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Thread: Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)

  1. #61
    Registered User Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!) Ashelia's Avatar
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    Re: Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)

    I do notice that for many people, the first Final Fantasy they ever played seems to be the one they rate highest. I'm no exception...

    Anyway I know which games I like, so I've put them in a list. Was kinda hard to put them in order, some are really close to each other. Not to mention some are really different genres, making it hard to compare them. Anyway, here we go:

    10. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
    This is a LucasArts adventure rpg, made in the early '90s. Unlike earlier Indiana Jones games that were made, this one featured a completely new story instead of being based on one of the movies. And a good story, I might add. It also offered 3 different paths to play the game: Fight path (solo, many confrontations), Wits path (solo, many puzzles), and Team path (average confrontations and puzzles, but team work with a party member required). Also there was more than 1 ending possible, so you had to make the right choices. For those days, it was also a pretty big game.
    Later the game was re-released on cdrom with added voice overs.

    9. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    I've never played every Zelda game around, but of the ones I played this one was by far the best. Loved the story, the characters, the gameplay, the dungeons, the humor, everything.

    8. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
    Totally different game in the list, but I liked it a lot. Especially on the days I was tired, didn't feel like thinking and puzzling a lot, and just wanted a simple game for a moment. And in GTA you never "have to" do anything, you can always choose to drive around and go on some random rampage instead.
    In the whole GTA series, SA has my no 1 vote. They finally added swimming (instead of instant drowning when hitting water), many possibilities of flying, and even parachute jumping. And I liked the storyline more than the other ones.

    7. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
    Bioware has made some great rpg games in the 2000s, and this was one of them. The story was in my opinion great, as was the gameplay, the graphics, the worlds, the possibilities, and about everything else.
    So what made it all so great? The story was again new, and takes place a long time before the movies. You find answers to questions you might or might not have asked yourself when watching the movies. You find background information about many things that you may have taken for granted in the movies. The story offers a sudden change, similar to the "I am your father" from the movies, but still it surprised me. And of course you have complete freedom to go become either a dark side Sith conquering the universe, or a light side Jedi saving it.

    6. Final Fantasy X
    When it comes to Final Fantasy games, this one takes the second place. Mainly because of the story. Also loved the new and improved PS2 graphics, and voice overs a lot. And in the battle system, being able to switch party members during the fight was great.

    5. Mafia
    This was a really great, but very hard rpg. Gameplay is similar to the GTA series, but don't play it for the cars. The game takes place in the '30s, so don't expect some serious speed devils.
    Mafia had an awesome storyline. The story begins when a Mafia member meets a police detective in a bar and asks for protection, in return of giving names and all the info about the most notorious Mafia gang in town. He then starts telling his story, how he got from being a poor cab driver to a very successful part of this Mafia family, and how eventually things went wrong and they want his head. And that's basically what you're gonna play.
    Missions are hard, because they are very realistic. Unlike many games, you can't laugh while taking a dozen of bullets and still walk away. Also police behaviour is very realistic. There's 3 types of wanted level, from a traffic violation (you get away if you stop and pay the fine), to arrest level (you get away, but any missions you were on fail), to armed and dangerous level (they will shoot to kill). You sure gotta watch your back, because even speeding, running through red light, or showing your weapon on the street, gets you wanted already.
    I loved this game and it's very unfortunate that it can't be played anymore. One essential codec, required for the ingame movies, that was free in the days of release, became a paid codec some years later, and is nowadays nearly impossible to find at all...

    4. SpellForce
    I love rpg games. I love rts games too. And I love SpellForce, because they succeeded in making a very nice formula of putting rpg and rts into 1 game.
    You have 1 main character that you play, and depending on where you are and what's your mission on the map, you play it either rpg or rts style. No, you're not stuck with it, you can switch any time from a top view, controlling your troops (and main char), to a zoomed in view of your character and talking to people around. Where troops can be build, and can't be changed (but you need to gather resources first, similar to the old Warcraft rts games) your main character gets a lot stronger by gaining levels, learning skills (magic or combat), equipping items that you find, etc... But of course, your main character needs protection as well. If things go wrong with your assault, you won't fail as long as your main character is still alive.
    I loved it!

    3. Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
    This one is old, very old. It's an rpg by Sega, very similar to old Final Fantasy games.
    For the time this game released ('93), I was very surprised about the content, and the time it takes to complete this game. Also the story was pretty good. Battles are turn based, even when in certain vehicles. Just like FF, you learned both physical and magical attacks, and support skills. But 1 thing was really awesome: combining skills of multiple characters. Imagine when char 1 has a weak aoe wind spell, and char 2 has a strong single target fire spell, and when succeeding in making them cast simultaneously (by setting the slower caster just before the faster caster) the spells combined into a devastating aoe Inferno!
    The music was pretty good too.
    Graphics were of course not the best on a 16-bit console. There were no great cutscene movies, but the story was told and important conversations were made through a sort of cartoon style, dropping images over each other.

    2. Final Fantasy VIII
    This was the first FF I played, and for me it was the best experience of all FF's I played. I know many classic FF players didn't like the newer graphics, and the more futuristic aspects, but I surely loved them. And I loved the awesome cutscene movies. I'll always remember the first SeeD mission with the awesome train scene. And best of all, the confrontation of the 2 gardens, which almost felt like playing an interactive movie.
    I loved the story, the skills, the limit breaks, the unique weapons, the junctioning system (although having to draw magic from monsters could get annoying in the end), and most of all the characters. I recognized a lot of myself in Squall's personality, like his denying to be a leader when people look up to him, and most of all his constant thinking, not knowing how to express himself to the others of the team.

    1. Neverwinter Nights (original campaign, and "Hordes of the Underdark" expansion)
    I played this Bioware rpg from 2002 more than any other game, and still I haven't seen it all. Like many newer games, the main character is created, named, and fully customized by the player. Also you get to choose race and class. And unlike many other games, NWN features A LOT of classes, and even more in the expansions, and every single one is unique. And you're not stuck with 1 class. You pick 1 main class, and still has the freedom to add 2 subclasses to it as you level up.
    The story is long. If you're not patient, you might get bored before reaching the end, but there's many side quests to keep you going, as well as progressing your character for the final confrontation.
    The worlds (especially the forests) just looked beautiful. And the soundtrack (composed by Jeremy Soule) was awesome.

