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Thread: WoW: Mists of Pandaria

  1. #1

    WoW: Mists of Pandaria

    So... the NDA has been lifted off the MoP expansion within the last 24 hours and alot of new information has come about..

    Seems they are over hauling alot of stuff, which could work out good. Seems they are aiming to make things alot more PvP oriented. Which is a big FUCK YEAH! from me, but im still not going to hold my breath as i have been disappointed with the last 2 expansions.

    The new talent system is looking very dodgey if ya ask me, i cant see it being near balanced upon release and they will most likely be altering it alot to try and balance the classes (YET AGAIN) Some of the talents seem a lil too OP and they are all taking the uniqueness out of the specs.

    Take rogue for example, i can see Subtely becoming a dead specc with them taking alot out of it and making it available over the other tree's. The only thing good left in Sub is Shadowdance and tbh, its nowhere near as powerful as the other speccs, seeing as prep and shadowstep can be obtained in all trees now, shadowdance sucks in comparison to mutilate/vendetta or killing spree/adrenaline rush. The other trees have so much more and Sub offering very little. IMO prep should have stayed in the sub tree only and give it something else cool to make up for the loss of shadowstep.

    They are also changing the Warlock alot which imo and many others, was greatly needed.. They are giving the lock alot more pets, however it seems they are being lazy and just using old character models from previous expansions as opposed to making something new/unique.

    And of course they are adding a new class, the monk which is likely to be very OP upon release just like the death knight was, also everytbody and their mother will roll a monk just like everybody made a DK (myself included) I think ill hold off for a long while before rolling one seeing as i had to stop playing my DK last expansion as no guilds wanted them as there were way too many running about, i kinda wish they would release 2-3 new classes at a time to make it less of a swarm of the one class flocking the servers.

    They are also making glyphs more of a fluff factor with them just adding animations to your characters, will make things look cool, nothing else.

    The pokemon pet battles seem like just a pointless waste of time, think they should have focused their time on something different.

    No sign of any new professions as of yet, not sure what else they could add tbh, imo they dont need more..

    In regards to BG's, they seem like fun fast paced games, no more siege vehicles (thank fucking GAWD) Strand of ancients and isle of conquest are by far the shittest BG's in existence, i hope they remove them from the random BG rotation, they just plain suck!

    Thats about it, think ive covered most, oh and the new druid spell that lets ya swap a spell with another class. If how i think it works is correct, its going to be OP, Have to see how the cooldowns would work, imagine rogues running around with lifebloom and the feral druid adding another rupture bleed into their already OP bleed damage effects.. OOF Suits you sir...

    Anyway, even though i said i would never return to this game when i left it last, it changing so much, i may aswell give it a try, its not like theres anything else coming out that can compete with it anytime soon

    Only other game im looking forward too is CS:Go, just hoping they dont **** that one up..

    Your thoughts on the expansion?

  2. #2
    Registered User WoW: Mists of Pandaria Pug's Avatar
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    Re: WoW: Mists of Pandaria

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    So... the NDA has been lifted off the MoP expansion within the last 24 hours and alot of new information has come about..
    That was a big wall of text we had to read >.>

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Seems they are over hauling alot of stuff, which could work out good. Seems they are aiming to make things alot more PvP oriented. Which is a big FUCK YEAH! from me, but im still not going to hold my breath as i have been disappointed with the last 2 expansions.
    Well yeah the pvp power thats been added as well as res not removing the other stats will make a huge improvement to pvp. I wont hold my breath either... PVE gets balanced first and since they dont change the damage/spells for pvp...

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    The new talent system is looking very dodgey if ya ask me, i cant see it being near balanced upon release and they will most likely be altering it alot to try and balance the classes (YET AGAIN) Some of the talents seem a lil too OP and they are all taking the uniqueness out of the specs.
    Yeah theyare all still up in the air atm. It should be easier to balance now that everythings been simplified... but you know blizzard... lets simplify it to make it more balanced.... THEN LETS ADD 10 NEW SPELLS TO EACH CLASS YEAH!!!!... oh wait

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    They are also making glyphs more of a fluff factor with them just adding animations to your characters, will make things look cool, nothing else.
    Should help balancing too ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    The pokemon pet battles seem like just a pointless waste of time, think they should have focused their time on something different.
    Their adding farmville from facebook too by the sound of it (not sure)


    Oh and they removed vengence from tanks in pvp allready (changed how it works). Also making tanks do less damage.

    And they said their going to make legendaries less legandary which will help alot of pvp death tolls.

    Item crush is going to be good. No more lvl 80's 1 shotting a level 77 etc.

  3. #3

    Re: WoW: Mists of Pandaria

    haha yeah i didnt read that wall of text, just listened to the youtube vids while applying for jobs and glanced over the shortened down notes. That big green font wall of text on MMO was not read

  4. #4
    Registered User WoW: Mists of Pandaria Pug's Avatar
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    Re: WoW: Mists of Pandaria

    I listened to the videos while playing street fighter

  5. #5

    Re: WoW: Mists of Pandaria

    Full legendary Rogue, can't lower a druid past half health. SO EXCITED TO MISTS OF PANDARIA
    Bonus Video - Swifty MOP Mist of Pandaria part 1 (gameplay/commentary) - YouTube

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