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Thread: Top 3 game series and why?

  1. #1
    Registered User Top 3 game series and why? DrewYeahhh's Avatar
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    Top 3 game series and why?

    I dunno if that has already done before but what are your top 3 game series and why.

    Mine are:

    1. Final Fantasy (obv)
    Well i do love every game made where as some do suck, but they always have the good things and just how epic the story and character can be.

    2. Tales Of
    I like the cheesy cell shaded games they are so much fun and can be hard when you have the game in a hard setting. Gotta love a challenging game

    3. Pokemon
    Childhood game nuff said

    Time flows without pause, in a world where I no longer exist, the future is about to change.

  2. #2
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Top 3 game series and why? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    Number 1 is Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy will always be my favourite series, because it's so epic. The stories, the characters, locations. Everything is good about the series. OK, it has slipped away from the classic gameplay, but it's still really good, and it's still going strong.

    Number 2 will have to be Assassin's Creed. When it was released, it was unique. The whole concept of the story and the mechanics of the gameplay were amazing. It's still amazing, with more depth being put into the characters, especially Ezio.

    Number 3 is a toughie, but I think I'm going to go with Mortal Kombat. I've been playing MK for years and years, and I still love it. The new MK is the best fighting game out now. The classic MK really bought us into the world of video game violence.

  3. #3
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Top 3 game series and why? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    A hard choice indeed.

    1. Pro Evolution Soccer - formerly know as International Superstar Soccer, despite it's name change the main formula stayed the same. ISS, or Pro Evo, whichever you prefer, got me hooked since it's first appearance on SNES, since then I clocked massive amount of time playing every installment released to this very day, thousand, and thousand of matches be it against my friends or plain old AI, time neither franchise can't compete with.

    2. Final Fantasy - Late introduction to great series as Final Fantasy IX was my first game in franchise, though I guess better ever than never. While not every game can be called a gem, all are good, and unique in their own way, some more than others such as Final Fantasy XII, IX, and VI. No matter if you're fan or not, you have to admire Square's hard work, Final Fantasy has been on top for many years, and it doesn't look like it will fall anytime soon.

    3. Tekken - I've spent small fortune playing Tekken in arcades, honestly, I would do it again if I had the chance. With every installment Tekken improved greatly, excellent gameplay, great characters, unique, and gripping story for a fighting game. Me, and my mates still have a habit clashing against each other in Tekken 3.

    Honorable Mention:

    Metal Gear Solid - Excellent, bizarre at times story with what seems to be the most impressive cast in any game whatsoever. Unfortunately I have yet to play every game in franchise, thus not my third place choice, though Peace Walker, and first Metal Gear Solid are one of the best games I ever played, Sons of Liberty was way to weird.

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  4. #4
    Passing fair judgement Top 3 game series and why? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    1. Definitely Final Fantasy, even though I was introduced to the game late I easily captivated. The early pixelated grahics of FF1/7 had a rather.....charming affect to them. Than as the games progressed the graphics became life like, and I was in love with them.

    2. The entire Metroid series, Samus was a character that in my youth I idolized. Plus the idea of blowing up aliens with an arm cannon was brilliant. Than when they released Metroid other M, I liked Samus even more.

    3.Pokemon, like someone said before me, it's youthful memories in those games.
    Last edited by Judge Magistrate; 06-24-2011 at 05:09 PM.
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  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    1. The Elder Scrolls. No other series delivers such a grand, lengthy experience. I've loved exploring and discovering new parts of the world of Tamriel with each new installment, and fuckin' with npc's and their goods. Seems as though the new one allows you to mess with those npc's even more.

    2. Pokemon. Like an addiction. I keep on going back to this series. I never played the third gen games, but I really don't feel like you need to. Besides, they'll probably just remake those games on the next gen anyway, if they follow the trend.

    3. Final Fantasy. Kinda gotta give the nod, don't I? On a Final Fantasy site, and all... Some great memories of some great stories and characters have been created. The last game I felt kinda "meh" about, however.

