what system is this Nostalgia game for? I needs to play now!!
Also please don't be XBox
Anyone bought this game yet? I got it for an early christmas present and I really enjoy it. It plays kinda like an FF game and I like how you have real cities to visit like London, England and Cairo, Egypt. The battle system is pretty good. Its like your average turn-based rpg and the storyline is intriguing as well. This game even has turn-based airship battles, now thats hardcore. The real cities thing reminds me of Terranigma for the SNES lol.
My current game progress is in the egyptian pyramid. I need to do some leveling because my characters nearly got killed by the monsters in there.
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what system is this Nostalgia game for? I needs to play now!!
Also please don't be XBox
Sounds awesome, I need to find.
It looks like an amazing game. Not just because I found someone with a romotly similar name to mine in it, but because of the FFesque look of the game and a friend of mine said he really enjoyed it. Also because there were sky pirates. You can't forget the sky Pirates.