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Thread: Console Help!

  1. #61
    Registered User Console Help! IrvineKinneas's Avatar
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    My PSP'S WLAN system doesn't work and everytime I try to play multiplayer with my mate it doesn't work! Most of the time I play Monster Hunter Freedom 2 (which I am horrible at can;t even get past Kut-ku)

    People say I probably have to open up my PSP and fiddle or simply buy a new one any ideas?

  2. #62
    Not that I mind the issue very much

    But a friend of mine loaned me FFVIII and whenever I insert disc 1 into my PS2 it won't load up, so I load the game using disc 2/3/4 whichever is easiest, and then after it gets too the New game/continue screen and I load my file it gets me too switch to disc 1 and it works.

    I don't mind it, but if anyone has a solution it would greatly help. The discs are also in mint condition, cant find a scratch anywhere on 'em(amazingly!), truly a collector's item

  3. #63
    Time to take control... Console Help! Serah's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    Hey, I know someone who just got a ps3 and he tried a ps2 game on it and said it would not play...
    any reason, I was under the impression you could play ps1 & ps2 games on a ps3????
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  4. #64
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    PS2 BC was removed in newer consoles. PSX games work on all PS3s. If unsure look at the box of the PS3 as I believe it states there's no PS2 BC on the boxes of PS3s that lack it.
    victoria aut mors

  5. #65
    Time to take control... Console Help! Serah's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    Well they only got it like 3weeks ago and its the ps3 slim, so I guess that means he cannot play ps1 & ps2 games? oh well lol will have to let them know!!
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  6. #66
    The Lone Dagger Console Help! Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    I've got a question, for some reason my PS3 is not backwards compatible which makes me keep my PS2 around in case I want to play my old PS2 and PS games, well let's be honest play my old Final Fantasy's lol. Is there a patch that you can download/purchase in order for the PS3 to be capable of becoming backwards compatible?

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  7. #67
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Xithor View Post
    I've got a question, for some reason my PS3 is not backwards compatible which makes me keep my PS2 around in case I want to play my old PS2 and PS games, well let's be honest play my old Final Fantasy's lol. Is there a patch that you can download/purchase in order for the PS3 to be capable of becoming backwards compatible?
    Not at this time, it might be possible in the future.
    I don't think PS2 emulation will be reimplemented until sales of PS2 hardware start dropping as even now it sells new units fairly well and would be making Sony a decent amount of cash.
    victoria aut mors

  8. #68
    The Lone Dagger Console Help! Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    I thought I saw something on PS Network that was had something to do with downloading it and being able to play PS2 & PS games on it like a program but I must have imagined it or mis-read it. Thanks though for the info Silver

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  9. #69
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    Actually you probably did see something.
    Not sure if it's still there, but there was a software emulator for BC compatible PS3s (the later BC, quite inferior to the first which utilised hardware emulation). Even if it's still there it's not compatible with newer PS3 phats and any slims.
    victoria aut mors

  10. #70
    Time to take control... Console Help! Serah's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    Actually you probably did see something.
    Not sure if it's still there, but there was a software emulator for BC compatible PS3s (the later BC, quite inferior to the first which utilised hardware emulation). Even if it's still there it's not compatible with newer PS3 phats and any slims.
    That sucks, I can't believe they stopped putting it on. I was thinking of getting one because I am sick of having my ps2 and xbox 360 cluttering my bedroom, but think I will stick to that until they put it back on lol
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  11. #71
    Registered User Console Help! DawnHero's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by xemrac View Post
    i have yellow dog linux 6.1 installed on my ps3 and i cant seem to delete i format it and its still there i was just wondering if anyone knew how to get rid of it
    you might have tried all of these*Linux is a tough cookie*
    to be able to completely remove the 10 gb partion unless you set the settings when you format "allow all for ps3"
    most install disks come with that option, well at least ydl 6.1 does.

    if you run on YDL and if you put Ubuntu DVD in, that should give you some formating options before install right?
    so I think we could format it that way
    put the hd into a pc and format with some software

    the format utility is sucky

  12. #72
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by DawnHero View Post
    you might have tried all of these*Linux is a tough cookie*
    to be able to completely remove the 10 gb partion unless you set the settings when you format "allow all for ps3"
    most install disks come with that option, well at least ydl 6.1 does.

    if you run on YDL and if you put Ubuntu DVD in, that should give you some formating options before install right?
    so I think we could format it that way
    put the hd into a pc and format with some software

    the format utility is sucky
    Dude that post you necroquoted is over a year old. Also FYI updating to one of the more current versions of the PS3 software form PSN will eliminate Linux. Then again it will also delete any other OS. Sony decided to get rid of this feature all together and the update will remove any exsistance of any other operating system.
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  13. #73
    Registered User Console Help! DawnHero's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    thanx for clearing that up
    I overlook the date and went on
    typing some ideas -_-tsk tsk

  14. #74
    is not a douche Console Help! Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    I have a PlayStation 2 Slim Silver - how much can it go for? Dunno, might try Craigslist, probably won't sell though, they're not exactly in demand anymore huh?

