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Thread: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

  1. #1

    Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    I recently resuscitated my PS2, and so now I'm looking for some good games to play on it that I never got the chance to play before. So, please, feel free to suggest your best/favorite games!

    Games I have/played:

    Final Fantasy X
    Final Fantasy X-2
    Final Fantasy XII
    Kingdom Hearts
    Kingdom Hearts II
    Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (ugh)
    Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (someone kill me)

    Games I plan to get:

    Xenosaga Episode I, II, & III
    Drakengard I & II (probably)

    You can even mention games I already have listed if you want. So yeah, what are the best PS2 games for you?

  2. #2

    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    I recommend Tales of the Abyss.
    EDIT: Oh god, I forgot Grandia II <-- Play it

    The Tales series is awesome, although I'm not liking the new one (Tales of Graces) as much as the older games so far. I head that Tales of the Abyss is being released on PS3 some time this year, but idk how true that is.

    I hope so though. I might go to Game Stop today to see if they have the PS2 version of Abyss.

    I'm falling back again to PS1 and 2 games because newer gen games are not doin it for me lately. I'm dying for some good jrpg fun and there just isn't any floating around anymore.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 03-20-2012 at 09:44 PM.

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

    From The Clint Eastwood
    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  3. #3

    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Racing - ATV Off Road Fury
    Shooter - Killzone
    Fighter - Dragonball Z Budokai 3 or any of the Tenkaichi's (though I havent played 3 or tag team)
    Platform - Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil. Childs game, maybe, but I found it extremely fun.
    RPG - Baldur's Gate 1&2
    Adventure - Okami, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus
    Dancing - In The Groove or Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 & Supernova

    I'm afraid I haven't played much JRPG's outside of Final Fantasy :/
    This is just off the top of my head. I have a ton of games at my parents house, but can hardly remember them all. I try to find some gems when I go to my parents.
    Bolded certain ones for emphasis.
    Last edited by Mystyrion; 03-20-2012 at 12:27 PM. Reason: Added more

  4. #4

    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Radiata Stories(If you can choose only one this is it!!!)
    Persona 3 and 4
    Valkyrie Profile 2
    The .Hack series....all of them!

  5. #5
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Well, gotta second Okami here. If you don't mind rather slow start-ups to a game (there's a lot of dialogue to sit through...), it gets pretty awesome. Very reminiscent of the Zelda titles, but with Japanese history/wackiness. I'd totally recommend playing it.

    Metal Gear Solid 3 is another that's quite good, though I'd recommend trying to find the re-release (Subsistence). The original release had some pretty bad camera issues. Best part is, that it's a prequel, so you don't really have to have played the others in the series, but it'd help to spot some easter eggs if you do or have played them.
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  6. #6

    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Although it's probably obvious what my favorite genre is (RPG), don't be afraid to suggest other ones. I'm willing to look into others, and maybe someone else would like to check out some PS2 games as well.

    Ico and Shadow of the Colossus look very nice. I see that they're also on PS3 though; anyone have any idea if they're worth getting on PS3 over PS2?

    I've not played a Tales game after SNES (Tales of Phantasia), and I admittedly didn't think much of it at the time. I've been very interested in some of them though, especially Xillia. Also been thinking of getting a hold of Symphonia. So I guess I may check out Abyss.

    Grandia II
    looks like it could be good, and I think I've heard it mentioned a few times before. Should I play the first game before it? They don't look related. Should I play the first anyway if they aren't? Any idea if the third game is also good?

    If by Baldur's Gate I & II you mean Dark Alliance, I actually did play the first one, I forgot about that. I sadly thought it fell very short of the Baldur's Gate titles on PC.

    I've been considering Radiata Stories as well. I think I will get it.

    I might consider Valkyrie Profile 2. I played the first one but something about it annoyed me and I haven't finished it. I'm not sure if 2 is better.

    Persona... I've heard a friend say they didn't like Persona 2. But honestly these have been interesting me. I think I'll finally check out some videos and see what I think.

    And for Okami: I have this one on Wii.

    Metal Gear Solid: I plan to get the whole series on PS3 eventually.