    Honorable mentions: Mario, Mother, Warcraft, Zelda


    Wuv, Yer Mom

  6. #6

    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    As a series, Final Fantasy is my undisputed favorite. Ever since I played my first FF, I was left with a different impression from all other games that I had played before, and that's what got me hooked in the series initially. After playing all the games I have, I have to say that overall, I have always enjoyed this series more as a whole than any other I have played.

    God of War: I am a fan of action/advanture games, it's my favorite genre of games. Of all the great games I have had the chance to play, God of War has been the best. It's simplicity in gameplay, it's epic story, and pretty much everything about the game has always given me an amazing gaming experience. This is the kind of game I always have fun playing, so right there with FF for me.

    Persona/Mass Effect: This is a tough one to deal with. I have only played Persona 3 Portable and it was so good, I think I'm already a fan of the series, but at the same time I don't think I can say that from having played just one game in the series. Mass Effect, on other hand, I have played both installments and although the first Mass Effect left much to be desired in terms of gameplay and graphics, Mass Effect 2 was truly amazing, with just a few things I would have liked to see done differently. I'm not sure which one I would put as my third choice. It's just a tough call for me.

    Honorable Mention:

    Assassin's Creed: Simply one of the best series I have ever played, it has evolved so much since the AC1 and it has almost always been in a positive manner. This is one I'll be playing probably for as long as it gets games.

  7. #7
    Consistently Average Top 3 game series and why? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    Top threes are always so hard
    1. Final Fantasy. I guess i don't really need to explain to y'all but i especially love the zany-ness of the older titles. Other then that it's just a great series, memorable characters, stories, gameplay.
    2. Hmm i'd like to go with Kingdom Hearts. I get a strong sense of nostalgia when i play KH1 even though i first played it last year so i dont know how that works. Organisation XIII are a great bunch of baddies and i love to see the FF cast especially when you get to fight alongside them in KH2.
    3. Goes to pokemon for basicly all the rerasons stated above, although personally i hope they dont make any more new titles, i think they began running out of ideas for new pokemon around the time of Diamond and Pearl.
    Currently Playing:
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  8. #8

    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    1. Final Fantasy - Not much to really say really. I just love Final Fantasy, although they have gone downhill since FFX. Well, I did like FFXII, but that's about it.

    2. Resident Evil - Not quite as big of a series as Final Fantasy, but still a great series. I love the whole zombie thing and the women are pretty hot; Claire in particular. And Wesker's one of the most badass villains in all of gaming.

    3. The Legend of Zelda - A series that is still going strong. I've loved it since the first Zelda and have played almost every one of the console games (the Four Swords games I haven't played and I never completed Wind Waker). I'm on a Final Fantasy kick right now, so I haven't gotten Ocarina of Time 3DS yet, but I plan to get it eventually and I will drop whatever game it is I'll be playing at the moment Skyward Sword comes out and play that.

  9. #9
    Juppiter Adept Top 3 game series and why? TheNiteAngel's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    1st - Final Fantasy
    Well, who didn't see that coming. Anyway I think that my favorite aspect of the series is the general length and depth of the stories, but this is supplemented by the addition of very cool looking environments that would be awesome to visit or live in, characters that general have multifaceted personalities and uses among the occasional 1-D character. Aside from that, I just seem to be able to escape stress so much easier with it.
    2nd - Golden Sun
    This one is another in which the story fascinates me. I always like it when game developers go to great lengths to create entire mythologies for entire new worlds. While this one is based loosely on our world, it takes place in a different time with a lot changed. I like the basis on the four elements and alchemy and the twisting story.
    3rd - God of War or Pokemon
    Okay this on was hard because I love God of War for the extreme graphic sequences, brutal gameplay, and wealth of mythology translated into gameplay elements. But Pokemon will always have a special place to me because I started playing when I was 8 and grew up with the games. I beat white and black, I go to midnight releases, and I train intense themed teams with great EVs for battling a bunch of so obsessed friends.
    Own: Origins (I&II), III (DS), Chronicles (IV), Anthology (V&VI), VII, 7-DoC, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, Tactics, TA

    Looking to Buy: TA2, and XII-RW

    Haven't played: XIII, 7-CC, XIIRW, TA2

    Complete: I, II, III, IV, VII, VIII, X, MQ

    -I am something of a perfectionist in that I don't consider a run through to the end a complete game. I have to complete everything possible.

