So you told me you didn't pay attention to the characteristics of an Asari. In conclusion, you don't like the Asari.
I thought I'd get some opinions on this chick. I played through the first Mass Effect, tried to talk to Liara, get to know her, and see why it seemed like all of my friends were going out of their way to romance her. Let me tell you, I still don't know why they did it. Liara is so boring, especially when compared to all the other characters who all had so much more background and conflict to them. She never showed any emotion, even after I killed her mom, her tone never changes, and she never has anything interesting to say. After my first playthrough I just ignore her entirely cause I just end up skipping through whatever she says. Am I missing something? Is there some other side to Liara that makes all my friends want her? I always wind up romancing Ashley. At least she has something interesting to say and an actual personal viewpoint on what's happening. Significantly more attractive, too. I find everything about Liara, her looks, personality, etc, just bland. Maybe you guys can help me out here. What is it people seem to like so much about Liara? (And no, I haven't actually finished Mass Effect 2 or even started 3 so don't bring them up)
You'll have your reward for finding me, and don't think of running off without collecting. My shot is faster, or my names not Balthier.
So you told me you didn't pay attention to the characteristics of an Asari. In conclusion, you don't like the Asari.
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CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
The Asari are closed off, and act emotionless. Like Loaf said you didn't pay attention to what the Asari is. As for bland looks, blue bitches be hot.
Side note I always romance Tali cause I wanna see her face, but never get to.
But I've met other Asari that had personality to them, and a few Asari I did find attractive. Liara just looks bland and never says anything interesting. It has nothing to do with her race, it's just Liara herself. I never hear anything interesting come out of her mouth. Half of the time it seems like she feels the need to remind me of my accomplishments, which just seems weird.
You'll have your reward for finding me, and don't think of running off without collecting. My shot is faster, or my names not Balthier.
I dunno. It sounds like you want people to justify their liking of a particular character. I think Liara is hot (for a video game alien) and adorkable, and the opposite of a few of your viewpoints. Whatever I think about this character, you are likely to disagree with. Just different opinions, man. People who like her will continue to like her, and yer just gonna have to deal. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Don't worry, this is normal. The reason you do not care for Liara is because she is not Tali. Why choose Liara when there is Tali?![]()
Originally Posted by Andromeda
I never really found Liara all that interesting. I know the Asari are kind of bland in general, since that's just how they are, but aside from that, she never really did it for me. Sure she had a nice body and all, but meh.
Then again, I went with Ashley in the first one, since she was all sorts of hot and I just liked her kind of simple ways. I went with Miranda in 2, because DAMN. And then I went back with Ashley in 3 just because I wanted to complete the circle I felt like I had begun. I helped Miranda out and kept us as friends and all that, but I really wanted Ashley since the beginning.
Tali was always a possibility, but I dunno, I was always afraid that I'd get her super sick and kill her. I did catch her hooking up with Garrus though, which was all sorts of hilarious and awesome.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Thing is, I want to hear your opinion. Liara's popularity baffles me, so I really want to hear what you think of her. No matter how I look at her, I don't see the appeal, so I'm hoping to get valid arguments in her favor that I can analyze. And you're right. I do want people to justify their liking of a character. I have yet to hear any real reason from my circle of friends, so I'm looking here on the internet. I know I'm weird, just roll with it.
You'll have your reward for finding me, and don't think of running off without collecting. My shot is faster, or my names not Balthier.
I've always found her to be on her own mission, after the Shadow Broker, which is probably why she has nothing interesting to say to you. Without going into too much detail, even after her mission she seems kind of distant until you get into ME3, and THEN she's only good for information. Her opinions are based on the information she has, which doesn't leave room to speculate on much else, unless she has nothing on the topic.
I've never really found her very attractive, and felt her a little too forward in the first game. I think she was the first character to come on to me without realising, but I was trying to win Ashley over (and I'm glad I waited... ME3 Ashley is ****ing hot). Asari in general aren't bad lookers, but they know how to pull a dirty look, Aria being a prime example.
There is no universally valid reason to like anything. You either like something, or you don't. I like Liara for the reasons I stated. You haven't played ME2 or 3, but in 3, she is there for Shepard a lot of the time. There are a lot of scenes with her that endeared the character to me. I cannot think of specifics or give specifics, so you'll just have to go with that. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
They pass! Any bigger would be a turn off for some, anyway. Also dat ass.
Let's take a measuring tape to all the digital women.
Originally Posted by Andromeda