    These are some great games though it seems. Thanks.
    Last edited by Fluffy; 03-20-2012 at 02:23 PM.

  7. #7
    I want to play a game. Recommend Good PS2 Games? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post
    Games I plan to get:

    Xenosaga Episode I, II, & III
    I restarted my Episode I file. I was pretty close to the ending, but horribly weak. Beat the last boss with tooth and nail. But good choices. Since you have are using a PS2 I suggest Xenogears, a PS1 title, if you haven't played it before.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    I recommend Tales of the Abyss.

    The Tales series is awesome, although I'm not liking the new one (Tales of Graces) as much as the older games so far. I head that Tales of the Abyss is being released on PS3 some time this year, but idk how true that is.

    I'm falling back again to PS1 and 2 games because newer gen games are not doin it for me lately. I'm dying for some good jrpg fun and there just isn't any floating around anymore.
    I'll second Tales of the Abyss. Good combat and story though I did have a few problems with some of the cast to make them one of my least favorite. Tales of the Abyss was re-released for the 3DS. I haven't heard anything about it coming to the PS3 through PSN or a HD remaster.

    Tales of Legendia I found to be quite good. A simpler Tales game both story and combat wise. However the characters are some of my favorite in JRPG genre. Also Tales of Legendia was damn hilarious.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bias x View Post
    Adventure - Shadow of the Colossus
    Dancing - In The Groove or Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 & Supernova
    I'll second these games as well. And I can't believe there is some else at TFF who has played DDR or ITG. This may not be your type of music but for me there were around 40 songs on each release that I liked. DDR MAX 2 is a classic. But all of them are quite good: MAX, MAX 2, Extreme, Extreme 2, Supernova, & Supernova 2. However home pads are not the greatest of things. I'll also insert Pump It Up: Exceed, better than any DDR or ITG. More fluid. Great songlist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Imposter View Post
    Persona 3 and 4
    I'll second these as well.

    As for my own entries:

    For RPGs go with: the Shadow Hearts series, primarily the first 2. And out of those the second one I view as the better one. The good thing about Shadow Hearts: Covenant (ie, SH 2) is that it recaps the first game. Shadow Hearts 3 isn't bad, just not as dark as the previous two.

    Dragon Quest VIII.
    Suikoden III and Suikoden V
    Rogue Galaxy was decent.

    Bujingai: Tale of the Forsaken City, an action game.

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  8. #8
    TFF's Resident Messenger Recommend Good PS2 Games? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    So many good games to choose from with the PS2. I would recommend...

    Katamari Damacy - It is fun and really addictive. Catchy music. And fun. And different. And fun. Just talking about makes me want to play it again.

    The Ratchet and Clank series as well as the Jak and Daxter are really good as well.

    I second ATV Offroad Fury for a good racing game. The Gran Turismo series is also something worth looking in to. Especially since you can use the licenses you get from 3 to help you out in 4 (like how GT1 did when you play GT2).

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post
    Games I plan to get:
    Xenosaga Episode I, II, & III
    I am currently playing Xenosaga Episode II. So if you do end up getting it, prepare for a lot or cutscenes.
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  9. #9
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    IF you want to get scared with some survival, play Silent Hill 2, 3, 4 and Origins.

    Resident Evil 4 is really great. I enjoyed it from start to finish.

    The Xenosaga games, although I only played Ep.1 and not that far (maybe just about half way?) and the only thing I hate is that you watch a long cutscene....walk for literally 30 seconds, and walk another long cut scene...walk again for 30 seconds.....long cut scene...cut scene...gameplay.

    Red Dead Revolver (a capcom game sold to Rockstar and made into what you see today as Redemption) Game isn't like Redemption, only that this game has the Deadeye system in it. But the game is great, fun 3rd person shooter.
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  10. #10

    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post
    Ico and Shadow of the Colossus look very nice. I see that they're also on PS3 though; anyone have any idea if they're worth getting on PS3 over PS2?
    Higher output resolution of 1080p, fixed frame rate of 30fps, 3D, 7.1 Surround, ICO has content not included in the North American release.

