Oh, my question too hard? lol, my bad
Seed 10- Hades
Seed 9- 1x Invisible, 3x Darkballs, 5x Shadows
Seed 8- 1x Angel Star, 2x Wizard, 2x Yellow Opera, 2x Blue Rhapsody, 2x Red Nocturne
Seed 7- Sneak Army, 3x Invisible
Seed 6- 3x White Mushroom
Seed 5- 15x Shadow, 11x Darkball
Seed 4- Sneak Army
Seed 3- 9x Wyvern, 8x Wizard, 2x Defender
Seed 2- 9x Angel Star, 10x Invisible, 10x Darkball
Seed 1- Rock Titan
Q. In KHII, name the added abilities that the Keyblades Monochrome and Photon Debugger have.