    Favorite non-FF RPG: Legend of Dragoon (Total Complete 8 times)

    Current Goal: Bit of a break from Final Fantasy and into Kingdom Hearts. I've beaten Kh, Re:CoM, and I'm halfway through both KH2 and Days

  10. #10
    Registered User Top 3 game series and why? DrewYeahhh's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    Oh god your all saying games which i didnt think about like assasians creed (jizz)

    put i dont think i would but them in my top 3 tho im going to stick with me ones

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  11. #11
    Registered User Top 3 game series and why? HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    1. Metal Gear Solid Series An amazing combination of real life situations and impossible senarios, a great storyline, well written characters and a soundtrack written by angles. Love these game and would love a movie. (or so I think. Most VG movies end up sucking)

    2. Final Fantasy Of cource FF was on mah list! Guh. Storyline was key in this one. Although it varries from time to time, the gameplay is overall good throughout the early part of the series. The characters in some cases were very well written here aswell. Many of them had problems that we can all relate to easily. (Plus, I enjoy good fantasy games and I grew up with FF)

    3. Monster Hunter Great gameplay is the key component of this franchize. The only complaint I have about any of the MH games is that there is no real story, you are a hunter, and you hunt monsters. That's about it. Still, with character customization and fun 4-player co-op, this series has always kept my friends and I entertained.

  12. #12
    Death Before Dishonor Top 3 game series and why? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?


    Many amazing childhood memories come to mind when I think of this series. Hours, upon hours spent on the couch with my GBC in hand trying to evolve my sweet ass Charmander into a beefcake. l love the series to this day, in fact I played White earlier today, not much more I can do at this point.

    Final Fantasy

    This is TFF so anyone who doesn't have this in their mention is most likely a terrorist. My first RPG series that I ever played. Ushered in a whole new world of gaming for me.

    Elder Scrolls

    One of the biggest series in my opinion. Never met anyone that hated any of the game that actually played through all of them.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  13. #13
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Top 3 game series and why? nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    I agree with Cereal~Killer in that Resident Evil is a great game series, even though it isn't particularly big.

    My top three:

    Final Fantasy - Because it's Final Fantasy, a legend of a name with legends of games.

    Resident Evil - So much detail, and scary survival horror. The films ruined it, which is why i still play the games all the time. Of course, Leon Kennedy is just a fitty

    Fable - The Fable series was awesome ... especially Fable 3. The free-roaming was brilliant, and the morality meter was cool. Would love to see other games as expansive in it's world maps (except FF, it just rules over any other series xD)
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

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  14. #14
    Registered User Top 3 game series and why?
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    For me it goes like this

    1. Final Fantasy (I am FFGamer for crying out loud lol)

    2. Legend of Zelda (I enjoy the puzzles the dungeons give.)

    3. Suikoden (Amazing Series and I recommend it to everyone if you haven't played it before. Although you may want to try #2 on an emulator first since its one of the most expensive games out their ranging anywhere from 80-400 dollars.

  15. #15
    Registered User Top 3 game series and why? Oneesan's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    Final Fantasy: the very reason why I play seriously now! I love everything about each instalment I've played.
    Valkyrie Profile: The characters, setting, gameplay, and everything else about this series draws me in. I just keep coming back for more
    Dragon Quest: this was my first rpg and I haven't been able to tear myself away from the series since!!!

  16. #16
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    1. Fallout.

    Never played a Fallout game I didn't like (though some spinoffs were merely passable). The series aces my three favourite things in a game: story, characters and game world.

    2. Donkey Kong Country

    I love platformers and these looked beautiful while having the tight controls of the best 2D platformers coupled with collectibles and secret areas to add to replayability. To this day Donkey Kong Country 2, a game I played as a kid, remains a fave.