    If by Baldur's Gate I & II you mean Dark Alliance, I actually did play the first one, I forgot about that. I sadly thought it fell very short of the Baldur's Gate titles on PC.
    Yes, Dark Alliance, not quite what it use to be on the PC. Its still a solid game though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    I'll second these games as well. And I can't believe there is some else at TFF who has played DDR or ITG. This may not be your type of music but for me there were around 40 songs on each release that I liked. DDR MAX 2 is a classic. But all of them are quite good: MAX, MAX 2, Extreme, Extreme 2, Supernova, & Supernova 2. However home pads are not the greatest of things. I'll also insert Pump It Up: Exceed, better than any DDR or ITG. More fluid. Great songlist.
    Yeah haha been playing only for 4 years or so. Got to the point where I could pass Delirium with a 70%. Kinda dropped of since then. I still play stepmania every once in awhile. I just chose Extreme 2 and Supernova because they have my favorite songs of the series on them.

  11. #11
    Boxer of the Galaxy Recommend Good PS2 Games? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Devil May Cry is good action RPG fun.
    Resident Evil 4 is even better.
    Star ocean - until the end of time.
    Persona 3 FES/ Persona 4 (probably the latest greatest ps2 games)
    WILD ARMS Alter Code F (remake of the original, its outstanding as a remake and if you have never played the original, truly has something for everyone. A great old school feel adventure with heaps of places to traverse to on the world map).
    Tekken 4/ Tekken 5/ Tag Tournement (great titles for the ps2)
    Dark Cloud (very oldschool dungeon crawl, also I believe to be one of the first in ps2 games lineup {tekken tag probably coming with your ps2 at release though.} Build your own city with parts you salvage from the dungeon and restore it to its former glory.)
    Last edited by Rowan; 03-20-2012 at 03:51 PM.

  12. #12
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Rowan reminded me about Devil May Cry and Onimusha series.

    DO NOT PLAY DEVIL MAY CRY 2 (I don't care, please, it's just....terrible) But no go ahead if you want. Devil May Cry 1 and 3 are amazing. The Onimusha series which is pretty much one of the first Action Adventure games to exist.
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  13. #13
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    One of my favourite games of all time on the PS2 is Dark Cloud. It's a really good dungeon crawler/RPG. You play as a guy called Toan who is given a magical stone by the Fairy King in order to restore the world from the destruction caused by the Dark Genie. It has a really lovely story and side-stories too, some of which can tear jerk.

    I also recommend the Yakuza series, of which the first two are on PS2. If you like Shenmue, you'll like these. The first game remains my favourite so far, although the third wasn't bad either.

    If you enjoyed the LotR games, you might also like Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone. It's set in the FR campaign for Dungeons and Dragons, and isn't too shabby. You take control of three characters; a Warrior, a Mage and a Rogue, and each help out in certain stages. At the end of each level, you can upgrade their weapons, armour and powers.

    It also goes without saying that Onimusha (especially the second - my first PS2 game, and my favourite from the series), Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, Katamari, ICO, Metal Gear Solid and Dragon Quest should be recommended.

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  14. #14

    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    I'll never finish all these games!

    I played the first Shadow Hearts actually, forgot about that one, too. The combat system annoyed me, but otherwise seemed like it could be good. Maybe I'll revisit it.

    Dragon Quest VIII I'm pretty interested in. I admit I'm not a big Dragon Quest fan despite the first one being one of my very first video game experiences. I've tried some of the others and couldn't get into them, but this one looks different somehow.

    Suikoden will depend on what I think of Suikoden I & II when I finally get around to playing those. I've heard bad things of IV; I assume you agree since you skipped to V.

    Rogue Galaxy is one I hadn't heard of until very recently. Looks interesting.

    Never once heard of Bujingai. Probably would be lower in priority for me, but I would like to try it.

    Every time I see Katamari Damacy mentioned I want to play it, but I'm afraid I'll never get around to it. Maybe someday!

    I've tried some Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Daxter before. Couldn't get into them.

    I don't know how I forgot about Silent Hill. I'll probably get into that.

    I love Resident Evil 4. Originally played it on GameCube, have it on Wii.

