Everyone likes the new RE's. 4 especially, and yeah they rock. Fast paced action packed zombie slaying with customizable weapons. What's not to love?
What I want to talk about is the old school part of RE. I mean the series as it was when you walked around with the camera in one area 8 item spots and if you use one herb or handgun bullet too many it could make you learn to get good with a knife or restart. The originals are certainly an acquired taste, but amazing if it's your niche.
I haven't played some of them. Like 0, but I heard it sucks. I've beaten 1, 2, and 3 (Nemesis). Though I've never played the original one. I've got the remake for the Gamecube. I didn't own the Ps1 when I was a kid so I had to wait til 2 came to the N64 and Nemesis to Gamecube.
The remake of 1 is actually the hardest one I've played for the originals. The zombies occasionally break through doors so when you thought you got away they're right back at you. It is the best of all at setting the mood. The way the camera is set and how dreary it is. From moths flying around the lights outside to the dying shrubs with the howling in the distance you truly feel alone. It's hard but fun, rewarding, and creepy.
2 was the first I played and still my fave for the oldies. Claire scenario A and Leon B. You can fly through it if you know where to go. The licker is still the creepiest of all species in the series. I was one of the only people who thought Leon was the better make character over Chris so imagine my excitement when he showed up in 4. In 5 Chris turned into a real juice bag with bleached horse teeth.
Nemesis freaked me out as a kid. He's scary looking but what really does it is his ability to always show up at the worst times and bust in when you can't handle another fight. It's the follow up to Jill so I'm a sucker to see what happened. Cryo rounds for the win,and **** Carlos.
Code Veronica was defenitely a real let down. I liked the mansion part cause it was a reminder of one. And Wesker fighting her was alright. His cat eyes made me burst out laughing though. Oh and a cross dressing red coat. I beat it 2 sittings but it was weird. It just felt like the idea was dying or being turned into a process and nothing clever that made me think "cool!" was there.
So what about you which is your fave, scariest or thoughts on the old ones?