I thought I'd get some opinions on this chick. I played through the first Mass Effect, tried to talk to Liara, get to know her, and see why it seemed like all of my friends were going out of their way to romance her. Let me tell you, I still don't know why they did it. Liara is so boring, especially when compared to all the other characters who all had so much more background and conflict to them. She never showed any emotion, even after I killed her mom, her tone never changes, and she never has anything interesting to say. After my first playthrough I just ignore her entirely cause I just end up skipping through whatever she says. Am I missing something? Is there some other side to Liara that makes all my friends want her? I always wind up romancing Ashley. At least she has something interesting to say and an actual personal viewpoint on what's happening. Significantly more attractive, too. I find everything about Liara, her looks, personality, etc, just bland. Maybe you guys can help me out here. What is it people seem to like so much about Liara? (And no, I haven't actually finished Mass Effect 2 or even started 3 so don't bring them up)