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Thread: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

  1. #1
    Registered User Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House Pug's Avatar
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    Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    Originally Posted by nix View Post
    They have ruined the multiplayer aspect of the game prior to even releasing the game, real money auction house......Que wow chinese farmers whoring a non MMO game, Thanks blizz! Great idea! NOT!

    I've already made a conscious decision to not buy the game, which is a shame as i was looking forward to it. As i was with SC2 until they decided to make it into 3 games, another game i havent bought as a result of their greed.

    Sadly not many have the same passion for gaming as I, as all the idiot sheep are still lining up to hand over alot more cash than they should to play a game.

    I have seen many posts such as this. Theres a few things you should know.

    First of all there will not be many gold farmers if any at all. Secondly it doesn't fund blizzards greed.

    1. There are two auction houses

    "A real money and an in game money auction house."

    2. Why are you creating a currency-based version of the auction house?

    "We wanted to create a convenient, powerful, and fully integrated tool to meet the demand of players who wished to purchase or sell items for real-world currency, and who would likely have turned to a less-secure third-party service for this convenience."

    3. How is the transaction fee determined?

    "A nominal fixed transaction fee will be deducted from the seller for each item listed in the auction house. This fee consists of a fixed charge to list the item, which is assessed whether or not the item is successfully sold and an additional fixed charge that is assessed only if the item is sold."

    "We plan to waive the listing portion of the fee for a limited number of transactions per account. In other words, for these transactions, the seller will only pay a transaction fee if the item is successfully sold, and that fee will not include the listing charge. We’ll have further details on this as well at a later date."

    <<< The charging system is only in place to fund the system not to take everyones money off them. Blizzard isn't greedy aside from popular belief. For example in World of Warcraft they recently redisigned the ENTIRE original game apart from the raids which is something they did not need to do at all and only did it for the enjoyment of the community. For people who hadn't subscribed to this game previously it meant nothing and for the people who wanted to return only a small portion of them cared about this. >>>

    4. How will blizzard stop gold sellers?

    <<< Gold sellers and hacking on World of Warcraft are being illiminated due to several systems they have put in place which no other game has accomplished. Because of the safeguards blizzard have been inventing (authenticators for accounts etc), charges for multiple transactions and other systems gold sellers wont be able to thrive in this game. Even if a few gold sellers manage to get through and screw up the market at least youl be getting items at a super cheap price and getting them legally from people who need the money. This is a game and isn't a money making business. Who cares if some people who REALLY need the money make 1 or 2 dollers a day? >>>

    EDIT: Also the systems haven't been fully explained by Blizzard yet. Im sure they will do more to keep this DIII auction house functioning correctly, and if problems arise im sure they will fix them. This is judging from the way they have been handling problems lately which most people are not aware of.

  2. #2

    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    Quote Originally Posted by Pug View Post

    The charging system is only in place to fund the system not to take everyones money off them. Blizzard isn't greedy aside from popular belief. For example in World of Warcraft they recently redisigned the ENTIRE original game apart from the raids which is something they did not need to do at all and only did it for the enjoyment of the community. For people who hadn't subscribed to this game previously it meant nothing and for the people who wanted to return only a small portion of them cared about this. >>>
    What?!? Its an expansion, they made ALOT of money from revamping azeroth and it would have cost ALOT less to redesign azeroth as opposed to making a new continent like outland or northrend. Just for the enjoyment of the community my ass.

    Not to mention their blatent refusal to balance the population on their servers, they just downright refuse to do it.. Why? Because they are charging 20.00 per character for server transfers and they make ALOT of money from this.. Not sure how servers are in the US but on the Euro servers, nearly every server is greatly imbalanced.

    The game is too easy now and there is **** all to do, so most people level alts and dress them up and rinse and repeat. So if your server becomes dead and you want to change, you will have to pay alot of money to move your main and all your alts. This should be a free service considering the amount we kick up to them, to prevent abuse of the service they could put a cooldown timer on it for a few months. But no, they squeeze every penny they can..

    And also, your break down of the D3 AH made little to no sense to me..

    I used to LOVE blizzard, my hate isnt stemming from nothing, its from playing their games alot and seeing their attitude changing. Infact, coincidentally when they merged with Activision is when they started to go downhill.

  3. #3
    Registered User Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    Not that I play WOW anymore but they have reasons for what they do. Their not just trying to screw everybody over.

    Actually they did add 5 huge new areas with heavily cinematic based quests, changed the structual landscape of all the existing areas, changed every quest in the old areas (bigger than all the expansions put together) and tons more.

