View Poll Results: Your Opinon on Let's Plays

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  • I like them

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  • I don't like them

    2 16.67%
  • I'm not sure how I feel about them

    2 16.67%
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Thread: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

  1. #1
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Post Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    So, I'm a LP'er on Youtube and I've been there for almost 3-4 years now. So I wondering what you guys think of people who do commentary while making a video game walkthrough. Being an LP'er myself I like the fact that I can add my own whity commentary to the games I record, like Pokemon, FF, and or games like Megaman. So, I ask you what do you think or like about people doing Let's Plays instead of ordinary walkthroughs?
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

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  2. #2

    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    I don't really like the overall idea a whole lot. Most of the time there's a lot of trying too hard to be funny and failing, at least on me.

    The worst is when there's talking during a cutscene with a lot of talking. It often leads to not being able to hear neither the game nor the player.

    I'd rather just view a walkthrough, or something with comments on and about the actual game.

  3. #3
    Lady Succubus Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    Uh, if you ran into that, then those are just awful Lets Players. You still have yet to run into the good ones. I recommend Lucahjin. She's wonderful.

  4. #4
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    I never really saw the point... if it's a spot I need somekind of a walkthrough for, and I *need* to see it, I'd rather it be fast forwarded than shown in real time with someone giving commentary.

    It's almost a lot like watching all the damn boss fight videos for WoW. After awhile, the people just get annoying.

  5. #5

    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    Will check that one out sometime. I know I've seen at least one or two good LP's. But having gone through a lot of them, I overall have given up on actually seeking out good ones, and will only go through one for reasons than the LP itself. There's an overwhelming amount of bad ones.

  6. #6

    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    I like them. To a point, it's for walkthrough purposes, but the main reason I watch them are because they can be interesting and just fun to watch. When it comes to Final Fantasy, HCBailly is my favorite LPer. With Zelda, it's NintendoCaprisun. Outside of those games, there's no one specific.

  7. #7
    Juppiter Adept Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon TheNiteAngel's Avatar
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    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    I haven't watched a lot of LPs on youtube, but I have seen a few that were done well. I don't generally have any issue as long as I can hear entire cutscenes, it really doesnt matter too much to me. I don't invest much time in watching them for Final Fantasy, but for other games that I don't have a console for, it can be better than a straight walkthrough with a good LPer
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  8. #8

    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    I like it, but sometimes it can get really bugging. I hate walk-throughs so I usually only watch them for a laugh anyway.

  9. #9
    Lady Succubus Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    LPs are not really walkthroughs so much as they are playthroughs with commentary. I really enjoyed Lucahjin's playthroughs of Chrono Cross and Shadow of the Colossus. I'm also enjoying her ICO playthrough as well, which I still have to finish.

  10. #10
    Registered User Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon
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    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    Most of the ones I seen are incredibly stupid, no offense to those who make LPs. I rather see a LP with someone who has beaten game 20 times, knows it inside and out, can get through game looking like they were paid to play it, and doesn't talk a lot. Don't need to be like, "Aww. This goomba looks like a weird mushroom." That ain't why I want to watch.

    I do have one LP I recommend you watch. A friend of mine did it and I can give you link.

    YouTube - &#x202a;aleckermit&#39;s Channel&#x202crlm;

  11. #11
    Passing fair judgement Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    I don't know, if I don't notice something than the commentary miht help me see it better.
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  12. #12
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    I'm not a fan of them myself. I don't DISLIKE them or anything, it's just not my cup of tea.

    Now Retsuprae's of bad LP's, those can be hilarious.

  13. #13
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    I like them. Some can be hilarious. I forgot the username for this guy, but at the ending of FFV

    when there's that one moogle in the castle, I forget the details

    What stood out to me the most was when the guy said 'Maybe the moogle will be king.' Had a few lulz, the tone was just perfect.

    My overall opinion is, as long as the LP'er doesn't try too hard at making some good commentary and the walkthrough is actually helpful, I'll stick around and watch.
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  14. #14
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    I've actually used LPs to look at games I'm interested in but maybe am not totally sold on yet. The reason for this is because it's a more accurate look at what the gameplay is like, being that it's live-ish and not necessarily a clean run like a walkthrough would be. Depends on the LPer of course.

    Aside from that, the only LPs worth watching are the ones where the commentators bring something besides tired internet memes and basically scripted dialogue to the table. I don't watch them much but a solid MST3K-style LPer would be absolutely amazing, not to mention actually funny. Haven't found one yet but like I said, I don't go out of my way to seek them out without a reason.

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  15. #15
    is not a douche Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Video Game Let's Plays - Your Opinon

    I only watch Let's Plays if it's a game I'll actually never play.

    There are good ones...and then there are bad ones. It amazes me how so many LPers are liked on YouTube are boring as hell, least imo.

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