That sucks, L.D.
I have talked to a few people about the mognet letters and they don't seem able to recive letters. If anyone reads this and has the time to trade that would be great. I am probably going to by another copy (used) so I can complete the game. Darn, I whish I wasn't such a completest.
hi i need a friendcode for the japanese version
does anyone have the japanese version of ff III and like to help me out
my friendcode: 245010135879
I'll add you soon... maybe... Idk.
Call me Silver.
Hello I just purchased FF3 naive to the fact that in order to unlock the side quests and onion knight job i need to utilize mognet. Luckily i found this amazing forum to make new friends in the FF universe. I would greatly appreciate if anyone would like to add me as a friend.
My friend code is 1247 7654 7497. You can email me your friend code at [email protected] or IM me at ncole2287. Thanks and I'm glad to meet other die hard FF fans like myself.
Hey, I really want the Onion Knight job, I got all my characters on FF4 DS to 99so I reckomn I can do the the same on this game, only if I have the onion knight job it'll be even more rewarding.
Reply or send me a messenge if you wanna give me your code, mine's 36959224145.
I've tried adding some codes before but I keep getting an error, is this because of my region? O'm in the UK using the European version.
Last edited by Super_Ragnarok; 09-11-2009 at 05:04 PM.
my friend code is 1934 9896 1842, please add me and ill add you!![]()
mine id 240640789894 i already have onion knight so i wont reply to sent messages unless i realy want to
i tried entering your friend code and it keeps telling me there is an error with it.
I have already beat the game, but i never got the onion knight, so i want to beat it again with the onion knight by himself!
plz hlp!
hey mine is 1806 1530 7031. email me if you add this at [email protected] with your friend code so i can add you
I think everyone should know that friend codes seem to be region restricted (by game card), mine's UK. Bad I know.
My friend code is 2278-6420-3426. Please add me -- I've already added many of the above, but if I've missed someone please let me know.
mine is 23743754363
make online money
Sandee, are you sure you aren't missing a digit? That code looks like 11 digits, but I think it should be 12. Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you want.
hey guys can you add me, wanting the onion knight job >:3 my code is... well gotta get outta this tower...i think im to low of a lvl here, only lvl 14 and im in that tower wher you gotta take dasche or whatever his name is X3...ffs 4got echo herbs, white mage silenced >.> and red mage now dead, this game hates me, sea monster...die by thundara >:3 okay! is...dam gotta set it up :s quick save,wifi settings...bugger...all that trouble and i dont have a access point, stupid worked for my wii *sighs* well...ill get it next time im at macca's XD
I actually have more than one friend code because i have two different files. . .
My first file all my characters are lvl 69 and i'm going to get the good weapons off Odin, Bahumat, and Leviathan using the level 99 thief. Also i'm getting 9999 hp for all my guys using full party of blackbelts.The friend code for my this game is as follows. . .
Spoiler: 1 3 3 3 7 3 7 6 3 8 1 8
I'll have the other one later
When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of
Power, the world will know peace.
~Jimmy Hendrix~
Thanks to Kilala for my Avataar and Signature
I to need an active friend code for the side quests. mine is
313803707156 email me at [email protected] and let me know when your on.
here is my code: 429778319745
Hey, here's my FC: 373986640643. PM me if you have added me
My Friend Code:
Please add me. =)
My Friend Code is: 090 526 183 520
I would like a PM if you add me.
Here's mine. 373998403066
I would also like a pm if you use mine.
Looking for someone to trade letters with.
FC 532 911 073 402
Thank you.
My friend code
Last edited by Final Hearts 69; 04-24-2011 at 10:58 AM.
"All I did was watch, I didn't even try to stop her...that was my sin and this...this is my punishment." -Vincent Valentine, FF7: Dirge of Cerberus-
Im a bit late but heres my friend code also: - 1463 7334 0033. please let me know if you have added me and i will add you also.
I'm even later, but here's my Friend Code: 124 902 549 137.
I'd appreciate a PM so I'll know to add you back.
I just got this game and I really hope people are still playing!
MY FC is 0733-6384-0459 please add me!