  2. #62
    Registered User Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!) Maskie's Avatar
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    Re: Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)

    10. Bomerman Hero (N64)
    My favorite console Bomberman. You are a one man army, chucking bombs all over the place. The boss battles were pretty challenging and I liked the vehicle parts. Music was pretty funky too.

    9. Fossil Fighters (DS)
    An amazing Pokemon clone. You get dinosaurs insted of rats and birds. Nothing quite like fielding a T. Rex, Spinosaurs and Gigantosaurus. The battle system is pretty fun too. There is also a ton of bonus stuff after the endgame.

    8. Street Fighter Alpha 3 (PSX)
    One of the last good Street Fighters. I love the abundance of characters and the different -ISMs. Sodom will always be my favorite. Nothing says awesome like a armed weaboo cage fighter who drives a flamboyant truck and butchers the Japanese language.

    7. Advanced Wars: Dual Strike (DS)
    I love this game. Its tough as can be but rewarding too. There is a variety of units and CO which makes no two battles the exact same. Javier and Jake were two of my new favorites.

    6. Armored Core 3 (PS2)
    So much customization. I have never had this much fun playing dress up with a robot. I also loved the characterization for the aces. I really would have loved an anime based off of this.

    5. Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX)
    One of my favorite Final Fantasies. It was good enough to be part of the main series. I spent some much time with my characters. I hated to use special characters though. Felt like cheating.

    4. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
    Everything thing 2 seemed to stumble on this one got right. The story was straight foward and the characters made sense. The Cobra Unit had some of my favorite boss fights. I also liked the older setting and equipment. Finally getting a shotgun was so fun. I wish I knew about the no killing thing. I killed every last gaurd I saw (COMMIES).

    3. Starfox 64 (N64)
    The reason I still keep my old 64 around. Before Nintendo meddled with the series this was the shit. Iremeber every stage and every boss. This was so awesome.

    2. Killer 7 (GC)
    It's a shame this didn't sell that well. The story was compelling and the gameplay was pretty fun. Mask De Smith was my favorite character and the reason for my name. The man suplexes an 8X8 wooden beam in a suit while still holding his grenade launchers. The other characters were pretty fun too I just wish they got some time in the lime light.

    1. Mega Man 2 (NES)
    This game. This game is the best thing ever to me. Always will be. I still love to pop in the cart and play. It reminds me of a simpler time.

    Von Karma is not pleased.

  3. #63
    Registered User Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!) Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)

    1. Final Fantasy VII
    2. Final Fantasy IX
    3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    4. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
    5. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex strikes back
    6. Final Fantasy IV
    7. Super Smash Melee
    8. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
    9. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
    10. Kingdom Hearts

    My list would be something like this

  4. #64
    Registered User Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)
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    Re: Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)

    10. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Brilliant RPG gaming, amazing graphics, fun missions, etc. However, I find the battle system difficult and I struggle with certain aspects of it. I keep trying to play it but always find myself getting stuck, which is a shame because I'd love to enjoy the entirity of the game and its environments.

    9.Professor Layton and the Curious Village - This is probably the only time in the list I'll include a game on its own when it's actually part of a series. Unless you count Final Fantasy, but a lot of them work as a stand-alone game (in my opinion, anyway). The puzzles in this game were so fun; I love games that make me think. The setting was fun, too. The sequel was kind of a disappointment; the puzzles weren't as good as the Curious Village.

    8. Kingdom Hearts II - Ok, so I lied. xD KHII might be a sequel, but I've never been able to get into its predecessor-sorry for any big fans of the series. However, I really enjoyed this game; the battle system was simple but effective and the storyline was great. I actually quite liked the combination of FF and Disney; it was fun to see which characters I recognised and which I didn't, where I knew them from, etc.

    7. The World Ends With You - Unusual story, great music, interesting setting (I'm so interested in Japanese fashion, so seeing a lolita store in a video game made me happy!), and I really enjoyed the pins in the battle system, made for really interesting gameplay.

    6. Jade Cocoon - If you've heard of this, yay! Just a really fun little PS1 game. When I was 8 it was a real challenge, though I played through it recently with such little trouble (aside from spending a day lost in the Spider forest...). Brilliant music (the moth forest in particular) and an unusual but poignant story, as well as great graphics for a PS1 game.

    5. Fire Emblem 7 + 8 - Playing this after Final Fantasy Tactics advance was a challenge. The whole permanent character death thing was scary; the first time I attempted FE7 I was blissfully unaware of the pitfalls- I relied too heavily on Marcus. *cringes* But I love the whole conditional-turn-based tactics thing; really fun, I love the tactical element and thinking things through. I think I preferred 7 to 8 because it was more of a challenge, I suppose.

    4. Jade Empire - I know it's not very well known, and that Bioware sadly didn't develop it beyond the original Xbox game and a "Special Edition" PC release, but I love this game so much. I love the whole environment, the music, the characters, even the cheesy storyline to a certain extent. It isn't exactly the most difficult game in the world, but sometimes I need that, being rubbish at video games as I am.

    3. Soul Calibur series - A lot of this is sentiment. I've been playing the games since I was 7 and found a "Soul Edge" arcade machine. I never had enough money to complete it, as I was rubbish and would always lose in the first few fights. Fun nonetheless, and when I got Soul Blade for the PS1 for my 8th birthday I loved it. Played through as Seung Mina a billion times and unlocked every unlockable character. I even read through everyone's stories and developed a firm understanding of the plot (which, thanks to the sequels, now confuses me oh-so-very-much) II and III were rather brilliant too, however IV was a let down.

    2. Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age - I'm sure I'll be forgiven for lumping these two together, both absolutely brilliant games. I guess what I love about them so much is that they brought me into the world of RPG gaming; of games with as much story as gameplay. The graphics for a GBA game were amazing, and I love the puzzles, particularly Crossbone Isle in the first game.

    1. Final Fantasy X - Golden Sun introduced me to this genre of gaming, FFX, to me, represents it at its best. Just absolutely brilliant; the graphics, the storyline, the music, the characters...just brilliant.

