One year later and here I am. xD
I've taken the liberty to review the sorts of RPs this forum has experienced and I believe our old forum had a bit more in the way of an organised group of seasoned RPers, though mind you, that wasn't there from the start either. I believe we had success in that avenue due to this. I, alongside fellow veterans such as, bee happy and Gemini were typically the RP forerunners and were thus able to maintain them. In addition, beeness and Gem were keen on making RP systems which I've read is of interest to some of you. I, myself, have only made a few and, if haboo is anyone to go by, I overcomplicate them. xD
What I feel lacking here is the motivation, as I believe Yoko has already mentioned. The chief excuse, if you'll pardon the word, is that it takes quite a bit of effort to create an RP and, should it fail to garner any activity, that effort has been wasted. Honestly though, you might think to recycle an old failed project if you don't want to put the effort towards a new idea that may flop. As some of you know from haboo and Yoko, we've been RPing within my Exigo Timeline for Final Fantasy, but that RP was the result of first, a recycled idea *Final Fantasy : The Lost Ones*, and second, a failed original Exigo RP. The Lost Ones had only been the result of a debate I had about how Final Fantasies VII and X related, but I developed it into an RP, which received much interest, but very little activity. My first Exigo RP met with a similar fate, though, admittedly, some were distracted by the RP System I'd developed for it. Given how many worlds I was to unite under the Exigo Timeline, there was little I could do to uncomplicate things, though I still don't believe it was very difficult to use. *bickers to self* In any event, I continued using the idea to expand into a series of RPs, The Chronicles of Exigo, which led to a rather successful six-year run of an RP that's still ongoing, though soon to be completed.
The point is, rather than mention how RPs haven't gained momentum on this board, I see no harm in reusing those old RPs that had already failed in the past. You never know if it will be a success this time around and keeping even small amounts of interest going may make a difference.
Furthermore, I'd like to comment on leadership within an RP and its necessity. While it is true that RPs can stagnate when their creators are inactive, I don't believe that always has to be. In keeping with that, I intend to start an RP, also a recycled one that failed in the past, and leave it open for any of its RPers to take the lead for as long as they feel fit to do so. Though I will also partake, my main function will be to mediate between the anticipated chaos that will result from this. I will dictate the ultimate direction of the story through key events, but this should leave copious liberties for each RPer to grow with their character and explore the world without feeling the need to commit to a supposed leading group that progresses the story. This will also serve a second purpose in that, just as many of you, my time is limited and I will be actively participating in the Exigo RP that haboo and Yoko had wanted me to do. Therefore, this allows me to participate in both without dwindling the bits of time I have.