wow.. okaay...aside from the benefits of unlocking items when you send messages..
i want to make friends too.Ü
so please do give me a message here (tff) or..(if enabled) send me a message thru my moogle!x3
heres my FC: 4038 7132 9936
So...doesn't it seem like kind of a crappy way to build a game that you can only unlock certain job classes, items, weapons, and locations by accessing an incredibly complicated and glitchy WiFi network? That having been said, did the whole WiFi network, which rarely has support anywhere, have to be made even MORE complicated with this whole Friend Code nonsense? I guess in Japan, this isn't so hard to come by, seeing as how the entire island nation of Japan is only 145,883 square (lol) miles large? With that many avid RPG gamers on one small island nation, of COURSE it's going to be easy to unlock these features. However, in a country the size of the United States, not to mention the fact that it was incompatible with both PAL and Japanese releases, using the WiFi network to trade friend codes and unlock said features is a MUCH more difficult task.
Frankly, the only way to get a friend code in someplace like the United States is to do one of three things: 1: Run into someone where you're purchasing the game at the EXACT SAME TIME as another person, put them in a headlock, and force them to insert into their DS and get their friend code right then and there; 2: Go online and go to either TFF Forums or GameFAQs Forums and post your friend code on a message board for all to see, and just HOPE that someone decides to add you and you can add them and try to battle the WiFi system to send each other monosyllabic messages (as the letter writing system was a little user unfriendly) and hope that it all works out to your advantage; 3: Do what I did...find a friend with a Nintendo DS, find a GameStop with a used copy of FF III DS for $17.99, borrow your friend's DS, go to said GameStop and purchase the used copy, put it in your friend's DS, and sit there sending yourself letters back and forth over the Nearby Friends Peer to Peer WiFi. The two DS's were literally no more than five inches from each other the entire time I did this. It took me about an hour with turning them both on and off, going to the Mognets, sending the letters, reading them, replying, going outside the towns, saving the games, turning them off, turning them back on, adjusting the times ahead by one hour (I used days), saving the changes, turning them off, turning them back on, starting the games, loading the files, and starting the process all over again. It had to be done seven times on each DS, for a total fourteen individual efforts. But the rewards for all this headache were...well...of dubious worth, at best. I STILL can't seem to get Cid to let me get to the Orichalcum, yet. In fact, I'm just so excited about FF IV coming out for the DS, that I start replaying FF IV Advance just to get myself ready for it. Fun, huh?
Now, if only they could make a functional DS emulator so that I could play the ROM that I downloaded from Japan without my computer having a seizure. I mean, I KNOW it's a complicated system, but SERIOUSLY. That's just annoying.
At any rate, I guess the whole point of this rant is that Friend Codes are the work of the Devil, and anyone who says that they're wonderful must be imbibing some tainted milk from that dodgy bar in Zozo.
Can't Square-Enix get it through their heads that not everyone lives on a small island nation? Can't Square-Enix understand that hidden game content should be available to all who are willing to work their butts off to get to it, not just to those who can communicate easily with others? Not to mention that the WiFi USB port that was out in November for the DS was off the market a month later for patent infringement. A whole MONTH it was out. And then, it was recalled. I should've gotten one, then. Would've made my life easier.
If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style...
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a>
hi i wonder if anyone can help me.
i've reached cyrstal tower and there's a gate to the Fobidden Land Eureka, however, i can't get in... what seems to be the problem here?
I have the Nintendo DS FF3
Hey, I'm looking for friend codes to unlock the master blacksmith and other stuff, lol.
Anyway, my friend code is
Let me know if you add mine so that I can add yours.![]()
Last edited by moofy; 06-13-2008 at 07:50 PM.
Most likely the friend code is not within your continental region. This is one of the problems with the Mognet system. It won't read friend codes across regional lines, so PAL and JAP codes won't be recognised on US DS systems, and vice versa.
Hope that helps.
If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style...
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a>
Hi, I just started the game and need someone to exchange letters with. My FC is 008736192210. I'll be on the game consistently for the next week or so, so if anyone can help, that would be great. Just let me know if you add me!
FC: 262141588835
PM me if you ad me with your FC if you ad me guys xD
Last edited by Gar16; 07-02-2008 at 04:36 PM.
My code is in my sig. I've got the job but am still checking mognet periodically. I also have master cards for those who are interested. 343743873605 is my code
Last edited by weberr13; 07-02-2008 at 02:42 PM. Reason: I'll post my code here as well..
My FC is
I would like to start a simple sort of "PenPal" thing with sum people if you will. please PM me if you are interested in this kind of thing! Until than I will add as many people on here as I can XD
I would LOVE to receive some mail from you guys. If anyone would like to be my " E-Buddy " so to speak. Please reach me at : 0173 3220 4760 =P I'll be waiting!
hey guys, same here, i would love to get in on the mognet circle of friends. go ahead and write me too! my friend code is
I added some of u if anyone else would like to add me my friend code is 4167 6539 5137
can anyone help?
anyone else need to get him too?
add me
pm me with yours and we'll start with the messaging!!
I also need to get him.
Ilopez, I have added you. If someone needs adding, please send e-mail to rafaeladson at and add me. My friend code is 150475090216.
If anyone can help/anyone else needs it, send me a pm or post here.
FC: 0087 4525 6816
Hey everyone, I finally got my DS online, though I had to fight with the WEP vs WPA settings. Anyway, I REALLY need help sending the 7 friend letters, so I can unlock the side quest. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! My Friend Code: 0688 9417 7115 Thanks again!
Last edited by Anakin007; 12-26-2008 at 07:19 PM.
Hi all, I also need some buddies to exchange mognet messages.
My code is: 4597 3990 0326.
I've added everyone's code from the last 6 months, and I'll check back here for more. Thanks!
Last edited by Moebius; 01-06-2009 at 05:46 AM.
hey everyone jus got the game not to long ago the us one and i need friends my f code is 3394 8746 8274 just private messege me on the forum if u add me and let me know your f code thanks
Same story as everyone else. Want to exchange mail with mognet.
friend code: 2449-9326-3550
add me to your friend list so i can send you mail please.
p.s. and plz send me a pm when you do so i can message you back.
Last edited by iLinki; 02-20-2009 at 11:23 AM.
Here's mine is: 3051-3002-9760
I might actually use this to talk, but I wanna get Onion Knight.![]()
FC: 502698529815
Private msg me and I will add you, I check the forums everyday
Is there any one out there that can help me please i need a wifi buddy for the unlockables my code is and email 3094190164289 my email just incase is [email protected]
Here you go 025963207048. None mastered
looking to obtain onion knight my FC is 226-483-565-267
my FC is 034452403558 email me at [email protected]
I need ONIONS! FC:2578-9463-9047 email me your code
Spoiler: [email protected]