    Honourable mentions: Pokemon Gold and Silver, Hotel Dusk: Room 215, Another Code: Two Memories, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

  5. #65
    Registered User Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!) NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)

    10. Pokemon Silver/Gold

    My favorite in the series. It provides just the right amount of nostalgia with the right amount of difficulty. It's the only one I still play. But if I had a DS, I might not be so confident in that statement. Also, LOVE having Feraligator.

    9. Resident Evil 2

    This was literally my favorite game because my Uncle played it. Then, I played it, and was like... WOW, I am GOOD at video games bringing a whole new world to life for me. The characters are great. Leon is my favorite survival horror protagonist. Ada is awesome. William Birkin is by far the most creative bad guy in any game, just with the sheer level of difficulty he provides... and Mr. X scares the bejeezus out of me.

    8. Final Fantasy IX

    Nine is very special to me. The story is really good, and really exciting. The graphics were amazing to me as I played it right after FFVII, so I was like, WOW, they stepped up their game! Not all of the characters were my favorite though, I'm looking at you Quina. But the overall feel of the game was EPIC. I love fighting Kuja, in any form.

    7. Silent Hill 2

    If this story doesn't touch you, you're probably in a vegetative state right now. James is simply one of the most realistic characters going through psychological breakdown. The game is not cliched for having such a cliche theme to it. It is just the right shade of newness from the original. The battles were intense. Pyramid Head battles are safely some of the most fearsome battles to ever occur in a game. And the twist was better than an M. Night Shyamalan marathon.

    6. Silent Hill 3

    I liked this installment a little more than 2, but only because of the art that creeps its way into the game. The Alternate Silent Hill in this game is so bizarre, it just makes the skin crawl. Valtiel's constant spinning of the valves, the realization of who Heather really is, the bloody bucket. Anyone know what I mean by that? haha. It was just done really well. Story was good in this one too, even if not as great as the first two.

    5. Xenogears

    Talking about story, this game has it... and it has it in abundance. The Fei and Elly story is simply sweet, while the Fei/ID story is unnerving. The game is very confusing at some points but brings clarity to basically the full extent through to the end of the game. All of the characters were great, and the extras were simply icing on a delicious cake. Grown up Emerelda anyone? This was the first game I ever put down for being oo difficult (last dungeon), but I eventually finished it just so I could see how it all came out... and it was WORTH it.

    4. Final Fantasy VII

    Everyone knows abou this game. It's great, yadda yadda. haha. To me, there is an extra connection though... As my first RPG, it provided me access to an all new world where I could really discover myself. The plot was great. The characters were great, especially that end boss... whatever his name was, no one really remembers these days. And the Aeris scenes really changed me as a person... to understand the consequences of actions even through game characters. Also, it's humorous where it needs to be, and epic when it needs to be. A pefect blend of story and game.

    3. Kingdom Hearts 2

    Alhough this game had a few problems, I found it to be shire addiction. The story twists and turns got my heart pumping. The new worlds and return to the old ones were very clearly some of the most original world designs I have ever seen (EXCEPT YOU Atlantica!). The developers had a very CLEAR concept of what they wanted to do to expand on the original and they did it was fantastic results. It is, dare I say, the perfect sequel. It is one of the only two RPGS I did EVERYTHING in, and I mean everything... getting every item, weapon, extra, level, and beating Sephiroth too. I did it all, because I refused to not be able to.

    2. FFX

    Ah, my favorite story. EVER. PERIOD. The Tidus/Yuna story is so frickin epic that it sometimes brings me to tears (figuratively... I'm not weeping at work or anything). I love the twist in the game. The whole you know, Tidus thing. I found the characters to be sweet and exciting. The bosses were awesome, and for a Turn-Based RPG, this game had a lot of unique elements and battles that simply don't exist in other games. The game score is excellent. And I did indeed to EVERYTHING in this game as well. Including getting all the final weapons. I hate you Onion Knight! But I love you too! But, the story takes all on this one.

    1. Star Ocean - Second Story

    My truly favorite game. The first game my high school best friend and I bonded over. The story in it is pretty good. Not near Xenogears good, but it is satisfying to its full extent. What really brings me into this game is the battle system. It is so original and addictive. You WANT to get your characters to the next level to get all their Killer Moves, and to maximize their potential in every way. You want to beat the bosses, and beat the extra dungeons, and get every item no matter how seemingly impossible it is. You want to get different character endings by messing with Affection levels. I love ClaudeXRena endings, but my first ClaudeXOpera ending was just as satisfying. It is an addiction that I can hardly surpass. Every character is good. (Even you Noel Chandler)! But the game overall is amazing. If you haven't played it, I highly recommend it, as well as the remake of the first one for PSP. It's just as good. haha.

  6. #66

    Re: Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)

    Since there are still many great games out there that I haven't played yet, this list isn't really in any particular order, but I have given it a lot of thought. So here it is:

    10. The Halo Series: By far the best FPS games I have ever played. The story is amazing, the action is nonstop, and there's something about killing hordes of enemy aliens that makes you feel like a total badass.

    9. The Super Smash Bros. Series: I have been playing this series ever since I was a child. Fighting with a whole bunch of Nintendo characters that you know and love was amazing. I prefer Melee over Brawl, but Brawl is still a good one.

    8. Portal 1 and 2: While Portal was only a three hour game ( for most ) I absolutely love it. I still play the advanced chambers when I'm bored, and GLaDos has to be one of the best characters ever created.Portal 2 expands on the story created by the first one, bringing GLados back to life and having you do more experiments. These game are hilarious and always manages to keep you entertained.

    7. Assassin's Creed 2: There is nothing about this game that isn't amazing. The story, conspiracy, and creative ways you could kill guards is simply great. One of the best and most memorable games I've ever played.

    6. Metal Gear Solid 1: This is the first game i played on the PS1. Never before had I played a game where I had to sneak around, constantly avoiding enemy sight and having to be careful about leaving footprints in the snow. I loved the story and the crazy boss fights.

    5. Batman Arkham Asylum: I am a hardcore Batman fan and this game was everything I expected it to be and more. Beating down and countering enemies like it was nothing was beast. Solving the riddles and the mystery behind Arkham Asylum was fun and interesting as well. Definitely a must play even if you're not much of a Batman fan.

