I didn't do any research on it. Still, despite some truth about how humanity has been corrupt from the beginning, there's no sense of hope for it in the story. EA just says: it'll always be corrupt and bad and fail and that's that. It will be because we say so. Now eat it up or gtfo. I agree to an extend, but I don't think people are all like that. Test of time doesn't mean much. It's the people at the top who get to call the shots and are corrupt. There's always good and bad people, it's just bad people use all the means they can get a hold of power and that's why they usually prevail and dominate. That doesn't mean jack, but EA says everyone is corrupt and evil and they don't want to see any other alternatives.
Also, even if all humans were like that, that still means jack, because evil is still as capable of evolving as good is. Here's where the other hole appears, evolution can't progress in corruption. BS, yes it can. You can be an evil genius and progress all you want. There're just too many things I disagree with in that story and EA failed hard in the core story elements from the start.