    3. Zenonia

    A series of mobile games? Hell yes. They remind me of the JRPGs of my youth, are always expansive with nice sprite graphics and a much cheaper price then most games released these days.
    victoria aut mors

  17. #17
    .............. Top 3 game series and why? smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    Since FF is much too easy a choice my top 3 outside of FF would be:

    1:Metal Gear Solid.One of the greatest(and most convuluted) stories in any medium. Very memorable boss battles(who doesnt remember going against Psycho Mantis) and the ability of the games to continue evolving where most other series quickly get stale. Best action series I have ever played.

    2:Gran Turismo. I just simply love these games. Controls and handling pretty close to perfect(for me they would be as GT1 and 2 were first games I was addicted to). Just the type of games I would spend hundreds of hours playing just to get a little better.

    3:Grand Theft Auto. The only sandbox games that I feel provide some sort of adequate direction for the player as well as being capable of being both silly and brilliant at the same time. Never mind the fact they suck you into their worlds. I never lived in the 80s, but if I had to define it I would just point to Vice City.

    Some borderline choices though. If Persona 5 meets my expectations, Persona goes straight in. And if Uncharted 3 keeps the astronomically high standard it would definitely be a strong consideration.
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  18. #18
    Just kind of there. Top 3 game series and why? Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    Guild wars- No other game has managed to suck up over 600 hours of my life.
    And i'm looking forward to Guild wars 2.

    Warcraft- Specifically Warcraft II, Such a fun little series. Untill WoW rolled around and mixed things up.

    Half Life- Well for starters I met my fiance playing the original Half Life.
    But aside from that, Fun gameplay, a good variety of guns, And one of the scariest characters in history, The G man.
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    And then just like that i'm gone again.

  19. #19
    Rune Knight Top 3 game series and why? Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    1. Elder Scrolls - Its a great immersive series, still was not as great as Daggerfall which was a huge world within the elder scrolls series. With great graphics comes greater restrictions.

    2. Warcraft - Their strategy fantasy series was fantastic and especially when I made maps and modded heroes in the 3rd game. I try to play the table top game based on the online. and WoW has a HUGE expansive story and mythology that I love. FOR THE HORDE!

    3. Pokemon - Mainly gold and silver, those were my favorite of the series and the developers just ended up turning me off to the last game cause they screwed up a simple animal like the otter. (slaps japan across the face)

  20. #20
    Badass Military Agent Top 3 game series and why? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    Pokemon - It's as good as the name is catchy. Started playing when it first came out, and been hooked ever since. It's just something about playing it that makes me want to be more awesome at it. I forget which version, but one of them have the secret hideouts which made me feel like man this is awesome. The game is just legendary, kinda like FF. Working on catching all of them and putting them in my White version. I will have a full POKEDEX and LEGALLY this time!!!!!

    Final Fantasy - Duh Winning!

    Dynasty Warriors -THE best battlefield fighting game I ever EVER played. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms story is the best I ever read. Took me a couple of days to read the 2400 page book. I play that series religiously, almost like a drug.

    These are my best series.

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  21. #21
    Lone Wolf Top 3 game series and why? Darkwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    1. Metal Gear Solid
    This game series had absolutely no flaws. The gameplay was very enjoyable, you have the choice to either use stealth, or have use things like CQC and your obvious guns to get through the game. The story was very complex and much of the game was build on realistic fiction, while keeping bosses difficult by giving them abnormal abilities. The whole entirety of the Metal Gear Solid series is absolute perfection. Enough said.
    2. Final Fantasy
    Each individual game is a new adventure, with new characters and a plot that takes different twists and turns. The classing RPG battle style from the early games and the newer more active gameplay styles keep you always coming back. You can relate to a character and really get a feel for some of the deep emotion that comes from the personalities that Squaresoft/Square Enix put into each character.
    3. .hack//G.U.
    Although this series was only 3 parts, this game put a more active battle style and gave you a very intense storyline, all set in a (Simulated) online game world. The plot twists and turns right up until the end, and how the characters interact with each other can be both hilarious and emotional at parts.

  22. #22

    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    1) Final Fantasy series, I enjoy the depth of the stories and the personalities of the characters -- more than just a one-dimensional individual. The cinematics and graphics are also amazing to look at, and as for the gameplay, I enjoy the battle system(s) used and it's a good challenge at times.