    Red Dead Revolver looks pretty cool.

    Devil May Cry: I liked what little of this I played. I guess I should finally give it a proper play.

    No idea why I didn't list Star Ocean: Till the End of Time up there. I've been wanting to play it.

    Wild Arms: Wow, I wasn't aware of that remake. I did play the original, and I didnt like it a whole lot. But I think I'll give it another try, as I didn't exactly dislike it. Wild Arms 3 looked like something I could maybe like, too.

    I think I'll try both Dark Cloud games. They sound fun and both have been recommended to me by different friends.

    Checked out videos of Onimusha, seems pretty good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I am currently playing Xenosaga Episode II. So if you do end up getting it, prepare for a lot or cutscenes.
    One of the reasons why I'm looking forward to them so much!
    Last edited by Fluffy; 03-20-2012 at 04:48 PM.

  15. #15
    Boxer of the Galaxy Recommend Good PS2 Games? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post

    Wild Arms: Wow, I wasn't aware of that remake. I did play the original, and I didnt like it a whole lot. But I think I'll give it another try, as I didn't exactly dislike it. Wild Arms 3 looked like something I could maybe like, too.
    Wild arms ALTER CODE F is the remake of the original and it fixes absolutley everything that made the original slightly anoyying at times. There is a 'battle counter' now that lets you use points to avoid battles if you wish. An exclamation point will pop up over your characters head allowing you a few seconds to cancel the battle if you wish. These points regenerate after fighting battles. Also, having it transformed into a beautiful 3d world along with actual character detail makes for a more enjoyable experience. Theres also at least 20 NEW optional bosses to fight that bestow very worthwhile rewards should you defeat them. The music is great, theres new characters to play as (from the original as well, dont want to spoil anything!) and the abttle system is really fun and everything I enjoy about RPG's. Theres the cliche' variations of traversing the world map, from walking, to sailing, to golem (could be looked at as a chocobo that gives access to certain places other inaccessable) and finally, the flying machine.

    Unfortunatley for Europe players, the game was only ever manufactured as NTSC and therefor unplayable in PAL regions. I played it via emulator.

  16. #16
    I want to play a game. Recommend Good PS2 Games? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post

    I played the first Shadow Hearts actually, forgot about that one, too. The combat system annoyed me, but otherwise seemed like it could be good. Maybe I'll revisit it.
    Understandable. The judgment ring is horribly fuzzy in the first game. In 2 and 3 the judgment ring is very clear and easier to use. SH: Covenant is quite an easy game and there are a few characters that are quite broken. However if you don't like the concept of the judgment ring then you may not like the rest of the series. They added combos in 2 and then added upon that in 3 with the stock gauge.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post
    Dragon Quest VIII I'm pretty interested in. I admit I'm not a big Dragon Quest fan despite the first one being one of my very first video game experiences. I've tried some of the others and couldn't get into them, but this one looks different somehow.
    This is the first DQ game that actually showed the party in battle. Before that it was all in first person view.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post
    Suikoden will depend on what I think of Suikoden I & II when I finally get around to playing those. I've heard bad things of IV; I assume you agree since you skipped to V.
    IV was ok. A very short story that needed another game, Suikoden Tactics, to expand and fill in some plot points. II is generally considered the best and overall great RPG.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post
    Rogue Galaxy is one I hadn't heard of until very recently. Looks interesting.
    Battles are either hard or easy depending on how you play. Story is nothing too special though chapter 6 tends to be regarded highly. One of my favorite chapters.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post
    Never once heard of Bujingai. Probably would be lower in priority for me, but I would like to try it.
    It is a little known action game from Taito with the main character being based on Gackt who did the very limited voice acting for the character and motion capture. Story is standard but as for gameplay it excels as a great action game. Influenced by wuxia films, the battles against the Overlords are some of the greatest fights.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  17. #17
    Consistently Average Recommend Good PS2 Games? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Tekken 5 is an excellent way to kill time/ relieve stress. Great cast of characters and it's almost as realistic as you can get when it comes to arcade style fighting games. Almost.

