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Thread: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

  1. #1
    Registered User Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most BDub2277's Avatar
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    Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Been so many "best of" threads lately if figured I'd hit on the other end of the spectrum with this question.

    What part in VII bores or you just plain hate doing the most?

    For me it would have to be The Great Glacier, even when I know what I'm doing I still find it a pain in the ass to go through. Doesn't help that I'm not a big fan of the areas looks either.

  2. #2
    Registered User Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    The part I get bored of is, where Cloud and Tifa fall into the lifestream and they piece together Clouds past, I know the information you discover in there is kind of important to understand the game, but it's not half boring, aslo having to do Clouds past in the Kalm Inn is pretty boring stuff too.
    I'm actually at the lifestream part now, which is why I haven't played for a while, I know boredom is coming lol

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  3. #3
    Registered User Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Oooooh the great glacier is a good one. I personally don't like those areas that you have no idea how long it will take you to get back out. I just get it in the back of my mind that I'd love to go play around in the saucer, but no,,, I can't,,, I'm on the glacier.

    My answer? Leveling up after you get around level 65.

    There are just not enough good areas to mine experience from, so leveling becomes an extremely slow process, and so I just accept my 65ish level and go and beat the game.

  4. #4
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    My answer? Leveling up after you get around level 65.

    There are just not enough good areas to mine experience from, so leveling becomes an extremely slow process, and so I just accept my 65ish level and go and beat the game.
    Dem magic pots bro, its like 32k exp per battle or something ridiculous like that.

    most boring parts? That scene where you have to play through as Cloud and Sephiroth each time at the Calm town Inn. The whole Wutai sidequest is pretty annoying as well, and it makes me question whether getting Yuffie is worth it when I have to go through it. The lifestream part is pretty boring too, yawn. I also think that when you first meet Aeris, that part is pretty yawning as well. Its like, "cool I'm blowing shit up and being a terrorist! Wait oh noes now I have to protect this dumb broad for some reason and have to dress up as a girl...." What a change up.
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    che: rofl <3 Meier.

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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  5. #5

    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Yep the part when cloud and Tifa fall into the lifestream was so long and boring. It was fustrating for me when I got to the northern cave and I was under leveled. I got my ass handed to me and I had to grind for hours just to play that part.
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  6. #6
    Registered User Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Most frustrating: Navigating the Temple of the Ancients.

    Most boring: After a few playthroughs, all the Nibelheim flashbacks do get kind of dull.

    Part I just hate doing the most: At the end of the game, when Sephiroth and Cloud are facing off from each other. It's a great showdown, but I kind of wish you could lose the battle. Even if you don't attack and just let Seph hit Cloud, Cloud will counter attack anyway and win like that. Afterward, Seph is all bloodied up and he disperses into the lifestream...
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  7. #7
    Banned Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most IdiotWithHair's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    The whole Wutai sidequest is pretty annoying as well, and it makes me question whether getting Yuffie is worth it when I have to go through it.
    she isn't
    Poor Dodie is in love with Sephiroth. Maybe she should MARRY him. What NOW, huh?!

    The part I found most boring was the part where I had to ride a motorcycle. Or that part where I had ti ski. Total yawn fest.

  8. #8
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Quote Originally Posted by IdiotWithHair View Post
    The part I found most boring was the part where I had to ride a motorcycle. Or that part where I had ti ski. Total yawn fest.
    you sound like a total yawn fest

    Anyway. No matter how many times I've gone through the Temple of the Ancients, I can never remember how to get everything and/or get to where I need to go. I get thrown off with all the staircases. Don't even get me started on the red dragon and demon wall bosses... the amount of times I've died at the demon wall, and had to kill them both bugs me. Speaking of which... the clock area in that section is boring too.

