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Thread: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Xanatos's Avatar
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    Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    No matter what some may say you're never too old for Pokémon.

    Best/Favorite Game?

    Best/Favorite Generation/s?

    Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?

    Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?

    Best/Favorite Line Up?

    Anything else you would like to add?
    - Best/Favorite Game?

    Gold/Silver/Crystal by far. It's simply stunning how much these games improved over their predecessors (huge leap no other game in the series managed to make) and just how much content they have. Blue/Red/Yellow are my second choice, seeing as they were the very introduction to the series.

    - Best/Favorite Generation/s?

    First and second generation stick out to me the most, sweet nostalgia, I guess. Even though every generation has it's fair share of badly designed Pokémon I think these two generations have least of those.

    - Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?

    Arcanine, mostly due to his design. He's also one of the fastest Pokémon, and one of few who have legendary status despite being regular Pokémon. I'm not really into legendary Pokémon, never ever use them in battle, though the one that fascinates me the most is MewTwo. Love his background, nature and design.

    - Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?

    I'm kinda mixed on this one, I like Fire and Water type Pokémon the most. Weird thing though, I always choose water type starter on my first playthrough.

    - Best/Favorite Line Up?

    - Arcanine
    - Blastoise
    - Dragonite
    - NidoKing
    - NidoQueen
    - Raichu

    First generation, every one of them. My ideal team. This team served me well as every one of them, aside having awesome stats, can cover their weaknesses. For instance, NidoKing can learn Thunder or Icebeam, Raichu can learn Iron Tail and so on. You can also see me using Gyarados, Gengar, Feraligatr, Pidgeot... , though those are mostly replacements.

    - Anything else you would like to add?

    While newer games are bit dull and haven't evolved as much as I would like I still enjoy playing Pokémon games. They're fun and addictive and that's what really matters. I also used to watch anime, but that got repetitive, over the top and quite frankly boring way too soon.

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  2. #2
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    Best/Favorite Game?
    I would have to go for Yellow. I always love the fact that Pikachu followed you, and that you could get all the starter Pokémon from Blue/Red. I think it took the best of both Red and Blue and mixed it together. That's why Yellow stands out to me to be the best.

    Best/Favorite Generation/s?
    Can't help but say first Gen. The original 151 will always be the best. Although, I'm not one of 'those' Pokémon fans that hate anything besides the first.

    Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?
    It's got to be Pikachu. I'm obsessed. Pikachu is so cute, but also he is really good in battle. Legendary wise, I would say Dialga. Out of the entire series, I think Dialga is probably the best I've used. I love its design as well. It's quite intimidating.

    Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?
    Electric and Ghost. It's a tie because I always find these useful, and my favourite Pokémon are either Ghost or Electric (Pikachu, Haunter etc).

    Best/Favorite Line Up?
    My ultimate lineup would be:
    A nice mixture of styles here. A good mixture is my speciality; that way you are prepared for anything your opponent throws at you. Some of the choices are obvious (like Meganium powerful Grass type, Raikou powerful Electric type, Empoleon powerful water type), but Gengar's combo of Hypnosis-Dream Eater is good in any situation, especially a desperate one. Dialga is both a Dragon and Steel type, so it would be able to learn some very powerful moves of both type. Also either type is strong against most other types. Finally Gyrados can also learn some very powerful moves, like Hyper Beam etc.

    Anything else you would like to add?
    The sentiment of that first line is correct. You can never be too old for Pokémon. I am now 22 and I am still as big of a fan as I was when I first got into it, especially the games. I think the ideas for new Pokémon are probably running out in Black/White gen (one word; Trubbish) but there are still great ones coming out. It would have to be something big for me to lose interest in Pokémon.

  3. #3
    Kiss with a fist. Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    Best/Favorite Game?
    Soul Silver and Heart Gold versions for the DS hands down. I loved Silver and Gold for the gameboy and the revamped versions were just ****ing awesome. I think my favorite addition was the fact that the first Pokemon in your party followed you, I loved that.

    Best/Favorite Generation/s?
    The first three, only because my favorite Pokemon ever is a third generation.

    Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?
    Milotic will always be my favorite. I love mermaids and this is a mermaid Pokemon, why wouldn't I love it? It also took the most work to obtain, I fished for five hours to catch a Feebas then went through that torture of evolving it, but it was worth it she's a BAMF. My favorite legendary is Mew, but I never had one. If I had to pick from the original legendary birds it's Articuno. I also loved Suicune; I'll stop now.

    Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?
    Water and Dragon, always were and always will be.

    Best/Favorite Line Up?
    Milotic, Kingdra, Dragonite, Steelix, Charizard, and Altaria; my dragon themed team. I've played through the game so many times with different types though, but that was a bad ass line-up.

    Anything else you would like to add?
    I'm twenty-two going on twelve. <3
    Last edited by Dranzer; 07-03-2012 at 01:42 AM.

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  4. #4
    TFF's Resident Messenger Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    Best/Favorite Game?
    The trading card game. With actual cards. But for the games, probably Sapphire. It brought most of my favorite ones from the first two generations and added in a bunch I had never seen before and eventually fell in love with.

    Best/Favorite Generation/s?
    Um, the first four, if I can say that. I don't know too much about this latest one, as I have only seen about ten episodes of the anime. Wait, the second generation. It brought all the cute baby Pokemon. Igglybuff, Cleffy, Elekid, etc.

    Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?
    Overall, Jigglypuff. My favorite legendary Pokemon is probably Shamin (spellcheck on that). I don't have any specific reason, just that I like them.

    Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?
    Water. With Flying coming in a close second. Bug third.

    Best/Favorite Line Up?
    I really depends on what version I'm playing. Here's my current Kanto region favorite lineup (it changes all the time):
    -Jigglypuff or Zapdos

    Most of the HMs are obtainable by one or more of these Pokemon. I don't like to pick Pokemon to be "HM slaves". I have in the past, usually Meowth or some Normal type. But this group can Cut, Flash, Rock Smash, Strength, Fly, Waterfall and Surf. And Jigglypuff is cool!

    Anything else you would like to add?
    I'm 25, and have been playing since 13. I am getting my DS in the mail in the next week or so, so I hope to play the DS Pokemon games some time in the future. Also, my Sapphire game just had its internal battery dry up last week. So no more clock-based events for me. Oh well. I didn't use berries often anyway.

    EDIT: I just got my DS today. How dare the seller send the item I bought ten days before it was expected! Anyway, DS Pokemon games, here I come!
    Last edited by Michael Swayne; 07-02-2012 at 05:48 PM.
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  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    Best/Favorite Game?
    My fondest memories are of the original Red/Blue games. I went through Blue mutliple times so I would have pokedex entries on all 150 pokemon on Red. Really, the games haven't changed much-if at all-over the years, as far as game play goes. Nothing's surpassed the original in that area. Also, Kanto Region Pokemon are Best Pokemon.

    Best/Favorite Generation/s?
    ...oh. Guess I answered this up there. Probably can tell by which version got all 150 Pokemon that Red was my favorite.

    Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?
    Ah shit. Can I really pick one? Well, if I have to pick one, probably Alakazam. He'll help me with my homework, and unlike Mewtwo, I don't think he'll try to kill me. Also, cosmetics; he looks awesome. Either him or Meowth; mostly Team Rocket's talking Meowth from the anime. Team Rocket Meowth is Best Meowth. Except for maybe that rockin' Meowth with the guitar... Hm. (I cheated in the end. Ah well ) EDIT: Never picked a legendary, and since other people did, gonna say Mewtwo. OG. A ridiculous thing to call him.

    Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?
    I dunno. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. Pass.

    Best/Favorite Line Up?

    (Not the strongest team, and probably not my favorite team either, but those are what's coming to mind.)

    Anything else you would like to add?
    Heh. Remember when people thought Pokemon was just gonna be a fad and die out in a few years? The Poke Manz sure showed them! What is it, five generations in now? With the 6th upcoming? *nod nod* HMM HMM HMM! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  6. #6
    Registered BRUISER Nidogod's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    Best/Favorite Game?