    Actually, when it comes to the final boss, screw the stress relief part. He only adds to it and then some.
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  18. #18
    Registered User Recommend Good PS2 Games? Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    I would recommend all the metal gear solids, Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil 4, Onimusha (I cant remember which one because their totally different and not all good), Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (with guitar),

    Quote Originally Posted by Bias reduX View Post
    Fighter - Dragonball Z Budokai 3
    Although DBZ dont make fighting games that are balanced (like Street Fighter, and "King of Fighters???") and end in about 3 charecters pwning the other noobs, Budokai 3 was extremely well made and i got many weeks of enjoyment out of it. Once had a 25 minute battle with my friend since we got really good at it . Nice to see someone mention that game

    I have lots of opinions on fighting games but thats another topic

  19. #19

    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bias reduX View Post
    Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil. Childs game, maybe, but I found it extremely fin.
    Klonoa games are awesomely fun. I second this. I think they're going to continue the series. I still love Door to Phantomile for PSX.

    ALSO, I recommend Megaman Legends series. The second one is for PS2 and it's much longer than the first.

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

    From The Clint Eastwood
    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Pug View Post
    Although DBZ dont make fighting games that are balanced (like Street Fighter, and "King of Fighters???") and end in about 3 charecters pwning the other noobs, Budokai 3 was extremely well made and i got many weeks of enjoyment out of it. Once had a 25 minute battle with my friend since we got really good at it . Nice to see someone mention that game
    To be honest, I really suck at fighting games. DBZ was my exception, it's a fairly easy game to pick up and be okay at without having an fighting game background.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    Klonoa games are awesomely fun. I second this. I think they're going to continue the series. I still love Door to Phantomile for PSX.
    They remade Door to Phantomile for the wii. It's on my to buy list. Has been for awhile, it's just hasn't been close to the top with all of these new games coming out lately.

  21. #21
    Registered User Recommend Good PS2 Games? Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bias reduX View Post
    To be honest, I really suck at fighting games. DBZ was my exception, it's a fairly easy game to pick up and be okay at without having an fighting game background.
    Hmm. Yeah they all take a while to pick up. On some its easy to do combos but what beats what move is confusing. On others it looks simple but is actually very technical. Bla de bla. DBZ is just pure fun

  22. #22
    Elementalist Recommend Good PS2 Games? IcyJJ's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    It can be harder to find, but if you could find Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2, you will enjoy. It takes a spin off the original series that tells a darker story than those in the Persona series. The battle system is similar to SMT3: Nocturne. This game is what turned me on to the series and have been a fan ever since. Still waiting for more info on Persona 5.

  23. #23
    Boxer of the Galaxy Recommend Good PS2 Games? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    Klonoa games are awesomely fun. I second this. I think they're going to continue the series. I still love Door to Phantomile for PSX.

    ALSO, I recommend Megaman Legends series. The second one is for PS2 and it's much longer than the first.
    I had the demo of that that came with my ps2! thats where you are going down some sort of river rapids and you go off the waterfall a few times yeah? That game was awesome fun and very pretty to look at.

  24. #24
    The Quiet One Recommend Good PS2 Games? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    I'm a little surprised no one has mentioned Odin Sphere or GrimGrimoire. They are gems from the last PS2 period. Odin Sphere is a 2D side scrolling action RPG of sorts. GrimGrimoire is a 2D side scrolling RTS, which actually manages to work on a console unlike RTS on consoles.

    Keep in mind with Tales of Legendia versus Tales of the Abyss is that Legendia is a 2D side scrolling combat while Abyss is a 3D combat with free roam inside the combat zone.

    It may not be up your alley, but I still have to suggest it. Ar Tonelico I and II are really fun games, but they are heavily laced with innuendos. They are unique RPGs that different from any other RPG you'll find, but they are certainly not for everyone.

    Other personal favorites are the games that GUST makes, which is mostly the Atelier series, on the PS2 there is the Atelier Iris 1-3 and Mana Khemia 1 and 2. They are a lot of crafting games with very enjoyable turned based combat.