    4. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: Awesome storyline that continues after AC 2, this game has a lot of mystery and puzzles that you have to solve. While the multiplayer takes a while to get used to, it is still very entertaining. Also, the execution streaks were a great addition to the combat.

    3. Call of Duty Modern Warfare: One of the first FPS to get out of the whole overcrowded WW2 scene, MW brings excellent story, customizable weapons and great multiplayer. One of the best and most entertaining FPS out there.

    2. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Currently my favorite FPS game. The story is amazing since it involves the US getting invaded by Russian forces, and great multiplayer because of the many available killstreaks. The feeling you get when you Nuke everyone in the match is priceless.

    1. Marvel Vs Capcom 2: The best fighting game ever created. I spent countless time and money playing this game. for several years, I would go and play this game in the arcade everyday after school with friends. It's the most memorable game I've ever played.

  7. #67

    Re: Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)

    Here's my top ten list in some kind of mixed up order. I'm sure there are some games that I liked more than others, even if they're below another one, but this is what I have.
    10. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King- Basic hack and slash your way through a whole bunch of orcs. I have a lot of fond memories playing this game, and it's Lord of the Rings, so what more could you want.
    9. Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast- Another game that I have a lot of fond memories of playing over and over again. I liked how it's a generic first person shooter game at the start, and then you end up getting a lightsaber and lots of force powers by the end of the game. The story is good, the gameplay is great, and it's star wars.
    8. Age of Empires II- I've kind of gotten out of my RTS craze, but this game is still awesome. I like how it managed to fix all the problems with age of Empires I, and is a lot more simple than most RTS games out today. It's amazing that this is one of the few PC games that is still being played by lots of people after 10 years. I had a lot of fun going through the campains way back when, and I learned a lot of history, so it's the best of both worlds.
    7. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow- this game was excellent. The gameplay was great, the soundtrack was amazing, and I liked that you got to steal your enemies souls and to use them as sub-weapons; I also liked that you could combine your souls and weapons, and make your weapons even more awesome. Call me crazy, but I'd have to say that Soma Cruz is my favorite Castlevania character, mostly because he is Dracula and can steal souls. I like Alucard and the Belmonts, just not as much.
    6. Super Metroid- besides all the usual stuff, I liked how big this game is. There are four different sections, some bigger than others, and I liked all the different weapons and items that you got along the way. I also liked all the unique boss fights there were. It's because of this game that my computer stopped working properly, since it was on an emulator, but it was so worth it.
    5. Legend of Zelda-Ocarina of Time-what can you say about the supposed greatest game of all time. I liked how everyone of the dungeons looks different, all the different things you could do with the ocarina, the music, the boss fights, especially Ganon, and the storyline. I could probably say a lot more, but I can't think of anything else.
    4. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night- The one game I wanted to play really badly for over a year, and when I actually got it, I could hardly believe it. I liked the vastness of the game and the fact that you have to go through the entire game again in an upside down version of the castle. I also liked how the soundtrack ranges from a 17th century fuge to 80's metal. There's a vast amount of enemies, the boss fights are epic, there's just so much to the game.
    3. Final Fantasy VII- yeah, I had to include one of these eventually, but I haven't finished it at the moment, so that's why it ranks lower than it normally does elsewhere. All that aside, I'm having a great time playing this. I like the story so far, the music is excellent to say the least, and many other things that I can't think of right now.
    2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic- this game blew me away on so many different levels. This game probably had the most character development out of all the star wars games, the twists and turns of the game are shocking yet believable, and I liked how there's a whole new outlook on the Star Wars Universe, since it takes place 4000 years before any of the movies, and that you can properly develop the path that that you want to choose. I also liked all the puzzles that you had to solve throughout the game, and all the different planets that you had to explore. This game worked on so many different levels, and I definately liked what Bioware was able to do with the Star Wars Universe.
    1. Final Fantasy VI- One of my best gaming experiences. The story was great, I liked how there were two different worlds that you went through, I liked the magic system most out of any video game out there, I like how they were able develop most of the 14 playable characters, Kefka was a rather frightning boss despite the fact that he does have his less than serious moments. It took me about 70 hours to beat this game, and it was worth every minute.

  8. #68
    Registered User Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!) NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)

    Oh lord. No one was shy with these gripping descriptions, huh? Well, it only fueled my desire to create a list of my own!

    10. Pokemon Silver - Unquestionably my favorite pokemon title. I can recall the excitement I had when I recieved it and got to explore another 150 pokemon on top of the 151 I already knew and loved. The improved battling system, and the Johto land seemed much more inriguin than the original games in the series. They're still iconic, but the silver/gold/crystal seres was definitely an improvement.

    9. FFIX - Seems fitting to have 9 at 9, right? Final Fantasy 9 was an excellent game and really was a collective of exciting details from the old school RPG era. It felt like it could have fit in just as well with the 1 - 6 series as much as it did the 7-12 version. Zidane was an interesting main character, and their whole world was very magical comparatively. Did much more for me than 8 did.

    8. Resident Evil 4 - My second love. Survivial Horror... or in this case, Action Horror. Resident Evil 4 definitely instilled a new love in to what is one of my favorite series of all time. The world imagined was very exciting, and I was thrilled with the unique boss fights, and even the sub bosses... Garrados anyone? I can play this game over and over, and I have probably beat it a dozen times racking up all the extra bonuses I could!

    7. Silent Hill 2 - Everyone's favorite Silent Hill. It spawned countless pop culture references to horror... most notably Pyramid Head himself. If you can play that game and not literally jump when that monster comes out dragging his sword, you are made of something tougher than me. My God. It brings nightmares just thinking about it. But more notably... this is one of the greatest horror stories ever told. It just demands all of your respect as it unfolds.

    6. Silent Hill 3 - Yes, I liked this game slightly more than the second one. Why? Because the ties between the 3rd and first made me have those brilliant AHA moments over and over! It improved the gameplay, and the art direction was top notch. The story isn't quite as good, but the game is so beautifully horrible that it is nearly overwhelming. Fighting against Dark Heather at the Amusement Park... So thrilling. It just gets me excited and scared simultaneously.

