OK AFTER beat ff7 my PS2 started to make werd noises then smok i saved then turned it off
is it the game or the PS2?
Console Help!
I've decided to make this thread so that anyone with console difficulties can view this and type in their console difficulties or errors.
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(This also counts for controller, memory card, and disk advise and help.)
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OK AFTER beat ff7 my PS2 started to make werd noises then smok i saved then turned it off
is it the game or the PS2?
..How can you save your game after you beat it..? You can't.
And uhm.. if your PS2 was smoking near the end of that disc, I say it's the PS2 and not the disc. If you want to see if it's the disc or not, try playing the disc on a PS1.
(Note: The PS2 isn't meant to play PS1 games either. Just stick to PS2 games.)
Is this thread about consoles of all kinds?.
I mean, handhelds and next-gen consoles, like the WII?.
If so:
What the hey is the WII "nunchuck" and what exactly do I need to purchase in order to use the WII?.
I mean, console, memory card, game and that's it?.
No nunchuck?, weren't there two controllers to buy?.
If this is not what your intention was for this thread, I apologize for the SPAM and could you please, delete this post?.
The nunchuck is pretty much the "tv remote" with the joystick extension, which makes it look like a nunchuck. Obviously you need that.
And with a game like SSBB, you can use the Gamecube controller for that as well. But yes. Console, mem card, and game. Plus the controllers. Obviously. =P
Can some one please help, I have a ps2 that is about 4 years old and it has been working fine then all of a suden it will not load any games it says insert a ps2 disk??? dose anyone no what the problem could be it also makes a wierd noise when i put in a disk? THANKS
I have experience this problem so many times before.There are reasons for it cannot work.But here would be my best answer :
The Noise from Disk.
It is probably because the disk have many scratches or the disk is very dirty and not compatible to your PS2 anymore.With the scratches it will not play that disk.If it makes noises,you best take out the disk because it will ruin your disk.Either you repair the scratches or clean the disk whichever that is based on the situations.But there is a high chance of you cannot play that disk ever again.Don't cry....
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err i had that problem is the weird noise like its stalling because if it is take the cover off then take the cd drives top off and just clean the inside and such
PS: i wouldnt advise it ,use it if you dont have no money and make sure you have the plugs unplugged or you probably hurt yourself and maybe the disks
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Ok thanks i will try i no some one who dose IT and nose alot about ps2 so i will get him to try thanks again
OK heres the story earlier on i went to go play Kingdom Hearts and i didnt relise the wire of the pad was wrapped around my leg and the PS2 fell of its stand and is not loading up any games I tried fixing it myself but failed i think its the eye of it though because everytime I try to load a game up i can see the eye going up and down continuosly and stops all together anyone got any ideas how to fix this or if i can fix this without having to take it to some shop?????
Edit by Djinn: Merged topic with "Console Help" sticky topic
Last edited by Djinn; 10-13-2006 at 02:57 PM.
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Ouch. But you know, we do have a stickied Console Help thread. That's where things like this go.
But in your case....let's see...it fell, huh? Then your lens is probably screwed. With a fall like that, I think you may have to get a new PS2. Or see if you can get it fixed....at a shop. Cause it's nothing you can do yourself.
damn.... it wasnt a high fall it was about mounted on top of a average computer tower but it fell and landed upside down so it was pretty screwed i guess
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Yeah. Reason why I say it's nothing you can do, is because the lens is most likely mis-aligned, and only professionals, or people with experience should be able to handle something like that, because it's so delicate.
hmm i have a little experience with realigning the insides of PS2s and i dont really have nothing to lose so i "might" try it but im using it as a last resort
the reason i dont wanna take it to a shop is because it'll probably cost ore money than the ps2 and i probably wot have the money anyway
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Hah...when I say the lens is mis-aligned. There's nothing large to align. They're very small pieces and switches. Like I said. Delicate, heh.
But if you have experience, you can try as a last resort.
hehe yeah if its "that" small then i wont bother lol anyway thanks for your helpcan you close this topic now please?
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I can't. >.> You'll have to ask an s-mod to do it.
well this thred is kinda convient....
lol looks like a lot of people have ps2 problems well anyways...
i posted a thread on how the ps2 was a peice of crap then i took apart the whole dam thing and cleaned it and it worked like new.but now it seems my fan isnt working. i havent actualy looked in side to see if the cable was unplugged though (though the chances of that are very slim anyways). ill admit though ive kept it on for days at a time because i dont want to turn off ff7. i figured my ps2 is just getting old but its pain in the ass because i can only play it for 20 mins or so and it overheats and shuts off.