    2) Mass Effect trilogy, I'm enjoying the story and the interactivity I have with the story. For instance, the ability to decide the fate of characters, of battles and so on. Plus, I enjoy how the romances work in this game and I'm even further elated that the third game will allow a same-sex relationship with Garrus.

    3) The Disgaea series, I've enjoyed it for years and the short anime series was fun. The characters all compliment each other, and despite being rather stereotypical, are fun to watch interact and behave. I've also put some 300 odd hours into the game.

  23. #23
    Registered User Top 3 game series and why? Coolmcdum's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    Hmmm... This was very diffucult for me. Yet i came to a conclusion of my Top 3 Fav. Series

    1.Final Fantasy...Well no duhhh.. xD But I have always loved how it just comforts me its like no other seires. The music, Character, Art, Envoirnment, Just i love it all Keep it up ).

    2.Metal Gear Solid...This is just a plain out just incredible game series. Just such a complex story lines its almost overwhelming . But also you gotta love the Badass (Solid or Naked) Snake. Just BADASS!! NUF SAID!

    3.Kingdom Hearts...This game just has a close bond and connection with my heart. Each character having a different place and sincerity in there. I also really like the game play of the KH series. Especially of KH BBS and Re:Coded. But really put lotta love into this game can't wait till KH3
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  24. #24
    Registered User Top 3 game series and why? HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    I'd like to add Castlevania to my list of AUG-some games as an honerable mention.

    I love the Belmont family, they're like a family of Paladins. They hunt dracula for a living. Plus I really enjoy the sort of heroic pride that the Belmonts carry with them. (Especially Richter Belmont.)

    God bless that series. :3

  25. #25
    Registered User Top 3 game series and why? Cyric's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    Disgaea - It's mostly because of the characters and how much fun it is. I've always been a fan of the SRPG and since that's what Disgaea is (minus 2-3 side games).

    Elder Scrolls - There's something about a really detailed world that literally let's you go where ever you want, whenever you want and in the first person. I'm really really excited for Skyrim.

    Final Fantasy - Used to be on top, but with all the releases that are simply to bank on the final fantasy name (Chocobo Tales? WTF?) they fell from my graces. And then XIII really pissed me off because I couldn't control all of the characters.

  26. #26

    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    1. Final Fantasy
    I think this is everyone knows why.
    2. Fallout
    Well, these games are just awesome. Not only because of storyline, but gameplay is awesome too!
    3. Pokemon
    I still like them!

  27. #27
    Registered User Top 3 game series and why? Alex's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    1.Final Fantasy
    Well, Final Fantasy was the truly first game I enjoyed, and it helped me choose the RPG's. And it's awesome in every aspect.
    2.The Elder Scrolls
    As someone said before me, the elder scrolls is open, epic, beautiful and everything in between. I love the series, and can't wait for Skyrim!
    3.Star Ocean
    I couldn't think of another serie, and I have only played the 3rd. But it has been awesome, and an epic battle system!

  28. #28
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    1. Duke Nukem - because he kicks so much ass, has many one liners, and the series has been going on longer than many others. a true alpha male that we all need to be like.

    2. Dynasty Warriors - because no matter how many of those ****ers you kill, they just keep coming and coming, sequels included. I still have no idea how China has such bad population control problems, I feel like I decimated half of them in one sweep of story mode.

    3. Halo - because its halo.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  29. #29
    Registered User Top 3 game series and why? Coolmcdum's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    I do agree with HUNK that Castlevania does need a Honorable mention.
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  30. #30
    is not a douche Top 3 game series and why? Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Top 3 game series and why?

    Quote Originally Posted by DrewYeahhh View Post
    I dunno if that has already done before but what are your top 3 game series and why.

    Mine are:

    1. Final Fantasy (obv)
    Well i do love every game made where as some do suck, but they always have the good things and just how epic the story and character can be.

    2. Tales Of
    I like the cheesy cell shaded games they are so much fun and can be hard when you have the game in a hard setting. Gotta love a challenging game

    3. Pokemon
    Childhood game nuff said
    1. Devil May Cry
    Upcoming DmC isn't factored into it.

    2. Final Fantasy
    The only RPG in my eyes.

    3. Silent Hill

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