Released earlier in the year on the Vita, Ragnarok Odyssey began the new wave of Ragnarok games related to the MMO Ragnarok Online. Next year, X Seed plans to bring over the update to Ragnarok Odyssey, Ragnarok Odyssey ACE. It will be available for both PS3 and Vita at $39.99. The release of the game will also see the release of the 1.1 patch with daily quests, online rank, card draws and more. Ragnarok Odyssey characters will also be able to import over to the new game to keep playing without starting over. No more of a date than 2014 has been set so far.
Source: Ragnarok Odyssey Ace Screenshots Show Off The PS3 And Vita Game - Siliconera ; Ragnarok Odyssey ACE Coming to PS3, Vita in 2014 - IGN
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