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Perhaps the cause of the "spark" being lost is because you got older; childhood memories or first impressions tend to be quite strong. Therefore when you played it a second time FF IX didn't give off that raw emotion as it did on your first run.
When I replay a game that I loved the first time I may experience something similar to what you did Hyz, however, because I'm replaying the game I get to experience the magic all over again even though I know what will happen and what to do. A prime example for me is Shadow of the Colossus. When I first played the game it was a grand experience where I was pulled into the game when fighting the colossi. When I picked the game up after some time had passed I still got drawn in as I did previously. The battles were just as fun though I knew how to vanquish my foe(s).
For me, if I loved a game when I first played it I will love it when I during the any replay. Why would my feelings change about just because I'm experiencing it again. I love pierogies so how would my perception of them change just because I've had them another time. If anything the magical feeling should be enforced when you replayed FF IX, if not perhaps it was a "one-night stand" game.