Fog issues, frame rate issues, the main character from 3 looks nothing alike, and sound issues/different cast.
I haven't played or finished either game. I was just browsing something in the horror category and that was brought to my attention from childhood memories of being afraid so much that I couldn't finish it.
After looking through reviews I found a lot of people were displeased with the game. I can't list all of the issues, those were just what I remembered.
Last edited by Mystyrion; 04-15-2012 at 09:15 PM.
Note: I have some already mentioned but just overlook em. You could narrow your choices down by watching lil gameplay walkthroughs on youtube)
-Devil may cry series 1-3 (all 3 on the one disc in HD on PS3&XBOX360)
-Metal Gear Solid series (myFave"Sons Of Liberty")
-"Shadow Of the Colossus" & "ICO" Series(BOTH in HD on PS3)
-GTA: III, Vice City, Liberty Stories
-Dirge Of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (I played it in Japanese tho, not sure that makes a difference..besides language/original translations/better voice acting cause they're alot of cutscenes)
-Persona 3(random note:has one of the best battle themes- Battle for Everybody's SoulsXD)
-Shadow Hearts Covenant
-Star Ocean: Til the End of Time
-Odin's Sphere (PSN)
-Tales Of Symphonia
-Valkyrie Profile 2
-Wild Arms 3 &"Alter Code F"
-Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
-Fatal Frame series
-Silent Hill 2 (myfave*Also in HD on PS3)
-Resident Evil 4
-Soul Calibur II
-Ape Escape series -addictive fun
-Katamari Damacy -fun,fun,funXD
Well if you bothered to look furthar than a few disgruntled hipster fools, you'd realise the game gets a 9/10 from respected gaming websites and is IDENTICLE to the originals aside from the fact that you have an option to have original voice acting or the new voice acting. I completed silent hill 2 hd and experienced no frame rate drops or any issues with fog. Dont listen to the odd freaks out there who cry about games being remade into HD.
No reason to be on the offense. Calm down.
IGN is the only review that I can find that gave it as high of a rating as it got. I would trust Metacritic before I trusted them.
I think its 3 that had the fog & frame rate issues.
Don't get me wrong, I like the whole HD thing, bringing older games to new consoles. Sometimes with more content, sometimes not. Especially with the PS3 since no new slims offer backwards compatibility.
Its just this is more of a whim thing so I'm going to take more precautions than regularly.
Also I don't trust gaming websites, any of them. I read their reviews, but thats about as far as it goes. I prefer watching gameplay videos and playing beta/demos.
Nor do I trust user reviews. They often whine about minor issues or preferences. Its just like I said, I'm being cautious.
EDIT: Audio syncing issues in 2, Frame rate issues in 3. Silent Hill 3 requires the new voices. Sound loops. All on the PS3 version.
Last edited by Mystyrion; 04-15-2012 at 10:26 PM.
So Fluffy what did you get? Are you enjoying them?
I've been playing a bunch of the games somewhat simultaneously.
Xenosaga has been taking up a lot of my PS2 time. Really enjoying it so far, finished episode 2. The biggest issue I've had with it so far is episode 2 had a lot less cutscenes around the middle of the game, I found it less enjoyable at this point as the couple of really big dungeons just felt like obvious filler. Also, episode 2's combat system... I hated it. They really drop the ball on this one, but I've heard it gets better again for 3. I completely loved episode 1.
Dragon Quest VIII is enjoyable enough, but I'm still not a fan. I guess DQ just isn't for me. This is probably going towards the back of the list.
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time I found boring. This is a disappointment after SO2. Don't really like its combat system either, despite having loved SO2's. To the back of the list it goes, I hope it gets better later on.
Ar tonelico is a pretty fun game! I'm putting it aside for now, but I really enjoyed what I played of it. I'll probably get back to it soon.
Dark Cloud is a pretty fun game as well. Not playing it right now, but I'll definitely get back to it.
Games not from this thread:
I played and finished Zone of the Enders 1 & 2. I loved these games. Both gameplay and story were great.
And the one I'm currently playing is Disgaea. This game is hilarious, and it's really fun to play. I'm probably finishing this before getting to anything else.
Still to come:
Most of the games I already mentioned I was interested in. I'm really tempted to start a full playthrough of the MGS series soon. I also remembered a game that someone else mentioned to me a good while back, Stella Deus. Radiata Stories will probably be one of my next ones as well.
I heard Shadow of the Colossus was pretty good. I'm still looking to play it too though.
These are all good sounding titles. Did Dragon quest 8 a couple times; good game but DW 3 was the best American release(more replay value). I'm hurting for PS2 releases, my xbox elite got the red ring of death 1 1/2 yrs into using it. I'll stick to pc games unless I can find a few good ps2 titles..
I mostly liked frequency and amplitude and a few others. Arcadia sound like a good game, thanks guys. Atm I'm re-doing unreal tournament and kill zone which bore me after 30mins, having beat them 2 times b4, great games though.. GTAs were awesome, idk if I wanna replay them. Castlevania and Megaman: command missions are pretty lame for ps2. What are the best RPG titles (excluding FF)?
If this is for the PS2 I name some off:
Suikoden III & Suikoden V.
With 108 characters to collect in each game (it takes from the classical Chinese novel, Water Margin), though not all are used in battle, there is plenty to do in these RPGs. As there are a few non-battle characters that have mini-games. Storylines are generally political. There are three modes of combat: party combat, duels, and warfare. Duels are pretty much a quartz, parchment, shears mini-game. In warfare you organize troops and fight on a battlefield, moving and attacking with your troops to try to get an advantage. Certain abilities can be used in warfare to help your allies or hinder you foes. Suikoden V has a more RTS feel than Suikoden III which is more grid-based regarding warfare combat.
Shadow Hearts, Shadow Hearts: Covenant, & Shadow Hearts: From the New World
A game series that is based on a supernatural alternate history through the years of 1915 - 1930's. The first two games are more connected than From the New World to the others. The games are have a dark atmosphere akin to Shin Megami games, though the last one is the "brightest" of them all. Combat is driven through a Judgment ring that appears on screen once all commands are entered. Parts of the ring are colored offering different outcome. The grey area is a miss of action. While the Orange or green areas are normal outcome and red or blue is a super. The judgment ring keeps a player on their toes. Plenty of humor in these games as well. If you are the type of person who does not like gay humor then these games may not be for you as there are gay merchants in each game that are quite hilarious.
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, SMT: Digital Devil Saga, SMT: DDS 2, SMT: Persona 3 FES, SMT: Persona 4
Tons of games from this series. The Persona games have a social gaming aspects in them. The character goes to school, has a job (perhaps), and friends that they hang out with after-school/ during lunch. Of course there is something wrong going on where the story takes place. Personae are a part of the character that they have drawn out of themselves to aid them in combat. Each persona has different skill-set, though skills can be learned by fusing personae to gain a new persona.
In Nocturne the player can recruit demons to aid them in their fight in a post-apocalyptic world. In battle there are "press turns" and a normal action takes up "1 press turn". Though missing or having the enemy drain your magic skill will make you lose an additional "press turn", whilst scoring a critical or exploiting the weakness of an enemy will grant a half-turn allowing that ally to act again. This "press turn" system is present in Digital Devil Saga as well.
Which in those games the characters turn into demons to fight. With new abilities and magic be learnt through a big skill tree allowing for good customization of each character.
Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x