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Thread: New game pre-orders

  1. #1

    New game pre-orders

    Anyone order anything fun and exciting to be released at a later date? I am a pre-order King, I almost always try to preorder just for the little extras. I currently have Dark souls two limited edition, dying light, tales of symphonia collectors edition, final fantasy x/x-2 limited and collectors edition, and lightning returns collectors edition all on pre-order. Looking to still get lightning returns regular edition, castlevania lord of shadows 2, the evil within, fable anniversary edition and bravely default pre-ordered once I have the money. That's not counting preorders that haven't been made available like ffxv and kh2.5 and 3.

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  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I never liked pre-ordering. There hasn't been a "we ran out, should have pre ordered" ever in my life for any video game that released. I can see getting the little extra things is nice but I've never seen anything extra worthy of my pre-order. I think last game I Pre-Ordered was World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade, that line had like 200 people who pre-ordered....I didn't even play the game when I got home LOL.
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  3. #3
    Understandable. . I just hate missing out on the good stuff when it happens. . Like the 25th anniversary ultimate box im so mad at that. And although I've never had that problem with a game per se I collect the extras. I still have tales of xillia collectors edition and tomb raider collectors edition still wrapped. I intend to hopefully have it worth value some day just MAYBE. But if its not. . .I will just share with my kids. Now the final fantasy extras. . . Those are strictly for collecting. . I won't ever open or sell my collectors edition of a final fantasy game ever again. I dont even have a ps4 but you bet as soon as the collectors edition ffxv is available ill be all over it. Its a sad addiction really. I can't stop

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  4. #4
    Death Before Dishonor New game pre-orders Josh_R's Avatar
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    I used to pre order until I realized it is point less. I don't even go line up at midnight releases anymore. What is the point there will almost always be enough copies of any game for everybody. Even big games like BF4, and COD they don't run out of copies on release day.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  5. #5
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    Always been a fan of getting bonuses from what you pre-order, plus sometimes you get a discount.

    And you get your own copy reserved, so you don't need to go wait in line like all the other folks.


  6. #6
    Yea I'll agree with Dawezy, like I got a free Diablo 3 poster for waiting outside the midnight release when Diablo 3 originally came out. It's stuff like that that makes me pre-order. I'm just a sucker for those extras lol

  7. #7
    Mystyrion New game pre-orders C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
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    I only pre order if the incentive is worth it or if it's a limited/collectors edition.

    All the major games that I look forward to that have something I want with the limited edition I will pre order. I pre ordered FFX HD collectors edition for the blu ray soundtrack and full size art book.

    The minor pre orders that have little incentives usually have to be a physical item for me to pre order. I have no interest in in-game items. Usually they are just small things that make little difference in the end.

  8. #8
    I agree filled. . .hopefully today I can pre-order bravely default collectors edition. . .I dont like preorders with just statues, nor just one incentive. .but things such as symphonia chronicles I got collectors edition. . Its just too good for someone to say no hahaha. . .the art books are probably my fastest sell point, that and the soundtracks. . .as soon as i see it on a game I want its guaranteed im buying it. . .first world problems

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    I meant to say dille sorry . .

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    Last edited by Dawezy; 12-26-2013 at 08:29 AM. Reason: Merged to one post~

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