or White Mage since we can do both and more. So what if our stats aren't good or we can't use the best Magic of either classes, we can still hold our own far better than those two. Did we forget we also have a pimp hat and a badass feather on it. Our outfit's color is the same as your blood that is about to be spilled the second you fight us.Muhahahhaha Blue Mages,Dragoons,Monks, all of the classes don't got shit on us. Were just that good.

  20. #20

    Re: What Is Your Favourite Job Type in FFI?

    white mage. i always make it a must to have one in my party

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