    5. Xenogears - There it is! Xenogears on the list. I cannot tell you how good it felt to purchase this game and finally be able to play it years after it came out. I spent slightly less than 100 dollars on it at the time. It is one of the ultimate stories every written for any game in any genre. Learning about Fei and his true identity just blew my mind. It has twists and turns that make M. Night Shyamalan look like a school teacher. Also, all of the characters seemed important to me. They all had unique stories and were actually useful depending on how you used them. Plus... who doesn't love giant mechs fighting?

    4. Resident Evil 2 - This game holds a very special place in my heart. I was 11 years old when it came out, and by god, I was hooked the moment I started watching my Uncle play it. Unfortunately, he wasn't that great at it. But I soon started playing it myself and it turned out I was actually good. The plot is intriguin. The enemies are unique. William Birkin is the ultimate horror boss... just amazing in design and his attack patterns. His constant evolution both intrigued and shocked me at every turn. I loved using Leon too. Claire was slightly faster, but Leon was such a boss. Too much fun!

    3. Final Fantasy VII - Ah. The thread I comment in most while I am here. FFVII is obviously one of the greatest games every made because of what it did the the mainstream gaming indistry. It turned the Final Fantasy series into a juggernaut of success. Te story is amazing. Can you tell I love stories yet? The characters are all exciting, and what is truly amazing about the game is the diverse world they create that really feels like a real place while still maintaining its sense of magic and mystery. Sephiroth is among the greatest bad guys of all time. And the iconic Aeris death scene is above all one of the most memorable moments in any game ever.

    2. FFX - Final Fantasy X is and shall always be my favorite final fantasy game. This is the best story ever told for any media nearly ever. Every scene is an icon. The laugh, the whistle, the lake, the wedding, the end. It's all above and beyond the expectations, especially for the early PS2 era. Blitzball was a welcome addition for me. It broke up some of the monotony of the battling. But that's not to say the battling isn't great too. It's unique and the sphere grid actually made the game even more memorable. I am really excited for the remake just so I can rediscover the majesty of one of my favorite games of all time.

    1. Star Ocean: The Second Story - One of the most basic titles ever hiding one of the truly great games It is my favorite game and has been for years and years. The story is pretty good. It's definitely not as good as some of the others mentioned in my top 10, but it still has the qualities and ingredients that make up a great story. Instead, what this game offers is a really unique battle system that makes it impossible to stop playing. Mastering Killer Moves and learning new ones is one og the most fun things you can do on a Psone disc. Being able to get different characters and different character combos every time you ply is oexciting and makes replayability endless. Creating items, weapons, armors, etc. is terribly addictive, and the bosses you face are truly unique for their time period This game is a legend. A behemoth. And I am glad I dished out a ridiculous amount of money to own my own copy. I prefer Claude's story too.

  9. #69
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!) Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)

    I'm looking at my older post in this thread and aside me being sopy as sack when I first joined this forums I can't believe some of my own choices. To make things right I'm making a new list:

    10. Dragon Age Origins (PC) - For quite some time I thought JPRG's are true and only RPG's out there thus I never really cared for anything that western market dished out. I heard great things about this game, after trying it out I was left speechless, sure the story is not it's strongest point but everything else is superb. Character interaction and development, decision and consequences of those decisions, setting, gameplay, music... all great.

    9. Gran Turismo 2 (PSOne) - I'm still impressed and kinda curious just how developers managed to place all those cars and stages with game looking superb for PSOne standards onto just one disc. Gran Turismo 2, with it's realistic gameplay and overall content puts most modern racing games to shame.

    8. Final Fantasy XII (PS2) - I heard a lot of bad things about this game from fellow FF fans so I was bit skeptical whether to play it or not... I'm glad I went for it, it became my second favorite game and by far the best one in the main series. The way I see it, Final Fantasy XII evolved the series in so many aspects, non random battles, huge open spaces, dynamic battles, but most importantly, both characters and story aren't confound by your typical, cliched and overused elements Square kept forcing on us.

    7. The Legend of Zelda Link´s Awakening (GB) - same case as with my all time favorite game, not the best game in it's respective franchise, though still my favorite. Link´s Awakening is one of few games that broke standard Zelda formula, aside brilliant and highly addictive gameplay this game has huge sentimental value to me.

    6. Starcraft + Brood War (PC) - One of few games I am (was actually, got rusty over the years) truly great at. I played this game to death, it's my favorite RTS, both original and it's expansion have excellent characters/races, story, though most importantly, superb and addictive gameplay and one mean multiplayer.

    5. Quake II (PC) - I'm not really into FPS genre to be honest, however every now and then a rare gem does appear. It was kinda hard to chose between Quake II, Bioshock, and Unreal Tournament 2004, Quake II prevailed due to having both excellent singleplayer and multiplayer.

    4. Tekken 3 (PSOne) - While other games in the series are great as well this one stands out the most. My favorite fighting game, one which had harsh competition over the years, God knows how many coins I spent playing it in arcades, probably could have bought meself a new PSone along with it.

    3. International SuperStar Soccer II (PSOne) - the entire series actually. Every game combined on this list can't compete with how much time I have on Pro Evo series, thousand and thousand of matches be it against actual opponent or just plain old CP.

    2. Pokemon Gold/Silver (GBC) - only few games managed to improve over their predecessors as much as Gold & Silver did, both Gold & Silver set certain standards that even their sequels failed to meet. Highly addictive games with huge amount of content.

    1. Final Fantasy IX (PSOne) - not the most quality game on this list, though a game that had by far the biggest impact on me. Final Fantasy IX introduced me not only to Final Fantasy but to world of RPG in general. This game gave me my all time favorite villain and one of the best soundtracks I ever heard. Aside from that, it has a pretty great story, rather dark despite the overall lighthearted feel, and excellent characters.

    Honorable Mentions:

    Chrono Trigger
    Final Fantasy VI & VIII
    Metal Gear Solid
    Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
    Silent Hill 2
    Unreal Tournament 2004
    Resident Evil 1-3
    Super Street Fighter II
    Command & Conquer Red Alert
    Devil May Cry 3
    The Chronicles of Riddick Escape From Butcher Bay
    Battle City
    Super Mario World
    Mass Effect
    Last edited by Xanatos; 03-03-2012 at 06:56 PM.

