It is the year 2074. The energy crisis has escalated to becoming the world's greatest concern and, despite any advancement in renewable fuel, progress has been disappointingly slow. Conversely, energy consumption has never been higher and grows exponentially each year.

To that end, the United Nations has secretly commissioned several unofficial entities to brainstorm any means of resolving the situation. One such faction, S.P.E.C.T.R.E., invents a way to access extra-dimensional energy by breaching time and space and reaping the quantum energies separating each dimension. They hope it can be viable as it is an unused power source.

Initial tests are not promising. The power necessary to maintain a stable breach is measured equal to the output of the extra-dimensional pocket. Later tests make use of lepton warping technology, which can draw more energy at the expense of creating less stable breaches. Higher concentrations of lepton lasers allow for a geometric increase in output. Desperate for resolution, the UN consents to global construction of these facilities.

Unbeknownst to them, the destabilised breaches bleed through the dimensions as the energy drawn from their borders thins. Several of these other dimensions become aware of such bridges between worlds and begin moving across, some beneficently, but many more with malicious intent.

It doesn't take too long for S.P.E.C.T.R.E. to realise what they've done. They know the repercussions should the truth reach the UN so they decide to handle the situation discreetly. Their researchers find a way to send signals to the affected dimensions, calling for aid in eliminating this new threat. These extra-dimensionals are gathered together into a team and are given S.P.E.C.T.R.E. facilities as bases.

= = = Rules = = =

Ø All forms of godmoding are strictly prohibited.
Ø That's it! xD Originally, in the forum this RP is from, there was a minimum character rule, but posts here look to be of drastically varied length so I'll be eliminating that rule for this one. Oh, but of course, there are still the all-encompassing forum rules to abide by, but you lot know that already, yes? ^.~

= = = Character Creation = = =

Ø You can use any pre-existing character from any pre-existing series or you can create a character from that pre-existing series.
Ø Each character has an enemy from their home dimension that they are here on Earth to stop either officially or personal choice.
Ø Complete the following character sheet.

Name: First and Last names as applicable. Feel free to state Middle names, prefixes, suffixes, and/or nicknames, if you wish.
Age: There are no limits on the age, but ensure that your speaking voice represents your character's age.
Origin: Your home dimension.
Appearance: Describe attire, looks, physique, etc. You can also link a pic, saving some time.
Weapons: You are allowed as many weapons as you'd like.
Enemy: Who were you sent here to stop? Or, if you are the villain, who is attempting to stop you?
Biography: Provide a detailed character history that may explain current personality and abilities.

And that's that!


Just to help you with completing your character sheets, here is my character.

Name: Nick Fury
Age: 70
Origin: Marvel Cinematic Universe (post Infinity Wars 1 & 2)
Weapons: Standard issue S.H.I.E.L.D. pistol
Enemy: Managerial. He oversees the operations of other members of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Extra-dimensional Forces.

Years have passed since the Infinity War shook the very foundations of creation. Earth's mightiest heroes have fallen and S.H.I.E.L.D. has been left with a world at the brink. Nick Fury and several of his most trusted S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives scramble to pick up the pieces, fearing the next assault. Their allies are few yet the possibility of a new enemy revealing itself has never been greater.

It isn't too long of a wait, either. In the last few days, global climate change and geographical instabilities have risen 150%. S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists believe that the boundaries separating their dimension with the next are failing, owing it to an as yet unknown disruption of their normal functional parametres.

They've also picked up an odd signal alongside their readings. The signal has been deciphered as some sort of distress beacon. Given their limited options, Nick Fury embarks on a gamble. He takes a team consisting of himself and Agents Maria Hill and Natasha Romanov, leaving Director Philip Coulson to maintain order back in their world.

Once crossing the border into the foreign dimension, Fury is met with local leaders from an organisation called S.P.E.C.T.R.E. who inform him of the situation at hand. They introduce Fury's team to the Extra-dimensional Force, the EF, and enlist Fury's aid to micro-manage them in order to mitigate unnecessary damage to the S.P.E.C.T.R.E. home world, also known as Earth.

Meanwhile, Agents Hill and Romanov will supervise individual strike teams when given co-op assignments. They can be a direct liaison back to HQ. With their experience handling the solitary ranks of their world's EF, the Avengers, it is S.P.E.C.T.R.E.'s belief that the present situation will be dealt with quickly and, more importantly, discreetly.
My primary character will be Nick Fury from the MCU therefore his role will be minor as he'll remain at the various S.P.E.C.T.R.E. HQs running point. However, should I ever need to take on a more active role, I'll take either NPC, Maria Hill or Black Widow. Furthermore, I've listed no enemy for my character as he'll mostly be helping you hunt down yours, however, that can change. In fact, feel free to change it if you happen to be a fan of the MCU and wanted to see a specific character appear in this RP. If you do, though, keep in mind, this version of the MCU takes place following every revealed film thus far and has the Infinity War end poorly. (Also of note, just as their legal battles wage on, if you are to bring any Marvel characters into the RP, be sure to use proper MCU terms such as Enhanced, Gifted, or Inhuman. No mutants. xD)