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Thread: Avatar/Banner Requests

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  1. #1
    Air from my lungs. Avatar/Banner Requests Violet's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Under a bridge, eating your goats.

    Avatar/Banner Requests

    I decided that we really needed one of these, as it's better than seeing a bunch of dead-end avatar/banner request threads clouding the Art forums.

    Here's the deal. If you want someone to make you an avatar/banner, this is where you'll ask.

    If you are an Avatar/Banner maker, please PM me to put you on the list.


    (You must obide by forum rules as well)

    1. When you ask someone to make you a sig, please make sure the image is in good quality if you want to supply them with it. The easiest way would be just to tell them the character/picture you want.

    2. Don't be too extravagant with the details you give the Sig maker. Being too particular can be annoying.

    3. You may PM to ask someone on the list to make you a set. HOWEVER, you can post in this thread the images and description of the set you want so any of the sigmakers can look and decide if they want to make it or not.

    4. No harrassing/abusing the sig makers. If they can't make it, then they can't and that's final. Try someone else.

    5. Don't overwhelm yourself with sig requests. Anotherwards, don't hog all the requests. There's other members who can make sigs, and if you're constantly like "I'll make yours! I'll make yours!" right after another, there will be no work for anyone but yourself.

    6. If you accepted someone's request, don't leave them hanging for too long. If you keep making them wait, then you may as well tell them to find someone else, but try and be polite about it.

    7. When someone makes you a banner, be sure to give them credit in your sig.

    Avatar/Banner Makers

    • Violet(Active)
    • Mistress Sheena(Active)
    • Kilala(Active)
    • Raider(Active)
    • Rebellion(Active)
    • Dark Squall(Inactive)
    • Silver(Inactive)
    • Tiger Lily(Inactive)
    • Doc Rocco(Inactive)
    • Halie(N/A)
    • Djinn(N/A)
    • Anachlirium(N/A)

      [Note: If you are an active sig maker, let me know.]
    Last edited by Violet; 08-05-2009 at 03:39 PM.

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