Something similar happened to me. I planned to platinum Final Fantasy XIII on my first playthrough without knowing that there's a trophy you can easily miss, the biggest one at that, "Treasure Hunter". There are several items you can only obtain once or twice in the entire game, I sold the only copy I had of one of those items without much thought to it, which by the way I needed to obtain another item via upgrade. I've done literaly everything else, I farmed so much gil just to find out it was for nothing. **** that game.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
I was so angry, I bit my controller once. Like, wtf. It was playing Yakuza 3. Trying to beat those challenges for the final trophy was killer. By far, the most difficult platinum I've ever obtained.
I tend to also play games on the hardest available setting first, so that can get pretty intense. Some games are just easy when you first put them on hard (Uncharted, for example), but others you need time with first (1999 mode on Bioshock Infinite is insane, especially if you try not to use Dollar Bill machines).
Getting stunlocked to death in Charlie Murder. Better than Castle Crashers but still lots of annoying design choices.
A lot of mine have already been said, but why not.
When you have to follow another character and they walk faster than you do so you have to do that awkward walk/run a few steps/walk the entire time.
System/game updates.
Checkpoints in really bad spots.
Cheap/gimmicky bosses. Or enemies. Malboros.
Chase sequences. Tense and exciting, yes. Frustrating, also yes, especially the ones where if you mess up once you die.
The staircase of doom. Even if there are no enemies it takes 10 minutes to run up the damn thing.
Related: elevator puzzles. Bonus points if it's a tower.
Tetra Master.
Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn
i remember investigating the henne mines and doing a proper thorough job of it too, before I got to zodiark. And then it killed me when it had no more than a milimetres worth of healtg. Some hours wasted there. I was not amused
There is one area in super mario world where you have to fly under the pole thingy at the end and I can never ever do it, it takes me about a million trys and it makes me so goddam mad, butter bridge i think it is actually.
tbh, I don't think there is a single game I've played where I haven't got my knickers in a twist. I'm playing Mickey Mouse Catle of Illusion at the moment and that's making me pretty mad in parts too. Though I do recall it being much harder tbh. I think I've just gotten grumpier with rage
I get really pissed that I can't do the skipping game in IX... ):<