click on my dragonite to take a test to determined what pokemon are then put it on as a signature to show.
the questions/choices made me want to gouge my eyes out, but I ended up getting Mew! Yay for a pokemon that's not even in the game to be gotten, that must mean I'm like one of a kind or not real or something.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I don't even know which version this one is from. I'm only familiar with the first 151. xD Oh well... At least it's cute. :3
Click at your own risk.:
oh my gosh i got mew
well at least its ohkay...
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My TFF Family
My FFVII addicted nephew: Secret weapon
My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco
There's 36 possible Pokemon results in the quiz. I took it a few more times to see which ones I could get by answering differently. So far, I've seen: Ninetails, Scyther, Alakazam, Spinda, and Teddiursa.I think I'll stop at that. I don't know a lot of the pokemon that have been a result anyway.
Click at your own risk.:
Hey guys, say something more than "I got [pokemon,]" or I'll shut this mother down. To those of you who have said more, good for you
At first I got mew. Don't remember what it said about him, but I dunno if I agreed with all of it. Just took the thing today again and got Togetic, the evolved form of Togepi. Great. Not sure if I agreed with all the descriptions in that one, either. Liked getting Mew better.
Y'know which one I wanted to get? Kadabra. Doubt he/she's in there, though. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Im having a dim moment and cant get the little picture thingy up. But Im pikachu apparently
'Friendly social and open, you live for friendship. Lively company and conversation. You have a great confidence in your opinions, but respect those who disagree. Most people you meet like you immediately'
Sounds about right tbh haha, though I do have an arsehole side, that just likes to be a bitch for no reason, especially when Im people watching..... I am generally friendly and outgoing though, I just turn into a monster once a month xD
Also, never played Pokemon in my life, so at least I got summat I knew
"With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier
final fantasy xiii-2
pokemon fire red
Heh, I got Togetic, too. Though I prefer Togekiss, but I don't think that's on there? It would have been better if all the Pokemon were available results.
But uh, I think that's kind of like me. I'm a pretty sympathetic person. Thank God "most people like me." xD
Curiosity Conquers, So Click:
I got a Togetic. :]
I think that's about right. Definitely sounds like me, though I wish I could've gotten Pikachu. xD
Last edited by FinalFantasyPsycho; 07-15-2010 at 11:37 AM.
hmmm i don't actually reconise most of those....
This is the first and second answers I got. I'd say I'm somewhat like that, but I know that I'm much friendlier. Also, they happen to be two favourite Pokemon. x3
And this is like me too. I'm not a complete bitch. ^^;
I only changed a couple of answers too, but I noticed some answers that could have been there weren't, so I had to pick the closest thing. Like for question two, "Tell them very carefully that they're a nice person but you don't like them that way and it will be better for both of you if you don't date." or "Say yes, figuring you might get over your other crush and start to like them if you get to know them better." could mean you could be friends instead? There weren't really options I could relate too. ^^;
Funny, I got Pikachu, Pokemon I don't really like, I'll have to say this ain't me, though there's some truth in this description, I wont take a second try since I already gave my honest response, it wouldn't feel right to change the answers now.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
I got one of my favorite pokemon ^^' I've always been a fan of pokemon, and this site is pretty cool. I plan on spending the day exploring it.
Hopefully the link works? I also wanna see what the optional pokemon are for the quiz..which means hours...or just looking here seeing what most people got lol.
im sure to blog about this on my site gamesinfoworld. FF ROCKS!!!!!!!