    I also hate the area between the airship and the ending. I've only been through there twice, and I just find it really dull. And for some reason, my portable save point never works anywhere. >>

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  9. #9
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    The part where you have reach the last floor of Shinra building, especially if you chose the option to sneak in quietly, stairs seem to be endless, and you can't use any of the elevators.

    Raising Chocobos was frustrating as well, taming right Chocobos, and obtaining particular items was a tedious process to say the least, even with a decent walkthrough quite often something goes wrong forcing you to restart your console until the issue is solved by itself. The final prize was worth the trouble, I guess.

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  10. #10
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    The part I hate about 7? The beginning... ugh... setting up the story drains me every time I go to play 7
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  11. #11
    Crash Boom Bang Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    The Kalm flashback, that part really really needed a skip button

    and the bit with tifa in the lifestream. Did my head in, it just dragged out way too much

  12. #12

    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Powering up at the end but it is worth it and essential if you want to kane the weapona asses!!!

  13. #13
    I will save the world Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Most boring part for me would have to be going up the great glacier, I hated the organic sword that cloud had, finding Alexander was a pain but I guess was worth it. And also just going up into the Earth's core and having Tifa come into the party, I beat the game every possible way with Tifa in my party, Cloud Tifa, etc etc. But yeah I just hate that area. Can't wait to get out and doing the mt corel side mission for the huge materia!

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  14. #14

    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    I always get bored doing the Gold Saucer stuff, the couple times you're forced to visit. Also the Kalm flashback as Lily said.

    When it comes to something I actually HATE doing, that would be the snowy area. Not the whole part, just the maze-like parts.
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  15. #15
    Queen Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Playing the mini-games to get gil at the Golden saucer
    Climbing up the Great Glacier
    Rescuing 'Airhead' from the Shinra Building
    Having that Airhead put in my party before the Ancient Temple

  16. #16
    I will save the world Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Quote Originally Posted by omgawd View Post
    Playing the mini-games to get gil at the Golden saucer
    Climbing up the Great Glacier
    Rescuing 'Airhead' from the Shinra Building
    Having that Airhead put in my party before the Ancient Temple
    You calling Aeris an airhead? Shame on you son, without her the world would of been destroyed, she saved us all. But I guess people hate aeris for reasons, either way, she saved your bacon!

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  17. #17
    Queen Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Yeah I know..guess shes more useful when shes dead. >XD

  18. #18
    I will save the world Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Did I also mention that I hated the beginning in Kalm? Doing that story about Cloud was in his hometown etc etc, it was boring

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  19. #19

    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Going with the general consensus on this - Cloud's past. While integral to the game, it is very boring in terms of gameplay since you cannot level up at all and keep running into random battles. On the other hand though, it does help when it comes time to navigating the mountains later since we've technically already done it once before in the flashback
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  20. #20
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    The Boring Thing About This Game Is That You Literally Have To Read Everything They Say To Understand The Game, Unlike The Newer Games With Storyline Being Told Through Narration Or By Characters In Game Using Voice Actors. The Reason I Hate The Reading Is That It Can Drag On For So Long, When You Really Just Want To Continue Through The Game, Level Up, Get Summons, Get Weapons, etc...
    So What I'm Saying Is That 50%-75% Of The Game Is Boring Since Its Mostly Storyline That We Have To Read, And Sometimes Don't Care For, Even Though Its Important. Everything Else Is Awesome, Storyline Itself Is Actually Good, Just Hate Reading It All The Time. Thats Why It Would Be Cool If They Just Kept Everything As Is, But Make It With HD Graphics, And Use Voices Instead Of Script, Makes It More Enjoyable For Me IMO.

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  21. #21
    That guy. Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Hot Shot's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Temple of the ancients and that whole lifestream thig with Cloud and Tifa were pretty boring. And, after the first few times of playing, Cloud's flashback was just so boring and tedious that I just spam the x button so I can get through it quickly.