....Never keep your PS2 on all the time. Especially days at a time. Are you nuts? That's probably why the fan died in teh first place. It got worn out. (And why don't you want to turn off FF7? It's not like it'll go anywhere. Just save your data.)
Any system would do that. Even computers. I should know, my fan died after 1 1/2 years of 24/7 use.
But anyway, you may need a new fan. You could go to best buy or maybe Frys to see if they have one or not. The fans aren't that big.
hehe do what i did take the cover off i left mine like that for ages just be careful not to let anything inside so put the cover back on when its turned off
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do you do old school consule help too? because i just recently bought a nes consule with two turbo controllers and i got super mario bros & duck hunt 2-in-1 cartrige, super maio bros 2, maniac mansion, contra, zelda, ninja gaiden, punch out, and the nintendo zapper. the issue im having is that when i put in contra, the nes keeps blinking on and off as if i didn't have a game in there, i even cleaned it with 409 and a que-tip and it still does it. all my other stuff works just fine, the nes blinked on and off and it showed a purple screen each time it blinked on. it happened when i did it with my other games but it played them correctly after i either cleaned ithe cartrige or shook it. what i want to know is, is it the nes consule itself or is the cartrige just still dirty? I took it (the contra game) to the store and the guy behind the counter cleaned it and tried it on a nes consule there and he got it to work, when i took it home and tried it again it still did the same thing. please help.
When you get the Wii Console it come with everything you need to play including a game, so it does come with a Nunchuku and a Wiimote.Originally Posted by Hildegarde
Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
I bought Final Fantasy 8 recently and this is the only game I have or ever had that I cant remeber doing this. Well disk one make this loud crunchy noise when loading and periodilly when just walking around it takes a while to load and other disks so far have not done this. The disk if good confition and it does this on both my ps1 and ps2. I have no clue why. The counsles are in great condition. I was just wondering.
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When you but a Wii, it comes with Wii Sports, the attachments to connect it to the TV and power it, and it comes with a Wii-mote with nunchuck attachment. The Wii-mote has built in memory, that will be used by the "Mii" thing, AKA, create your own character, and hopefully be used as an outside memory card. I don't know if it has internal memory, but it may. And note, it only comes with one full controller, the second+ are your problem, just like most other consoles.If so:
What the hey is the WII "nunchuck" and what exactly do I need to purchase in order to use the WII?.
I mean, console, memory card, game and that's it?.
No nunchuck?, weren't there two controllers to buy?.
Ohkay. I have a question for all of you Wii people out there.
I have my Wii and Ds connected to Wifi through one of those Wifi dongles you plug into the USB port of your computer. All was fine and well and everything was working. But now it just isn't picking up and I have no idea.
For my DS could it be because I had an original ds when I set it up but now I have a Lite? Or shouldn't that affect it.
I am really pissed off and have no idea what to do.
Has anyone else had this problem or have any suggestions for me. It would be greatly appreciated![]()
I once put an old PS game into my PS2. The game wasn't even mine, it was a friend's. Anyways it took a while for it to work. (Get out of the browser screen.) When it finally did a message appeared on the screen:
I called the people at Sony and they had never heard of this message before. I was wondering if anyone has ever seen it.
2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot or drinking, if you're one of the 98% who has, then post this in your signature.
I havent, but why do some games work in one PS2 while it won't work in a different one?
You Scared Say Your Scared
You know how the PS2 is supposed to be able to play any PS1 game? Well, I tried putting one in my PS2, since my PS1 is kapoot, and it keeps shutting down on me. I don't get it, and I know nothing about this.
Yeah I heard it's supposed to play them all too. Despite this, several games flatly will not play properly or even be recognised, and several others will play properly but a small scratch or bit of dust on the cd will stop the PS2 from recognising it.Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
Oh and without a chip, forget games of other regions or copied ones if you're into that. I say no. Buy the game cheap, all PS1 games seem to be.![]()
victoria aut mors
Eh? What's a chip? Does that mean I have to figure out a way to fix the PS1 that I haven't seen for 3 years? That's gonna take some work to jsut find the darn thing in my garage...Originally Posted by celtic_silver