Alright it's been over a month so let's move on.
Q: what are the last 10 creatures/teams in the Hades Cup in KH1 BEFORE you beat it?
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Alright it's been over a month so let's move on.
Q: what are the last 10 creatures/teams in the Hades Cup in KH1 BEFORE you beat it?
Oh, my question too hard? lol, my bad :p
Seed 10- Hades
Seed 9- 1x Invisible, 3x Darkballs, 5x Shadows
Seed 8- 1x Angel Star, 2x Wizard, 2x Yellow Opera, 2x Blue Rhapsody, 2x Red Nocturne
Seed 7- Sneak Army, 3x Invisible
Seed 6- 3x White Mushroom
Seed 5- 15x Shadow, 11x Darkball
Seed 4- Sneak Army
Seed 3- 9x Wyvern, 8x Wizard, 2x Defender
Seed 2- 9x Angel Star, 10x Invisible, 10x Darkball
Seed 1- Rock Titan
Q. In KHII, name the added abilities that the Keyblades Monochrome and Photon Debugger have.
sokay my pureblood heartless ting was hard 2
A:Monochrome Item Boost
Photon Debugger Thunder boost
Q: What are the 2 keyblades exclusive to KH1 final mix?
wasn't it one-winged angel and diamond dust?
yes it was, now
Q: what are the 2 keayblades exclusive to KH TWO final mix?
OK, it's been over a week
They are the Two Across and the Winners Proof
Q: How much munny can you get for selling 20 hi-potions, 20 potions, and 2 elixirs in KH2?
About 3000. Not real sure.
Q: What are the 2 mistakes in Re Chain of Memories?
It blocks the smell of darkness.
What does Cloud tell Sora in the first Kingdom Hearts after Sora tells him, "I'm looking, too?"
A: I think Cloud replies by saying "Your light?"
Free Question
What doe Cloud say AFTER he says, "Your light?"
"don't lose sight of it"
What attacks can Sora use by pressing the Reaction button when the Volcanic and Blizzard Lords jump around?
The answers to mine are: a) when you go to 100 acer woods Sora forgot everyone then Pooh says Sora's name and Sora says Pooh's name but never introduce themselves
b) during the scene when Vexen and Marluxia are arguing Vexen said to him "You go too far!" but his subtitle said "You go "to" far".
I think its a free question
What shoe size does Sora have? ...hehehe...
sora prob wears like a 19 lol
there is a way at the end of kh2 when Sora and Riku have to block a crap load of lasers to block every single one that is shot at you..........True or False?
Well you dont have to block every one of them cause thay do a little damage but yes..its true.
Q: why did Riku wear a ..forgot the word..that thing on his eyes on KH 2?
Did they give a reasonable reason? Well, I guess its because "his eyes couldn't lie", that or he didn't want to see the world of light while he was walking the darkness.
Who were the seven Princesses of Heart and what were they chosen to do?
A: The Seven Princesses of Heart are: Cinderella, Snow White, Belle, Alice, Jasmine, Aurora, and Kairi. They were chosen because only they could open the Door to Darkness.
Q: In the first Chain of Memories, what are the two phrases that you get after beating the original story and Reverse Rebirth?
i.e. On of them starts with "Fading memories..."
So hard to remember... :idea: Oh yeah!
"Faded memories... reconstructed memories... and a dream. A dream of you... in a world without you."
"Walking this road... without you. To make forgotten promises and meet you at road's end."
Which members of Organization XIII wanted to overthrow Xemnas?
A: Marluxia conspired with Larxene to do it. Axel was using them, and Vexen was blackmailed.
Q: Name all members of Organization XIII, their member names (Key of Destiny), element, and weapon.
Note - Zexion does have a weapon.
:idea: Hmm, let's see...
Xemnas - The Enigamatic Man/The Superior(Nothingness)(Aerial Blades)
Xigbar - The Freeshooter(Space)(Nobody Guns?)
Xaldin - The Whirlwind Lancer(Wind)(Dragoon Lances)
Vexen - The Chilly Achedemic(Ice)(Ice Shield)
Lexeaus - The Silent Hero(Earth)(Tomahawk)
Zexion - The Cloaked Schemer(Illusion)(Illusion Book)
Sai'x - The Luna Diviner(Moon)(Claymore)
Axel - Flurry of Dancing Flames(Fire)(Chakrams)
Demyx - The Melodious Noctourne(Water)(Sitar)
Luxord - The Gambler of Fate(Time)(Cards)
Marluxia - The Graceful Assassin(Favorite Member!)(Death)(Scythe)
Larxene - The Savage Nymph/Bitch(Thunder)(Kunai)
Roxas - The Key of Destiny(Light and Darkness)(Oathkeeper & Oblivion)
Xion - The OTHER Key of Destiny!(???)(Kingdom Key)
AHH! Finally done!
Forget it, Free Question...
What two enemies were in the Battle of 1000 Heartless?
The Armored Knight and Survelliance Robots were your two threats. Although, I remember seeing Behemoths and Wyverns in the Beta Version, which would also have been cool.
What are the Synthesis ingredients necessary to create the powerful Ultima Weapon.
Clarification: In which game are you referring to?
5 Lucid Gems
5 Power Gems
5 Thunder Gems
3 Mystery Goo
3 Gales
13 Orichalcum+
5 Orichalcum
1 Mythril Crystals
1 Dense Crystals
1 Twilight Crystals
7 Serenity Crystals
Name all the Keyblades in Chain of Memories!
Oh yeah... I guess both were fine...
I shall also include the Re: Com ones.
Kingdom Key
Three Wishes
Wishing Star
Pumpkin King
Metal Chocobo
Lady Luck
Fairy Harp
Divine Rose
Diamond Dust
One-Winged Angel
Ultima Weapon
Re: CoM
Star Seeker
Follow the Wind
Hidden Dragon
Photon Debugger
Bond of Flame
Name all the locations of all the Orichalcum + Synthesis Items throughout Kingdom Hearts II.
hehe I still remember that !
Only 7 in the whole game: get all types of materials, clear Alantica, clear 100 Acre Woods, treasure in Twilight Town, treasure in The World that Never Was, Treasure in Space Paranoids, clear the Goddess of Fate cup
Q: List all of the Keyblades in KH2 that did not appear in KH1.