    I think Platinum is definitely the best game. The physical/special switch in the 4th gen was the best change ever made. Platinum took that, made a better story, improved the town layout (DP had that big gap in the middle with no gyms), and changed evolution item locations so you could trade evolve Pokemon earlier (in previous games they were obnoxiously far away so you'd have like a level 60 Scyther).

    Second gen is my favorite because of the nostalgia. Let's face it, RBY were revolutionary and super fun at the time, but the Pokemon and move choices were super limited and the game was a big glitchy mess. GSC really fixed up the formula.

    Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?

    Mewtwo is my favorite legendary because no Pokemon have matched the feeling of going through that dungeon filled with high leveled Pokemon to square off against something that (at the time) was nearly unbeatable. My two regular favorites are Gengar and Nidoking.

    Best/Favorite Line Up?

    My six favorites:


    Anything else you would like to add?

    Has anyone tried Pokemon Conquest yet? I'm so freaking curious to hear what it's like.

  7. #7

    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    Best/Favorite Game? Silver
    It was either that or Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire, I chose Silver because it took the original gameplay and expanded it two fold. It was basically two games in one and kept the stories intertwined with each other. Seeing Red and all. I thought that was a really awesome feature.
    The pokemon were still original and not garbage creations like they are now.

    Best/Favorite Generation/s?
    First and Third as far as pokemon go. Second for characters.

    Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?
    Arceus, Mewtwo, Scizor, Absol, Umbreon/Glaceon/Leafeon
    I really hope you didn't mean just two.

    Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?
    I'm partial to Dragon, Dark, and Ghost.

    Best/Favorite Line Up?
    I usually go strategically when I'm playing (no not hardcore like youtube battles). So whatever is strongest, fastest, has least weakness for that generation.

    Anything else you would like to add?
    Still haven't finished Black/White and Diamond/Pearl/Platinum

  8. #8
    Consistently Average Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    - Best/Favorite Game?
    That's really hard. In terms of gameplay i'd definately have to go for either Platinum or Heart Gold. Platinum fixed many of the problems that really turned me away from D/P, mainly the horrible lagging everytime a move is made in battle. It was only like half a second but when it's time to grind a bit before the Elite Four each fight drags on for ever. Then there's the lack of Pokemon available before you get the National Dex. I'm pretty sure you could get two Fire types? Platinum just puts it to shame.

    Then there's the amount of content in both games, I always drain the battery mining underground, and then there's the Contests, Battle Frontier, Pokeathlon, Berries, Apricorns, and collecting Mail which is a dumb thing I do from time to time. Compair that to B/W where you get the Pokemon Theater, Battle Subway and not a lot else.

    - Best/Favorite Generation/s?
    The first and second are pretty important beacause I grew up with them when they first came out but thinking now it would have to be Gen IV. The Physical/Special split of attacks made a lot of Pokemon more useful, like making more Dark attacks physical to go with the majority of Dark Pokemon having high attack, for example. That plus the extra held items made competitive battles a lot more fun.

    - Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?
    Having recently watched the first movie again I would have to say Mewtwo. Nothing else can really match its backstory or literaly touch it (yay for overpowered Gen I Psychic types). My regular faves usualy change but I've always loved Nidoking and Aggron.

    - Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?
    Steel type has always been my favourite since I had a Steelix on my first file of Crystal. I love the way they look, the fact they can't be Poisoned, and that they made excellent tanks or powerhouses in battle. Unless you come up against a Fire or Ground type. Then they're screwed.

    Best/Favorite Line Up?
    I ran a Steel team on HG not so long ago:
    It was probably the most fun i've had on a Pokemon game in a long time.

    - Anything else you would like to add?
    It's been well over 10 years since i first played Pokemon (the both the TCG and videogames) and it's always been my favourite series. I'm not too big a fan of Black and White as I felt their only redeeming features were the new Pokemon which isn't saying much as they're quite shit. That said, I've preordered Black 2 with the hopes that it'll be somewhat better.

    Oh and I love to give my Pokemon awesome Egg Moves like Typhlosion with Extrasensory and Tyranitar with Dragon Dance.

