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Thread: Favorite RPG

  1. #1

    Favorite RPG

    I will say this although no series in my opinion can come even remotely close to the Final Fantasy series there is one game that stands above it all for me. That game is Legend of Dragoon.

    I'm not really sure how many people have even heard of this game, but I loved the fighting system in the fact it took some skill to pull off the additions. Not to mention the fact every character was unique in his/her own way....even the characters who would come in to replace another one of your characters was different then that person, yet still the same. Also all the twists and turns in it kept me on the edge of my seat while playing it. The fact I can still go back and play the game with its outdated graphics and non-existent voice acting says a lot especially since I hate game without voice acting. I would highly recommend this game to anyone and everyone.

    Now let me know what your favorite RPG is and go ahead and elaborate as well

  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Favorite RPG Xanatos's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy IX got me into world of RPG, it will always be a special game with a lot of meaning to me. Final Fantasy as a series was mostly hit and miss, though still tremendously enjoyable.

    Aside Final Fantasy Dragon Age: Origins is another game I simply adore. I was exclusively into JRPGs until Dragon Age: Origins came and showed me the vast beauty of WRPGs and what I've been missing out on for quite some time. While not bad the story is not exactly its strongest point, everything else though makes more than up for it. It's extremely challenging. Its battle system is rather tactical and engaging. Great dialogue. Well developed characters and your interaction with and between them. Huge freedom over customizing your characters be it via appearance or equipment. Superb music. Sense of grand adventure and exploration. Though most importantly decisions and how they impact your characters and the world around them which along some other elements offers great replay value hardly any JRPG can match.

    Pokemon Gold/Silver are also up there mostly due to sheer amount of fun and its addictive nature.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I think the last time I did a "top 10 favorite video games ever" post, Mother 3 was my second favorite game ever, behind something, so that means it's probably my favorite RPG ever. Unless Crystalis was my favorite game ever, because that was an action RPG... I dunno though. I liked Skyrim a whole lot (and Daggerfall, Morrowind, and Oblivion back in their heydays...) But I dunno. I also love me some Poke Manz...

    Let's assume Mother 3 is my favorite for a moment. That would be because of the characters and the emotional impact they had on me. There's a scene near the beginning of the game that is one of the saddest, most powerful moments to me in a video game ever, involving my favorite character in the game (Flint.) Pretty sure it elicited an audible reaction from me, and I stayed up thinking about it and drew some fan art of it, heh. The end is also highly emotional. But yeah; the rest of the game is great too. It feels like a late 80's-early 90's adventure cartoon show. The game play may not be revolutionary, but it's serviceable.

    If Crystalis is my favorite, it is probably mostly because of nostalgia and great game play. The story, while with a couple twists, isn't amazing, although it was pretty good for a video game back in its day. The characters are fairly one-dimensional, but again, good for their day I suppose. I would say the setting is pretty creative. Probably one of the high marks of this game. However, I could probably go back and enjoy playing this game over and over again. It's truly a classic in my eyes.

    Skyrim is really pretty, really immersive, and it lets you do pretty much anything you want. Kinda like every other installment of Elder Scrolls before it that I've played; I love the freedom these games provide. Daggerfall had like 6 different "endings" (every game keeps on going after "the end.") I love the lore, races, etc as well. Morrowind was probably the most imaginative in the series, and I really want to play the expansion of Skyrim where you go back to Vvardenfell.

    Poke Manz... it's Poke Manz. What more can you say? Super addictive games. There's the sense of discovery you get at finding each new pokeman, and the fact that you can use any combination of pokemanz that you want, it almost gives you as much freedom as an Elder Scrolls game (but in a different way.) Plus, those pokemanz are so ADOWABLE! :3

    Which one is my favorite?
    NONE OF THEM! It's Megaman Sprite Game!

  4. #4
    Boxer of the Galaxy Favorite RPG Rowan's Avatar
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    I love Guardians Crusade. Its the most humble charming little game with a cool world map, memorable characters and a cute little dragon who just wants to go back to its mother. A few optional side quests, air/sea travel, loads of equipment and extra living toys. All of this in a game that was release about 16 years ago. Take some fkn notes, square.

    I also really love Wild Arms. That series is exceptionally brilliant. Wild arms and Wild arms 3 are my favourites. Wild arms 1 is just exploding with charm. Wild arms 3 is an awesome adventure with really great characters in an original pre-apocolyptic western desert wasteland. Gun totin', horse ridin' side questin', hellovagoodtime.

  5. #5
    Aside from Final Fantasy, my favorite RPG is members of the Tales of series. It's a series that is underrated, mostly because of localization and platform issues. But heyyyy, it's worth getting a new PS3 just for Tales of Graces and Tales of Xillia right?

    What makes Tales of stand out for me was well... Tales of Symphonia was my first RPG as a kid. The battle systems are real time action--that's right, there's no turn based battles. In most games you can spam combos to try to get that 200-combo title. Otherwise, there is a lot of freedom on the battlefield. Story-wise, Symphonia for me, was most memorable--second being Abyss. Both games portray characters differently (Abyss characters are superior in my heart), but what makes Symphonia better is the plot and how well it is executed.

    In addition, the OST team is legendary! Just listen to any Tales of OST, whether it be Time to Raise the Cross from Abyss, Fighting of the Spirit from the classic Phantasia, Furry Sparks from Vesperia, or Guiding Star from Legendia, you will be amazed!!!

    Here's Guiding Star from Legendia.

    And here's Furry Sparks from Vesperia. Sounds like a Sonic opening at first haha.
    Last edited by symphonia; 03-08-2014 at 08:32 AM. Reason: part of response was deleted :(

  6. #6
    Registered User Favorite RPG White Mage's Avatar
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    It's really hard to narrow it down and choose a single "favourite" game out of so many.

    From the SNES classic Secret of Mana to the DS J-Pop fest of The World Ends With You, if I had to choose a top ten "desert island" list of games, I'd still be choosing my list by the time I was rescued.

    A majority of my favourite RPGs do have a few elements in common, though. Things like character job classes, for example. (And yes, I'm aware of the irony of having the two games I've mentioned do not have job classes.)

  7. #7
    Of the 2d ones, probably FFV. Most memorable music, the way it was rare at the time and it had that mystique about it. Of the 3d ones, probably FF8 for now. Have to finish FF7 and 9 to see if they can beat it.

  8. #8
    Hewerya love...? Favorite RPG seanb's Avatar
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    My favourite (and first) is FF7

    Although Ive been trying to get round to playing other franchises... two on my 'to-do' list are skies of arcadia on dreamcast and secret of mana on snes

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