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  10. #70
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)

    Someone told me I should do an update of this, myself. I think with this edition, as opposed to going by my initial playthru of the game, I will go by how my experience would be booting up the game now. This will require a lot of hemming and hawing (and not accidently hitting the back button on the browser, like I've already done twice now. Damn ****in' laptop.) So...

    10. Fallout: New Vegas (PS3): I lost a lot of sleep a couple years ago because I'd stay up all night playing this game. It's super addictive when you first play it. The world, the atmosphere, the people, the enemies, the weapons and armor you can use, and the choices you get to make, all suck you in. Am I gonna shoot this guy's head off, or try to settle things peacefully? ...**** it, I'm gonna blow his ****ing head off! Rahahahaha! It was somewhat hard to pick this one over Fallout 3, as per 3 has Liberty Prime. This one gives you more freedom though, and has the better companions (Boone is the freaking MAN.)

    9. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii): Played this a few years ago now. Kind of want to hook the Wii back up just so I can play it again. They perfectly captured the feel of the old SMB games, and added new twists to the old mechanics. Very colorful, lots of fun enemies, lots of stages and obstacles to overcome. One you can crack out to play with some friends, too. Depending on how you look at it, this makes it either more or less fun. Either way, it's a fun experience.

    8. Final Fantasy 6 (SNES): Still my favorite entry in the series, although the game play is getting a little tired. The cast of characters are still iconic to me. Locke is still my favorite hero, Kefka is still my favorite villain, and Mog is still my favorite moogle. No Final Fantasy since has topped the huge, emotional events that took place in this game. No other Final Fantasy has given you quite the same amount of freedom to assemble your team, how to advance your characters' stats, or just go out and explore the world. All kinds of easter eggs exist in this game if you look for them. Good stuff. Fun times.

    7. Soul Calibur (DC): The classic that started it all. Still looks really good, even though it's over 10 years old now. Another great game to boot up and play with friends. Play as Siegfried, Yoshimitsu, Lizard Man, Hwang Sung-Kyung... All the classic cast is here. And the legend will never die... it will just get old and stiff in the joints. e

    6. Super Smash Bros. Melee (GC): As many times as I've booted up Smash, I dunno if I can get tired of it, especially when I play with friends. And I got really good at this particular edition, especially when playing as Fox McCloud, and I think maybe Yoshi too. With Brawl, they implemented too many equalizers for people who weren't as good (smash ball, random tripping, etc) and there were too many clones. With the first one, though a classic, there just weren't as many characters. Melee is where it's at as far as I'm concerned.

    5. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PS3): Bethesda did an excellent job of creating an emmersive world, with fantastic music, atmosphere, and habitation. Different regions and factions to explore, lots of places to get into that you have no business getting into, and you finally can bring a companion along with you! Also: DRAGONS. And LICHES. Good stuff, all around. Kinda wish the dialogue options were better, and I miss persuading people a bit, but eh. I still get to choose to do whatever I want, whenever I want.

    4. Bionic Commando (NES): Not a long game-you'll be done in about an hour if you're good at it-but a fun game nonetheless. Great gameplay, with the grappling arm mechanic to maneuver your way over the various obstacles-fire, bottomless pits, water, SPIKES-and different guns for different situations. And at the end of the game, you get to shoot Hitler in the head. But you better get out before the building explods! You got 60 seconds! There's also some fantastic, cheesy dialogue in this game. Old school charm up the anus, right here.

    3. Pokemon Red/Blue (GB): So, this edition of the pokemon franchise may not have had the best graphics or sound, but I think it had the best pokemon to date. Pikachu, charizard, kadabra, gengar, mewtwo, etc.; they're classics. And catching them all is fairly attainable in this version, seeing as there's only 150, as opposed to the, what, 650 different species that there are now? Bullshit I'm catchin' all them ****ers! Also, you got the classic Team Rocket villains, and the classic gym leaders in this version. Good times.

    2. Mother 3 (GBA): Great game that really caught me off guard by how mature and dark it got at times. A great throw back to the 90's in style and feel. Lots of funny moments/enemies, and a great cast of characters. Flint is probably one of my all time favorites now, and one scene in particular involving him still gets me when I think about it... Toss up between this and Earthbound, though right now, it gets the nod.

    1. Crystalis (NES): A few years ago, I put this guy in my Duo Retro, and with some New Order playing and soda drinking, I took a trip down memory lane... and it was a good one. The game play in this game is highly addictive, and the graphics, processing speed, and story were all rather impressive for an NES title. There are a few twists to the plot that you might see coming, but compared to other NES games of the time (no twists or turns for the most part, heh) this is like master story telling. Music is pretty fun too, although repetitive (hence my listening to New Order.) Highly recommend you playing this if you have the chance.

    ...wait, is that really my order? And no Zelda, Star Fox, Metroid, Warcraft, Chrono Trigger, or SMRPG? That's really weird... Oh well. This is my weird-ass list, and I'm sticking to it. ...or maybe I'll edit it tomorrow when I'm less tired. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  11. #71
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!) ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)

    I'm doing a new list because, looking back on my old one, it's been a long time since I thought about this one.

    10. Onimusha 3 (PS2)
    Onimusha is one of those series that I long to be brought back. Oni 3 was the best of the series. I used to spend hours on it, and if my PS3 was backwards compatible, I would put in many more. What I liked best was the challenge. It wasn't as hard as 2, but it was very difficult in the latter stages of the game.

    9. Soul Blade (PS1)
    Known to some as Soul Edge. I truly believe Soul Blade is the best fighting game ever made. Again, so many hours lost on it, and so much fun had. Also I could beat anyone with Voldo (shame Namco complicated his move set in the SC series).

    8. Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)
    For me, KHII was much better than the other games in the series. I love the changes they made from the first one, and made the story a lot more interesting (even though that is hard to do, considering how good the first one is). I liked it better because the gameplay was a much faster pace.

    7. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1)
    It's the best Castlevania game ever made. Hands down. I loved how they added RPG elements in, which made it better than the other ones. I have always loved it, and how hard it was. A challenge is always good.