  22. #22
    Fueled by Coffee Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Elise's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Mastering all the materia is quite boring, especially after your character get to level 50. The battles become tedious and are only a matter of pressing buttons, no focus. I'm replaying the game right now, my characters are around level 55 and I usually watch a movie or something on my laptop while leveling up.

    I didn't like the beginning of the game and probably up to half of disk 1. It wasn't boring, but some of the events made it hard for me to take the storyline and some of the characters seriously. Even later in the game, for example; right after you leave the Forgotten Capital, after that 'big event' had happened; you're forced to play the snowboarding game! I liked the game, but I didn't like how I was put in this fun mood when there should've been a sad atmosphere. The storyline is the main reason I love this game and I don't like feeling that it's being taken lightly. I loved all those flashbacks and Cloud's subconsciousness, actually it was when I really started liking Cloud, and took Tifa more seriously.

  23. #23
    Registered User Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Has to be getting to the world map. Sure it was fine the first couple of times round but then... D: Apart from that the glacier, because I can fail the timer and miss something :@ and finally leveling up to beat the ruby weapon, who I find considerably harder than the emerald weapon, because I like to make life hard. No counter attacks, no mime, no extra cuts, no KOTR, Just me, the boss, and a lot of HP... and final attack+pheonix fight lasted 4 hours >.>

  24. #24
    Master couch potato Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Peachesonfire2012's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    I hate raising chocobo's i'll never get that ****in racing theme out of my head...ever o_o

  25. #25

    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Quote Originally Posted by Peachesonfire2012 View Post
    I hate raising chocobo's i'll never get that ****in racing theme out of my head...ever o_o
    Hahaha, what's so bad about racing chocobos? Are you referring to the part where you are forced to race or just racing in general?

  26. #26
    I will save the world Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    I can see the annoynce of racing chocobos, especially if you have to face that stupid Black chocobo, unless you race with a black or gold chocobo, you can't win.

    But did I also mention, I hated the middeel part with Tifa/Cloud trying to find himself, found it very boring until right at the end....made me hate Tifa more though.

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  27. #27
    Master couch potato Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Peachesonfire2012's Avatar
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    Cool Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Dream_Recluse View Post
    Hahaha, what's so bad about racing chocobos? Are you referring to the part where you are forced to race or just racing in general?
    When you were forced to race. and i raised a gold chocobo...All. Night. Long....all eleven hours of that horrable night. i think thats the only reason i haven't played again. and you guy's with your hatred twords character development...pshhh

  28. #28

    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Am I the only one who though the part where Cloud and Tifa were in the Lifestream to be one of the most interesting parts in a video game. I guess I can see how people could think it's boring, but it gives the player a broader perspective of who cloud and tifa are. That and further explanation is always a good thing.

    Now why has no one said that going up the stairs in the Shinra Tower was the most boring part. Seriously, that just went on and on and on and on. I know you were going up 60 floors, but it was so monotinus. I actually didn't like the whole Midgar part as a whole. I like what you're doing, but the entire time, I was asking myself, "when am I going to get out of Midgar?"

  29. #29
    Queen Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Quote Originally Posted by mezzocarattere92 View Post
    Am I the only one who though the part where Cloud and Tifa were in the Lifestream to be one of the most interesting parts in a video game. I guess I can see how people could think it's boring, but it gives the player a broader perspective of who cloud and tifa are. That and further explanation is always a good thing.

    Now why has no one said that going up the stairs in the Shinra Tower was the most boring part. Seriously, that just went on and on and on and on. I know you were going up 60 floors, but it was so monotinus. I actually didn't like the whole Midgar part as a whole. I like what you're doing, but the entire time, I was asking myself, "when am I going to get out of Midgar?"

  30. #30
    Queen Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Most frustrating/boring/part you just hate doing the most

    Quote Originally Posted by peachesonfire2012 View Post
    i hate raising chocobo's i'll never get that ****in racing theme out of my head...ever o_o
    completely agree with you. That shit did my head in.

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