    Also they charge tso much to transfer server so people dont server jump all the time. Also the charge is there because it takes them effort to move the charecter since the games infrastructure doesnt handle it very well. PLUS they are giving out free transfer all the time from bad servers PLUS they are letting people who dont play anymore have cataclysm for free, level a charecter straight to 80 and transfer a charecter free despite all that.

    The game isnt easy as " ". It still takes 2 months for 1% of raiding guilds to down the last boss of that tier. Too easy?... It may be a little easier but not THAT easy.

  4. #4

    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    Quote Originally Posted by Pug View Post
    Not that I play WOW anymore but they have reasons for what they do. Their not just trying to screw everybody over.

    Actually they did add 5 huge new areas with heavily cinematic based quests, changed the structual landscape of all the existing areas, changed every quest in the old areas (bigger than all the expansions put together) and tons more.

    Also they charge tso much to transfer server so people dont server jump all the time. Also the charge is there because it takes them effort to move the charecter since the games infrastructure doesnt handle it very well. PLUS they are giving out free transfer all the time from bad servers PLUS they are letting people who dont play anymore have cataclysm for free, level a charecter straight to 80 and transfer a charecter free despite all that.

    The game isnt easy as " ". It still takes 2 months for 1% of raiding guilds to down the last boss of that tier. Too easy?... It may be a little easier but not THAT easy.
    1. They are making these changes to make more money, nothing else, they simplified wow, compromised the difficulty of the game to get more subs. the equivalent to reducing the size of a football pitch so people dont have to run as far, its a game and should be difficult.

    2. They didnt redesign all of the landscapes, they just added some shit, to make it look a little different and removed any possible bugged areas that could be reached from allowing flying in azeroth. They rehashed as opposed to added more content, dungeons included.

    3. They have a fee on character transfers to make more money, if they didnt want people abusing the system if they were to make it free, then they could simply just add a long cooldown on it, or ya know, look after the population of their servers by merging underpopulated servers, and trust me there are alot of underpopulated servers.

    4. Their recent generous scroll of resurrection promotion is to help boost their subs again as they have dropped alot over the last few years.. 10mil subs my ass! The reason they are giving cata for free is because its as good as over, the only big patch left is the transition one for MoP. Which guess what, they will have to buy! Its all more money for them

    5. When i say WoW is easy, i mean in comparison to older days, making all bosses easyish and then making the last boss and maybe one other very hard is not making a hard game. Back in Vanilla/TBC you had to work your ass off to see the content/get epics. There was a time when some bosses could take weeks to conquer, now a hard time on a boss is maybe having to spend one evening on him.. Now everything is easy to obtain, doing heroic modes gets you the same item in a different colour with a slight boost to stats. Big fuggin whoop! Last time i raided was WOTLK and the only difficult boss was the LK on heroic, but my guild and most guilds i joined after werent overly pushed on killing him as they already knew what happens

  5. #5

    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    3. They have a fee on character transfers to make more money, if they didnt want people abusing the system if they were to make it free, then they could simply just add a long cooldown on it, or ya know, look after the population of their servers by merging underpopulated servers, and trust me there are alot of underpopulated servers.
    They usually let people transfer as many characters as they want when a server reaches overpopulation for free.
    Some people prefer the low population servers, no reason to always give the high population servers a way out.

  6. #6
    Elementalist Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House IcyJJ's Avatar
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    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    It is hard to say whether the changes they are making to the game will be good or bad. Personally, I like the idea that they are instituting a real cash auction. This will reduce the ability of people getting scammed out of paying money for gold and items from random websites. So Blizzard makes a little more money out of it, this is capitalism after all.

    They also included the regular auction house so people that do not want or are able to use real cash can still be able to get items. I am still looking forward to making my wizard. Only time I will be using the real cash auction will be if I can't get that last piece of Tal-Rasha gear.

  7. #7

    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    Quote Originally Posted by Bias reduX View Post
    They usually let people transfer as many characters as they want when a server reaches overpopulation for free.
    Some people prefer the low population servers, no reason to always give the high population servers a way out.
    Thats if the server is OVER populated, if your on a highly underpopulated realm, you're FUCKED!!

  8. #8
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    Also free server transfers let you transfer to shittier servers.

    WoW retail was easier then WoW beta. Slowly before BC, the game got easier, but BC kept some of the difficulty in Heroics and raids. Lich King came out and they dumbed the game down for casuals.


