Def the classic Charmander haha
Def the classic Charmander haha
Wanna Know More:
(Good, no legendaries... THEY SUCK) Anyway I would want to be either a Sandshrew or a Buizel. Both are my favorite but Sandshrew because he can roll and dig, and Buizel is orange and can shoot water. I could make houses on my own!
Tyranitar or Dragonite. Choices, choices, choices? Overall I would like to be Tyranitar as well, big and strong. Also the only pokemon I have ever raised to level 100 in the games.
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
Winston S.Churchill
Either Feraligator, Jolteon or Gengar, because they were my strongest ones and they're just so epic. I think their design just appeals to me xD
flygon mostly. though if it were for competative reasons, then garchomp, or maybe waboffett
Originally Posted by Wintermetal
current games playing:Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Assassins Creed Revolutions
Saints Row: The Third
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
Fallout New Vegas
Wow, that's a hard one! To bring that down to 3 would be hard let alone 1... But I'll try.
Let's see, I think I would either be Arcanine, Scyther or Lucario.
I call out these prayers to the sky, heavy with thought, see your face.
I carry these memories inside, thoughts of a soul colored by love.
See me grow wings and fly high, passions will die down below.
I burn in a basin of fire, watchers look on as they dance in their merciless sky.
Watching me, watching you.
Quilava or a pachirisu
Probably a Dragonair. They can fly and swim, and are pretty and are strong.
@Rydia. I love Flygon too! ^.^ He's definatly my favorite of the R/S/E generation.
PSN username: Raikujaku
A meow-ed member of PRK9
Snorlax. We share a similar lifestyle...
victoria aut mors
Didn't took me long to chose Arcanine, the fastest and coolest looking pokemon out there, also he's the closest one to be a legendary, the word legendary is even written in his pokedex description.
Last edited by Xanatos; 04-01-2010 at 02:10 PM.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
Magikarp. Just splashing around all day. That'd be the life.
Until now!
oh really now LIGHTNING_71013.
wow, that was almost as sick as the mudkip joke lol.
Xanatos, your way off their buddy. there are several pokemon who are faster than him (not just legendaries) and many other pokemon would be closer to being a legendary pokemon. and others have legendary in their pokedex entry too.
Originally Posted by Wintermetal
current games playing:Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Assassins Creed Revolutions
Saints Row: The Third
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
Fallout New Vegas
I'd be a cyndaquil. have a fire on my back.
Community Manager; Forum Administrator
reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009Random;:
Eveee would be my choice because then I could choose to be Vaporion, Jolteon, Faporeon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon or Glaceon. If I could I would be an Evee trainer and just have one of every Evee.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 04-02-2010 at 10:42 AM.
I want to be Bagon. What a hard ass. He heads butts everything he sees like myself. And when he evolves to his final stage he is a complete badass.
I would be this:
No real reason, other than I think it's cute and funny to looks at.![]()
Click at your own risk.:
Because it reminds me of my dog back home.
Unleash the MONSTER inside!
This Would Be My First Choice:
Just Look At How Awesome He Looks, Specially With That Aura Sphere About To Bust Something Up.
Just Cause He Is Amazing and REALLY Hard To Kill, For Strategic Reasons...
And He Just Looks Awesome And Strong Too.
Atrocious...Thats Actually What It Is In the Pokédex: Gyarados, The Atrocious Pokémon
No Words Need To Describe Its Notoriety And Its Awesomeness.
Just Look How Beautiful That Thing Is...DAYUMN!!!
I'm sometimes calm whenever I decide not to act stupid. I like to be happy and carefree, so I'm probably a Sentret~? It's brown and cuuuuteeee~~
.....And I also stole that cupcake.
TFF Family~:
Charmeleon. Done.
I like the way he has fire on his tail, but Charmander is a little puny for me. Charizard is HUGE and I wouldn't want to be too overpowering. Therefore, Charmeleon. BTW, the originator of the post only asked WHAT pokemon, not to include WHY. So, I hope my response is sufficient enough for you. If not, oh well...respectfully.