You could also try compromising a little bit. By RPing a part of a normal class day and an exam or whatever in one or two posts, you can establish the routine for your character and reveal some background, relationships with other characters, etc. By only doing part of the day and not an extended period of time, it's fast enough that it won't bog down the plot and the other people RPing. If you use Harry Potter as an example, in the books Rowling doesn't write out an entire day down to the last detail. She writes the parts of classes that are relevant to the story and leaves out all the rest. Writing an entire day out is a good exercise but unless every single part of the day is relevant to the larger plot and not just your character, it simply isn't necessary.
On the other hand, you could always start an RP that focuses exclusively on the day-to-day life of the characters. I know we've had some fairly successful school-based RPs in the past, though I don't know offhand how detailed those got in the classes. It would probably be difficult to pull off in our current RP environment but you never know, maybe it'll turn out to be the breakout RP that becomes hugely popular and brings some activity back in. XD
But, as Andro said, things have moved to a faster pace lately because we just can't keep anyone interested long enough to do any slower RPs. When this forum was a lot more active you could get away with doing slow-moving, detailed RPs. The problem we've run into right now is that we only have a handful of active RPers and even fewer new members interested in it. If even one person loses interest, more often than not the RP dies.