    BC and Mist of Pandoria or whatever it's called are going to be the 2 expansions that actually have good changes. Lich King was shit and Cata was just Lich King with a new look.

    WoW is crap. The PvP is a joke. The PvE is an even bigger joke and everything in between is just plain garbage.

    Coming from a true PvPer. Some folks can just say otherwise, love the game and everything in it. Since, they like the easy part of it. I prefer to take everything you have on you when I kill you in PvP.

    Back to Diablo 3. It's not a bad idea. It's a great idea, instead of having people buying gold and items from third party companies, Blizzard just made it so they have you buy it from them. Getting rid of the gold farmers their own greedy way. My thing is, if you're going to bitch about it, don't use it. The game is still going to be great, just because of a little new added feature, you just going to hate it. It's like hearing a review about a bands new album and saying it's shit without even listening to it.
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  9. #9

    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Thats if the server is OVER populated, if your on a highly underpopulated realm, you're FUCKED!!
    Then why would you choose a underpopulated realm in the first place?

  10. #10
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    Quote Originally Posted by Bias reduX View Post
    Then why would you choose a underpopulated realm in the first place?

    You will find a lot of assholes in this game? With an low populated server you will more and likely find newer players, kinder players and less Trolls in the game to mess up your experience. Most High Populated servers are very old, some being as old as an original BETA server (like my first WoW server). Those servers have more elitists, more trolls and more flat out assholes.
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  11. #11
    Then you really wouldn't be screwed over if you chose the lowly populated realm. You got what you wanted.
    If you chose a highly populated realm and didn't like it you might have the opportunity to go transfer into a low or mid populated realm.
    There shouldn't be a need to keep switching around unless your guild moves or your friends start playing on other realm.

  12. #12

    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    My realm was great when i first joined it, after a number of years, the numbers dwindled. Alot of people stopped playing and then people got pissed off and paid money to transfer off when blizz ignored mass requests over a number of years to help the low population on the server.

    So in short, the server was populated when i joined and then suffered alot of drop offs, blizz made no effort to fix this and the only thing we could do is pay them to transfer off. I spent a shit load of money transferring all of my character to a more populated realm. And when i stopped playing last the server was populated on horde side and under populated on alliance side. Not a good thing on a PvP server.

    So my only option now is to pay more money again to transfer to an over populated realm and suffer que times.

    Blizz have too many servers up and not near enough people to populate them, the only logical thing to do is to MERGE servers. But then that would greatly effect their paid transfer service traffic, so they dont..

    And before you throw the "maybe they cant physically merge servers" BS, they can, if every other MMO can do it, WoW sure as hell can!

  13. #13
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    They fixed queues. Like, literally fixed them.

    They only give up free transfers when they feel the need for them, not what the players think.

    and once again.

    Free Transfers are pretty much 90% of the time, you are going to an even shittier server or just as bad.
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  14. #14

    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    They fixed queues. Like, literally fixed them.

    They only give up free transfers when they feel the need for them, not what the players think.

    and once again.

    Free Transfers are pretty much 90% of the time, you are going to an even shittier server or just as bad.
    When we got transfers from Kil'Jaeden we ended up on a half decent server. Mid population, some pretty cool guilds on both sides.
    I dunno maybe I just hit the jackpot.

    Nix, I agree that Blizz has wayyyy to many servers. Merging or even moving all characters from one realm to the next would seem logical. But its a company, they are going to sucker every dollar out of you as they can.
    Bioware is doing the same thing. We got screwed out of a day one DLC and you know they are going to make us pay for the DLC that brings closure to the ending that shouldn't have the need to be created in the first place.

  15. #15

    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    Yup, sadly its a trend most game companies are taking, reason why im not getting D3, and havent purchased SC2 and refrain from buying any CoD or BF games. If only most of the other gamers followed suit, they wouldnt have to pay as much, but they are happy to throw their wallets at them..

    We need to band together and stop this BS, WHOS WITH ME?!?!?!

    *Que tumbleweed*

  16. #16
    Registered User Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    Ofc companies make money. Doesnt mean blizzard is ripping you off though. Only company you could really point a finger at is CoD.

  17. #17

    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    They both do the same thing, hamper gameplay to increase the funds, neither companies need it, they just want it. Its pure greed, nothing else.

  18. #18
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Missconceptions Of DIII Auction House

    WoW = Blizzard
    Blizzard = Activision
    Activision = CoD

    Blizzard has been ripping their players off for years now.
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