    6. The World Ends With You (DS)
    TWEWY is easily the most unique game I have ever played. The gameplay is fantastic, and the story is very interesting. Easily the best game you can get for DS.

    5. Batman: Arkham City (PS3/360/PC)
    I named it as my GOTY for 2011 (even though it has since been overtaken by the next entry). Arkham Asylum set the bar for superhero games so high, but Arkham City has cleared it by a mile. I love everything about this game.

    4. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PS3/360/PC)
    160 hours. That's all I can say. Never before have I put in that many hours into a game in such a short amount of time. It's just so addictive.

    3. Mass Effect 2 (PS3/360/PC)
    I prefer the second one for a variety of reasons. Even though the first one was amazing, there is just something about ME2 that makes it better. I find that the story is better, and the implications of your actions have more impact on your game. I think that is what I like most.

    2. Nier (PS3/360)
    It's no secret how much I love this game, and that is for a number of reasons. While the gameplay isn't the most complex, the story and characters more than make up for it. Also the soundtrack is an absolute gem.

    1. Final Fantasy VIII (PS1/PC)
    Nothing will ever change my mind about FFVIII. The single best game I have ever played, hands down. The story, characters, junction system, soundtrack, design etc etc are just amazing.

  12. #72
    Registered User Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!) Squall's Avatar
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    *Disclaimer* - The bulk of my list will be games from the 90s or early 2000s. I'm very much an old school gamer and find them far superior to the newer games out today.

    10. Super Smash Brothers Brawl - The best game ever made for the Wii IMO. My friends and I would get together after school and play every day to try to unlock all the characters and play 2 vs. 2 team battles until the sun went down. I loved the entire Smash series but the really hit a home run with the final installment and the story mode was very in-depth which made it a game with a great long-term value.

    9. Mario Party - Concept was brilliant, minigames were incredible, and it was very simple to learn to play. True classic.

    8. Resident Evil 2 - My favorite game of the series by far. Had everything: thrills, horror, gore, blood, zombies, viruses, powerful guns, monsters, etc. Really uncovers how dark the motives of Umbrella were and is the mecca of survival horror games.

    7. Waveracer 64 - Another n64 classic that had great maps and an awesome concept of wave-bike racing and challenges.

    6. Grand Theft Auto III - Extremely addicting. Loved to use the cheats to get unlimited ammo and just cause havoc around the entire City and see how long I could go until I was killed. Loved how there was never a shortage of missions for you to do so you could never be bored of playing.

    5. Mario Kart 64 - A must on anyone's list. The Godfather of racing games IMO with fun, but difficult maps and powerups that'll make you want to break your controller in half when you lose a race because of them. Very competitive game but a classic nonetheless.

    4. Zelda: Ocarina of Time - The most thorough, well put together, in-depth video game I think I've ever played. Beautifally created and a true work of art.

    3. Parasite Eve - A unique concept that was as vivid as they come. I found the character of Aya to be very interesting as she was confident, but also troubled in a sense as to she was searching for herself during the game. Her struggle to uncover her past and her current identity, the freakish capabilities of biology and mitochondria, and the fighting system made this an all-time favorite and arguably one of the most underrated games Squaresoft ever produced.

    2. Final Fantasy VIII - Loved EVEYRTHING about it. The junction system, the bosses, the maps, the missions, and the characters. Watching Squall redeem himself throughout the game was a true pleasure to watch and he had the coolest Ultimate Weapon in Final Fantasy history with a very fitting name. The storyline was very random and off the wall, but it kept you on your toes and never became dull no matter where you were in the game. It has a love/hate reception to fans of FF but I think it's a real gem.

    1. Metal Gear Solid - This game is in a class above all for me. Hideo Kojima is in my opinion, the greatest storyteller of his generation and a true pioneer of the gaming world. It ushered in the stealth genre and propelled Metal Gear into an international mainstay. The real-life issues this game tackled were incredibly articulated and done perhaps better than found in some books or TV programs. The twists and turns left your jaw on the floor and it's replay value has lasted well over a decade for me. I first played this game when I was 7 and now I'm 7 weeks from being 20 and I can say I've beaten it almost 100 times. The uniqueness of each boss made it increasingly challenging as you progressed. The only possible negative could be that it was a rather short game but other than that it's a 10/10 and my favorite ever and no other game has even come close to it for me.

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    My TFF Family:

    My brother from down under: The_Dream_Recluse
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  13. #73
    Registered User Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!)
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    So, many moons ago I told Telegraph to update his picks. Now HE'S making ME do it now. Here goes nothin': (SPOILERS POSSIBLY AHEAD, READ AT OWN RISK)

    10.) Mother 3 - Beautiful game. Very endearing. Difficulty spikes were a little frustrating at times (FASSAD!!! *shakes fist*), but nothing too terrible once you had the right luck.

    9.) Ocarina of Time - Played this game so much I could do it blindfolded! ...okay maybe I'm not that good...yet... Also, I don't know what to say about OoT that hasn't already been said countless times before, so just know that it's on many Best Games lists for a reason.

    8.) Chrono Trigger - Really good RPG. Lots of content, and a multitude of endings will keep you coming back again and again. The battle system is wonderful and the characters are pretty great too. Apparently the DS version added in a scene that retcons some things, but this is the first version I played, so it didn't bother me like others who played the SNES one first.

    7.) Shadow of the Colossus - Such a great title. Definitely a treasure of the PS2. Would recommend anyone play it. Beautiful soundtrack that makes fighting the giants such a great experience. The Colossi themselves feel so majestic that you just wanna stand in awe of these creatures sometimes. Everything feels so...grand...about this game.

    6.) Okami - Love this game. Such a beautiful art style. Such fun gameplay. Such a good story. I really can't think of anything too negative to say about it. I suppose Issun can get on a person's nerves, and the load times are a tad bit long and excessive, but those are just nitpicks. Bought the HD version not too long ago, and it was still a joy to play.

    5.) Fallout 3 - Loved it! Admittedly there are a few hang-ups I had during the story quests, and no, not about the very divisive ending. Reuniting with James could have been a bit more impactful, and it just seems like he thought leaving the vault was a mistake, even if I was gonna be killed if I stayed. Oh well. Exploring was a blast, characters were quite fun to interact with, and I can't wait to do another run!

