I'm sure we will be seeing FF7 remake information, definitely more on FFXV (although I really don't care to see more details, I just want to play it without anything revealed or spoiled.) On nintendo's side we'll definitely hear more about the new zelda which I would really would like to see what the story is about, what setting it's in. I'm hoping nintendo will announce a US release of Mother 3/EarthBound 2 for the Wii U eshop, Japan just had their 20th anniversary of the game the other month, should be there though. I also want to see maybe some hints about what games to expect that are supposed to be on nintendo's next system, and hopefully nintendo will be kind enough to do virtual console imports. They did some with the original wii, and a few with the Wii U but that is just wishful thinking on my part. I'm very sure we will see more games revealed on the New 3DS and hopefully they will be some solid titles.