What a bloody mouthful.

Anyway, im about 6 hours in and im not sure if im enjoying it. The only reason I keep playing it is because im determined to make these girls strip, its the only appealing thing about the game. The innuendo was kinda funny at first, but now is a complete snooze. the best line was "I-I'm so excited to feel you come inside me!" but its getting all very repeptitive. Im also not sure what the hell all this diving shit means.. I know what benefits come from successfully paying money to go through some sub-story of each of the girl characters, but its incredibly bizarre.

Im just wondering if any of you on TFF have experienced this game or any of its predessesors and can enlighten me to a few aspects of the game I might not be picking up. The battle system itself is so very straight forward, but seems boring to me. I dont even need to make them strip to win fights. Its just a parade of mashing square.