    4.) Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars - My high rating of this game might be because of the nostalgia goggles, but it's still a solid title. Great combination of awesome Squaresoft storytelling and gameplay with classic and iconic Nintendo characters. There's some new ones as well, who are also pretty delightful. Great music, memorable locations, and fun times all around. Definitely recommend.

    3.) Super Mario World - Is it sacriledge to say this is a better game than Mario 3? Don't care. This game is far better. Classic Mario funtimes and lots of secrets to find as well, so you could spend HOOOOUUURS on this one. Still has a great look to it even after all these years. Definitely worth all the stars.

    2.) Yoshi's Island - Love it! The artstyle, the gameplay, the fun and unique boss battles. Everything about it was so wonderful. There's enough secrets to keep you busy for many hours, but it's straightforward enough that most anyone can pick it up and play. Great for pretty much everyone.

    1.) You Gotta Burn the Rope - Top rated for the song that plays at the credits...and also because Telegraph has like 4 and a half beers in him.
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  14. #74
    Certified tech, come at me! Your Top Ten List (Descriptive!) SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Sabin's very own super top ten

    1. The Last Story - This is THE definitive game to play in the way of Action RPGs and strategy RPGs. It is directed by the original developer of the Final Fantasy series. THIS game is how you should make action rpg games into strategy games, not with grid based movement, but with both enemy units that are in formation and the freedom to roam around and take them down with your strategic actions. The storyline was fascinating and I enjoyed the romance between the main character and the major female character in the game. It reminded me of Tidus and Yuna's relationship, had plenty of similar vibes. This game also had some really enjoyable, and likable characters. Most of them were really funny just about most of the game. In summary, if you have A Wii, don't pass this game up.

    2. The Mother series - Itoi is a genious for coming up with this whole trilogy. It is pretty insightful, storyline wise, and its full of pop culture references. The Mother games parody rpgs and take place in a modern setting and instead of castles, princess, typical monsters, and swords. You got cities, baseball bats, hippies, jokes, puns, and food items such as hamburgers. Again about the storyline, it is pretty deep and each game is about a young kid experiencing the world like an adult would and has many experiences through their journey. Each game was meant to have an emotional impact like the John Lennon song 'Mother' which is where Itoi got his inspiration from. This is no ordinary nintendo title, if you're into rpgs and want to experience something new, check out the Mother series. The only game released here in US is EarthBound but it goes for some money. There are also translations of the other two, however Itoi is working on a rerelease currently so the game will be more available to people who want to play it

    3. The Metroid series - This is my top favorite franchise in the nintendo series besides mother and mario. You play as the female bounty hunter, Samus Aran, who travels to different planets and eliminates the main threat from each planet she explores. Some of the games are in 2D, others are in 3D (the Prime series). In each game as you explore the planet specific to the game's storyline, you run around, shoot up space pirates, find beam weapons and other upgrades, use your equipment to help you navigate deeper into the place you're exploring. The metroid games in essence, are the platforming aspects of mario mixed with the exploration in the zelda games.

    4. Super Mario World - Same as Dodie, I regard this as the best Mario game out there. There are different levels you can navigate to like in mario 3, and in certain levels for World, there are different goals one where you need a key, and the goal post that ends just about all the levels. This game also was the debut of Yoshi and you got to ride him all over the place and there are different colored yoshis that had different abilities if I remember correctly. This mario had plenty of replayability like the ones before it, and really good level design.

    5. Final Fantasy III(US)/VI - This FF was pretty special to me, it was one of my first FFs that I had ever played (besides FF1). The storyline is really good, had a nice cast of characters, very good soundtrack, a cool esper system where you can learn magic according to what esper you equip, and it was the first game to feature a maneuverable airship where you can control the speed, move it in all directions, and you can explore it while in mid-flight. The last thing I have to say about this game is that Kefka is quite an entertaining villain.

    6. Terranigma - This is quite an action RPG for the snes era. The game's storyline revolved around the earth having 2 faces: an internal and an external face. As you progress through the storyline you help the earth evolve and grow from defeating the main bosses in certain areas. It was also in-depth with the evolution theory. Sure it wasn't the best RPG out there but I personally really enjoyed it. Besides the normal story progression in the game, you also have the option to help small towns grow into big cities by meeting certain requirements in each town that can grow. If you do a lot of the sidequests, you can even have the chance to buy your own apartment!

    7. Mega Man Legends/64 - This game is really, really good imo! Its the first megaman that had a 3D environment and you go around on digs (A.K.A exploring dungeons and ancient ruins) and you collect junk items which you can have your partner, roll, combine for you to make a weapon, or an equipment item like your helmet. This game has a lot of replayability due to the contents of the game. If you missed any of the items at the end of the game you can play the game again and try to find them all. There are unlockable game modes Hard mode and Easy mode. The silly thing about this game is that if you wanted to get Easy mode you'd have to either complete the game under 3:00 or beat it in hard mode, but seriously, in that sense, you're working your butt off trying to complete the game to make it easier for yourself. That doesn't make very much sense. Other than that, great game! Beat it nearly 20 times I think.

    8. Mega Man X - I love this game! I first got it for my 8th birthday and I remember putting it in my SNES and playing it for the first time. The game plays like the classic mega mans where you have to work your way through 8 bosses and then go through 4 final stage sections. The first game had memorable bosses, introduced an intro stage to the series, great soundtrack, and again, very replayable.

    9. Maniac Mansion - This is my favorite out of the lucasarts point and click games. The game stars about 9 people if i remember correctly and each person had different attributes. The 1st character slot is reserved for the protagonist of the game and depending on who you choose and what you do, you will receive different endings accordingly. Maniac Mansion had plenty of goofy humor in the game and one of the notable titles where you can microwave a hamster.

    10. Chrono Trigger - Ah yes, the very game that took FFVI's ATB and updated it. CT is a very amazing game. It involves a lot of time travel and you come to learn what you're up against when you end up in a certain period. CT has an amazing soundtrack, a combo system which allows you to combine an attack with 1 or 2 other people, and great world design. I would say my favorite era is the future because of the post-apocalyptic design it has, and Jet Bike racing rocks!

    *whew* I think I am done with this list!
    Currently Playing:

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