  15. #75
    TFF's Resident Messenger Console Help! Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    GBA SP Help

    I know this is thread is for console help, and I will get to that as well. But more importantly...

    I was given a copy of "The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening" for no reason (guess I had been a good boy, I guess). I have two GameBoy Advance SP, and the game is regular GameBoy. As we all know, the SP can play GameBoy games. However, TLOZ:LA isn't saving properly. I go to the save menu, select Save & Quit, go back to the main screen, then turn OFF the GBA-SP. When I go to play again, there is no saved file, and I have to start the game over from the beginning.

    It only does this if I turn off my GBA-SP. If I just go back to main screen and check the file, it is still there. If anyone can help me, it will be greatly appreciated.

    Now for my console help. My PS2 (Silver Slim) plays every game I have, except for 3. Gran Turismo 4, Metal Gear Solid 2, and Xenosaga I. I was able to play through Metal Gear Solid 2 once, and then it quit playing. Gran Turismo 4 and Xenosaga will play in friends' PS2s, just not mine; and I haven't tried MGS2 anywhere else.

    The conditions for the games are: GT4-Newish (I have never played it), Xenosaga-Used (bought at a Used Game Store), and MGS2-Newish (bought it in The Essential Collection- MGS1, 2, and 3).

    I don't think it's the eye because my PS2 plays everything else I have. GT4 and MGS2 have no scratches on it, because I don't play them. Xenosaga has scratches but plays perfectly in every PS2 except mine.

    Again, if anyone can I greatly appreciate it.
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  16. #76
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    Sounds like the battery backup in your LoZ cart is gone - if the game's pirated, often that happens quite quickly, but it can happen to legit games as well. It can be replaced, but it involves opening the cart up and it's very delicate work. Might be cheaper to look for another copy in second hand stores.

    The PS2 problem could be a number of things. Are the games the same region as the console? That said, me and my mates had the same problems and always with the slims - annoying as they are definitely more portable then the phat. In the end I just grabbed my nearly a decade old phat out, tried the games on it and they all worked. Might be beneficial grabbing one from a hock shop, they tend to sell for hardly anything these days.
    victoria aut mors

  17. #77
    TFF's Resident Messenger Console Help! Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    Thanks for the help. The PS2 games are all the same region. The MGS2 came with 1 and 3 in a boxed set, so it puzzles me why 3 works but 2 doesn't. I will look into finding an older model PS2. My friend might even let me have his PS2, since all he has are PS3 games now.
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  18. #78
    The Old Skool Warrior Console Help! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    MGS2 is blue-backed, isn't it? (As in, CD instead of DVD?) If so, the laser on the PS2 tends to die partially before it dies fully. Typically, it will stop reading CDs first, and that leads up to its eventual DVD death.

    I've seen rare cases where it stops reading the DVDs first, but that's not typically the case.

    edit: I just checked - MGS2 is on a DVD. Now your case perplexes me.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
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    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
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    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  19. #79
    TFF's Resident Messenger Console Help! Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Console Help!

    I checked all three PS2 games in my post (GT4, MGS2, and Xenosaga), and they are all of the DVD type. But it is only those three that aren't playable. My PS2 still plays CDs as well as games. Gran Turismo 4 has never even been played. I have had it for almost 2 years, and never played it once. Kmart, where I bought the game, even replaced it with another copy, but even that one didn't play in my PS2.

    EDIT: I just pulled out my PS2's manual. It says on page 3,

    "Some PlayStation or PlayStation2 format software may perform differently on this console than they do on previous PlayStation2 or PlayStation consoles, or may not perform properly on this console."

    Would this have anything to do with my problem? That's how I was given the replacement copy of GT4. I have not made any modifications to the console, so I don't think it's that. I am not to worried about MGS2, since I have played through it once. It's Xenosaga and GT4 that I am anxious to play.
    Last edited by Michael Swayne; 09-17-2011 at 06:34 PM.
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