    Last of all I have a Magmortar with 200 Sp.Attack at level 50 which i'm very proud of.
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  9. #9
    Soaring to the sky Pie Bot's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    Best/Favorite Game?
    Gold, I love the second generation (easy grinding, simpler mechanics, vast land to explore and whatnot), but I pick Gold because I like its exclusives better

    Best/Favorite Generation/s?
    Second, for the reasons stated above

    Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?

    Zekrom, Smeargle and/or Haunter. The first is for design reason (never really got to use it), and the latter because they're fun to use; Haunter pawns and Smeargle's a bit of a wildcard

    Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?

    Ghost and Dark. I like'em for the immunities, and the pokemon on the type themselves, but that is that

    Best/Favorite Line Up?
    Cannon Fodder #1 ~#4

    Anything else you would like to add?
    As you can see, most of my favorites are most for design reasons and they have a childish tint to it, but it's just my way of playing Pokemon ...

  10. #10
    Death Before Dishonor Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    - Best/Favorite Game?

    Gold/Silver/Crystal for me as well. It was a lot more in depth with somethings. I mean shit Johto, then you can go to Kanto. It was far superior to any of the others that I have played.

    - Best/Favorite Generation/s?

    I am gonna say first gen because my two favorites were introduced.

    - Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?

    Arcanine, and Gengar are my favorites. I actually have two friends and the three of us got tats. One a ghastly, the other a haunter, and me a gengar.

    - Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?

    I always go with the fire type for starter on my first playthrough with the exception of TOTODILE!!!

    Overall though I love the dragon, and ice type pokemon.

    - Best/Favorite Line Up?


    Stuff to add. Pokemon Stadium is one of the best games ever.

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  11. #11
    Asking all the personal questions. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    Best/Favorite Game?

    The best would have to be Ruby and Sapphire, because in my opinion that is when they really beefed up the series, with hideouts and weather and night and day. I really enjoyed playing Ruby it was the one from the series that I spent the most time on.

    White was my favourite though I loved the new generation is was a refreshing change although having a turtle as the grass pokemon sought of reminded me of Bulbusaur/Squirtle, were as a pig and an otter really was refreshing.

    Best/Favorite Generation/s?

    First generation ftw, I loved the first generation and as the series went on the buffed them up by learning new and different moves and abilities.

    Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?

    Regular- Kadabra, he was one of the fastest and still is and has an extraordinary SP att and SP def but lacked physical def but made up with moves like light screen etc. And he looks quite neat.
    BUT he would almost be tie with Scyther but I only really like Scyther for looks, for a pokemon that was meant to be fast is wasn't all that fast even if you did have agility etc.

    Legendary- Rayquaza, he was a beast he could learn just about any move he looked good and we didn't have to over compensate, plus he was a dragon.

    Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?

    Dragon would be my favourite and for obvious reason that was why Black and White is my favourite I was drooling when I was looking at the line up for that. Most of the dragons are resistant to fire which is probably one of the strongest types in pokemon, some of them could learn fly and even thunder and they were mainly only weak against ice and if you had a decent fire move that wasn't a worry.

    Best/Favorite Line Up?

    I never really had a favourite line up I tried to buff up a wide variety of pokemon for all battles. I always had Kadabra or a strong Psychic, and usually one of the first pokemon you have the chance to catch in all games is a flying type and they were all pretty well rounded so they were part of my main line up. Other than those two I always changed and just picked types to counter those of they other trainers.

    Although Kadabra was my favourite a special shout out to Charizard he was the man.
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  12. #12
    Ayyye Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    Best/Favorite Game?

    This is a bit difficult to decide since I like them all for different reasons. Probably Red or Ruby/Emerald. 1st and 3rd gen are definitely my favorite generations as well, buy both are equal for different reasons.

    Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?

    Weavile since I just like him all around, but I also use him in the meta game, Yanmega: I didn't always use him, but I was messing around in 2010 or so with him and realized how awesome it was, ntm a giant powerful dragonfly is just kewl. I know Espeon is like every ones favorite, but it has become a main stay on my teams mainly for being already decently strong, but magic bounce is just amazing. Metagross is on par with with Weavile as my two main favorites. I also like Aerodactyl a lot... I'm a fan of Aggron as well. As for legends, probably Ho-oh, Rayquaza, the golem trio (sooooo underestimated) and Victini.

    Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?

    Steel. When I was part of a clan, I first made it as a Steel type gym leader and while working with them, I fell in love. Just veeeeery defensive. I later got upgraded to an Elite 4 member and had to leave it and make a weather team

    As for least favorites, fire and dragon because I'm a hipster.

    Best/Favorite Line Up?

    I have a lot of teams, but my elite 4 team is probably my favorite. I had to use a sunny day team, but I purposely made it to be an anti weather team, so I basically built it to break the other weather strategies. It worked quite well, the challengers would build a team to fight typical stally teams you would expect with weather, then they met by anti team, built to be just as powerful under sun or whatever. Obviously there is a slight rain weakness, but I have counters for that. My team was:

    Victini, Heatran, Breloom, Espeon, Ninetails and Tentacruel, sometimes substituting for my favorite wall of all time, and infamous dragon killer, Porygon2.

    Anything else you would like to add?

    I've been playing pokemon since I was 7 (1997-1998) so I've been with it since the beginning. I've never played the actual 5th gen games, and don't particularly want to, I hate 5th gen pokemon (besides Victini, he's cool) The games just seem meh today. I have been playing Pokemon Online for awhile though, so I know the ins and outs of the new pokemon...which disappointed me. I'm a fairly good competitive player, but lost interest due to the clan I was a part of falling into chaos and drama due to shoddy (pun intended) leaders. My main specialty were monotype teams. I found the most success with my Flying, Ghost, Poison, Psychic and Steel teams. My psychic and flying teams were both good enough to get high on the ladder, the rest would go through a win streak, then lose to stupid stuff. Unlike a lot of people, I rather liked gen 4 and some what dislike gen 2.

    If you couldn't tell, I have a history with pokemon and can't pick favorites >_> Maybe I'll make a top 50 list of pokemon lol
    Last edited by Lacquer Head; 07-29-2012 at 03:12 PM.

  13. #13
    The Mad God Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    Best/Favorite Game?
    G/S/C and HG/SS. The Jhoto region was awesome, best story, most content, only one to allow you to see multiple regions. But really, it's the one that came out when pokemon was still at its optimal cool. By the third gen, people were getting bored of it, you started being a nerd for liking pokemon, and all that. So Jhoto was right where the sense of awesomeness was at its maximum. It therefore has the greatest feeling of nostalgia, in addition to being an overall great game.

    Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?
    Tough choice... There are a lot I like. Tyranitar was one I loved since he came out, Skarmory, Umbreon, Absol, Aggron. Pretty much anything dark or steel or in general awesome. As for legends, Lugia and Ho-Oh, definitely in the top of the list, Arcues, Mewtwo, All the sexy dragons, just about all the legends are cool.

    Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?

    Dark/Ghost. Nothin like trolling with a Spiritomb you hacked to give Wonder Guard. Outside of trolling though, dragon, dark, and steel. Preferably hybridized with something, for another type of move to get STAB on.

    Best/Favorite Line Up?


    Not really, everyone hates magikarp. I do like to run a lineup of 6 FEAR Ratatta sometimes, against mostly to troll. Good memories of Ratatta trolling, was a part of a Pokemon League at an anime convention several years back, I played the role of 'Champion Joseph", and began all my challenges with a speech about how my Ratatta were all in the top percentage of all Ratatta, veritable Gods among rodents! And Then I'd proceed to troll with focus sash survival, endeavor to drop enemy health to 1, and quick attacks for kills. Lulz were had.
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  14. #14
    Registered User EmperorLeo's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    Best/Favorite Game?
    For me, I poured more hours into Silver than any of games, but when they changed the attacks in diamond/pearl, it really stuck out to me as something they should have had for ever, but I still side with Silver as number one

    Best/Favorite Generation/s?
    Two because of the range of new pokemon and the two new types, as well as the improvement on the game overall.

    Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?
    Ough. Now this one I've dreaded to answer. If you stuck a gun to my head, it'd probably be Kingdra. Espeon and Umbreon are also really close to the top though. For a legendary, I think I have to pick Articuno. I love MewTwo because he's just so scary powerful, but Articuno is my favorite because... well...

    Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?
    I prefer Ice-type. I also like psychic and steel as well, but I try to anchor a team with one Ice or Ice/water type so I can cover a dragon type without fear (I had a hard time beating lance as a kid...)

    Best/Favorite Line Up?
    Luxray or Ampharos

    Assuming this team's possible, there's a lot of variety in the team, and a lot of the pokemon can cover another pokemon incase of a knock out. Typhosion can learn thunder punch, for an extreme just-in case. Lux can learn Ice fang, Espeon and Gengar can trade speciality moves (psychic to gengar, shadow ball to espeon) as well as having their own. Weavile takes care of business with night slash, and Empoleon stands as the sturdy steel/water that doesn't anchor my team, but is definitely a metaphor for an anchor in this case. Plus, I love penguins.

    Anything else you would like to add
    I haven't played B/W yet (DS died), but I've got every interest in the world. Every game that comes out, I'm just as excited for this one as the last one.

  15. #15
    I'm DYING to see you! ViviMasterMage's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimate Pokémon Thread

    Best/Favorite Game?
    I feel that my favourite games are SoulSilver/Heartgold because it was like taking a nostalgia trip the whole way through. True, you could do the same thing with picking up a copy of Gold, Silver or Crystal (Seriously, Crystal isn't a precious metal.) but I liked all the upgrades to the game and the addition of Pokémon following you around reminded me of Yellow.

    Best/Favorite Generation/s?
    The current Gen, White and Black. Now you're probably thinking, "Vivi, you're insane!" but I'm a competitive Pokémon player and because of that, I like the newer generations for more balanced gameplay and larger selection of Pokémon. Oh, and thank God some genius at Game Freak thought to just give you the Lucky Egg for once. I SPENT SO MUCH TIME IN DIAMOND AND PEARL GETTING ONE AND THEN YOU MAKE IT COMMON TO GET, RAAAAAAAGGGGGGE.

    Favorite Pokémon (both legendary and regular)?
    I love Gengar because it's OG but I also like Scrafty, Raichu, Scizor, Metagross and Empoleon.

    Favorite Pokémon Type (if you have one)?
    Well, I love Steel types. They can be both offensive and defensive and I love the Pokémon that are in the Steel type. You'll see from the upcoming line-up...

    Best/Favorite Line Up?

    Now, this team has SWAG# (**** me for actually using that.) but honestly, they're offensive and absolutely awesome looking. I actually dare you to look at all these Pokémon in a line and not wet yourself from sheer awesome. Also I like the Steel type, did I mention?

    Though, I'm pretty much dead meat if Fire/Water comes in contact with me... xD

    Anything else you would like to add?
    I'm 17 so I can't make a speech about how Pokémon and I grew up together and such. I was four and it was the year 1999 when I actually remember my first game, which was Silver, I think. But I remember watching the anime whenever I could and getting all the Pokémon cards I could get. I still am a massive fan to this day because I'm still young.

    Take that, older people.

    My things:

    My TFF Family!:
    My very hyper moogle loving cousin Meigumi!
    My grammar obsessive twin AWESOME brother Fate!
    My powerful, dangerous, short tempered younger brother Alther!
    My badassly cool chaos-loving lord who adores big swords and uber spells, Elyon Demidias
    My awesomely cool big brother xXCloudXx
    "The Bestest Buddy" xTidus (Aka Casey)
    My Okami-playing, Sephiroth-fangirl American cousin Dodie16
    My brother and stealthy swordsman of poetic power genome's blade
    My brother from another mother Gilgameshed_Up

    My Fatey!:

    Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi
    ....... I was reaaally hoping you'd say something else, but whatever! HEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING A CONVERSATION! 8D
    Fate's beautiful haiku:
    Lost in reverie
    Memories drifting through me
    So calm like the sea

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