You know better than anyone that I've played all of them haha, aannd Code Veronica is may favoriteI think in Zero, there's this room with a like hanging coffin that holds this crazy ho. She scared me more than Nemesis, I haven't played in a while, but I remember you have to let her loose to get something and then you have to use a crank to open a this like circular room while she chases you around...It sucks, she screams at you hahah and one hit from her puts you in "danger (red)" or maybe it was orange caution....
I've played all of them including the original first one, I think it was director's cut, and you meet Rebecca there the first time in a save/safe room. I've beaten the remake for GC, 2, Nemesis, Code Veronica, 4, (bought it for PS2 and I'm playing it again, it's addicting) 5 wasn't scary at all. I really crapped my pants playing Dino Crisis though, I think it's the music that got me, I really didn't think it would be that scary.
I like the traditional style of running and moving around, you where no matter which way you're facing, you always push triangle and forward, and you actually have a view of everything in your area as opposed to following the character at shooting range. I didn't mind the short pause between load screens and I miss the whole " door opening " thing
EDIT: LOL has anyone played Luigi's Mansion?