    If you want something that doesn't really exist on the PS2 or other consoles, Sakura Wars 5, a dating sim/RPG. It is very well done and an enjoyable game. For those less interested in the dating sim, the RPG elements and mecha help to balance things.
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  25. #25

    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    I think I should add these into a list in the OP...

    I liked Muramasa, so I'm liking the idea of Odin Sphere.

    Never once heard of GrimGrimoire; guess I should have checked their other games. Looks interesting though!

    Ar Tonelico interests me, but the stripping I saw for 3 scared me. I think I'll check them out anyway, though.

    Atelier games have interested me for a long time now as well. So I think I will try to play these as well.

    Sakura Wars I'm kind of iffy about. Not sure if I like what I see.

    These also remind me of another game that a friend mentioned, but I can't remember what game it was. I'll have to ask my friend who mentioned it when I get the chance...

    So many good suggestions in this thread.

  26. #26
    The Quiet One Recommend Good PS2 Games? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    The stripping only happens in AT3, so if you only play AT1 and AT2, you'll be fine. Personally, AT2 is still my favorite of the series. It has one of the most complex, but also surprisingly enjoyable and interactive combat system. The Atelier Iris 3/Mana Khemia series still is probably my favorite combat system for RPGs, but AT2 comes in a very close second. It's unique and quirky, but fun.

    Though AT3 is surprisingly dark. There are some characters with significantly more mental scarring than past characters that make for some really dark stuff. The story proper is also very dark as well, but the characters. Anyway, AT1 and AT2 are fun games, if you can laugh while playing them. I do believe that if you're not laughing while playing the game you're missing out.
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  27. #27
    Chief Inspiring Officer Recommend Good PS2 Games? Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    C'mon, don't waste your time with Xenosaga,
    Dragon quest VIII (delicious RPG)
    Grandia III (RPG) is good.
    The Jak and Daxter trilogy (adventure) is a good thumb trainer, and sweet story, too.
    Star Ocean: SOTET, (strategy/RPG) really angered me.
    Maximo is an adventure game. But I guess it really depends on what kinda games you're into.
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  28. #28
    Registered User Recommend Good PS2 Games? + Revenant +'s Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post
    I recently resuscitated my PS2, and so now I'm looking for some good games to play on it that I never got the chance to play before. So, please, feel free to suggest your best/favorite games!

    Games I have/played:

    Final Fantasy X
    Final Fantasy X-2
    Final Fantasy XII
    Kingdom Hearts
    Kingdom Hearts II
    Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (ugh)
    Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (someone kill me)

    Games I plan to get:

    Xenosaga Episode I, II, & III
    Drakengard I & II (probably)

    You can even mention games I already have listed if you want. So yeah, what are the best PS2 games for you?
    You have good taste. I thought Xenosaga I and III were two of the greatest RPGs of that whole generation. II would have been okay on its own, but it was really short with a lame combat system, plus it suffered from being bookended by those classics.

    I also highly recommend Radiata Stories. Picture a game with the recruiting possibilities of Suikoden, the warmth and medieval/steampunk setting of FF9, the most freewheeling battle system since Grandia, and the world-building and diverse cast of the GTA series--this is all in one RPG. You've got four different weapon classes to master, 175 characters to potentially recruit, a whole city and surrounding countryside to explore and a huge bonus dungeon to conquer. It's not for people who like all their RPGs in the dramatic and complicated Xenosaga vein, but it sure is unique.

  29. #29
    Just kind of there. Recommend Good PS2 Games? Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    I don't know why nobody has mention Rogue Galaxy yet.

    Also Dark Cloud is a great game as well.

    Gran Turismo 4
    God of War
    God of War II
    Onimusha 2
    Onimusha 3- Demon seige

    While your at it Get a gamecube, And play Metroid Prime.
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  30. #30
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Recommend Good PS2 Games? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend Good PS2 Games?

    I have to second/third Gran Turismo 4 and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, truly amazing games.

    I'm shocked no one mentioned the greatest platformer ever made, Psychonauts. All around unique game with some of the best level design I ever saw, brilliant characters and a well done story with great doze of humor. Silent Hill 2, if you're up to be terrified of course.

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