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Thread: Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A

  1. #91
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Within the army of the Brotherhood, a voluntary forfeit will be rewarded by an instant and merciless death from my own hands. If Anomaly handles it the same, we can easily settle this point.

    EDIT: as Bloodaxe stated, this won't probably happen. I don't expect that anyone who drops out would admit that he did it on purpose.

    Still, the case of unvoluntary forfeits remains. I hate killing the original warrior and I hate it even more to have some follow-up stuff, that would be a major pain in my ass. So I still opt for doing nothing.
    Last edited by ToroMor; 10-04-2007 at 06:25 AM.

  2. #92
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    If Anomaly also agrees with the escapist idea, then I'm down with that too.

    Again, the reason I never thought this over beforehand was because I really didn't think it would come up. Points were made earlier -- people who consider forfeiting just to preserve a character stake their entire club's existence on the forums. I guess it's stuff like this that really tests the caliber of a person.

    In any case, I've got to dress for work, so I'll see if there's a response from Anomaly when I get home. Maybe the "do nothing" option is best? /shrug

  3. #93
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Akira's Avatar
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    I wouldn't have even considered this rediculous debate had Prodigal Madness not brought it up. For me, it seems completely superfluous to even discuss it, since it makes no sense to enter a war and then back out when that same person was never forced to fight in the first place. Had he not wanted to, he just would have relented from signing up and that would have been that. Reservists were only created in the event that someone could not post, for whatever reason. Not so people would abuse them and save a character they never had to risk getting killed anyways. Such a blatantly trivial debate really.

  4. #94
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Anomaly's Avatar
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    Yes, yes, we're all agreed that this is completely trivial.

    All except those that do not think it is and those that are willing to give them their ear.

    This is always the way of things, and no, most of us don't like it, but then there's majority rule and minority rights. And of course the power of dictatorship which is Colts to exercise in this matter.

    So I'll say this, even though its rehashing a lot of what's already been said by others. ToroMor and I, we don't care, so long as someone dies in the end thats great. We'd both prefer the rules stay exactly AS THEY ARE with no amendments, because both sides agreed to those rules at the outset and if there's a voice on EITHER side that has some complaint with the rules we have agreed on, they should've piped up a HELL of a long time ago, rather than starting this now. I would say 'case closed' but then we have to consider 'fairness'.

    Colt, however you choose to handle the situation is fine by me. You can have everyone on the losing side die. People will be pissed off by this decision, but people are always pissed off anyways, so who gives a damn? Or you can set up some little challenge after the fact, which will drag things out and probably piss someone off, but again, who really gives a damn? Or we can go with your 'escapist' clause thing. Though it seems ToroMor isn't happy with it, and I'm not entirely thrilled, in the interest of fairness, whatever you think is best.

    I don't want to discuss this further, hear the merits of why we should do this, shouldn't do that, and I defiently don't want to hear how pointless this all is because believe me, WE KNOW.

    I don't like amending the rules like this, because once you do it once it opens up the door for doing it again later on down the road. But as the Judge, it's your call. The leaders of the clans have already spoken their peace.

  5. #95
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Akira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anomaly View Post
    And of course the power of dictatorship which is Colts to exercise in this matter.
    Actually, it is more or less, your's and ToroMor's right to make a dictatorial decision on the matter, since it concerns both of your clubs and you both represent the embodiement of that club. Therefore, anything you two agree upon shall be law, since this is a war between our factions, and Loco represents nothing but the mediator, there to make sure that both sides are happy with what is agreed upon. In the event that both leaders agree upon something, there should be NO further discussing the matter, period!

    Quote Originally Posted by Anomaly View Post
    We'd both prefer the rules stay exactly AS THEY ARE with no amendments, because both sides agreed to those rules at the outset...
    Considering what I said above, and what you said here, it seems this is already agreed upon and requires no further heed. You both speak as representatives for each according faction, and as such have the final say. It would be pointless for Loco to now do something different than what you two already agreed upon and fealt was fair for both sides involved. I rest my case.

  6. #96
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Very well. That's it.

    And since I have nothing else to say, I will add some lines of spam. Just because the first four words feel lonely.

    Maybe you're better to play a villain just straight out.
    ~ Sigourney Weaver

  7. #97
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I have received a couple of messages with concerns regarding transformations.

    I know we mentioned "major" shifts in battle.

    I understand that, from your standpoint, a transformation by its very nature is a major shift; however, look at it from a more objective view. Yes, your transformation may cause a major shift in the character, but it should not instantly swing the tides of battle. The original implication was that you cannot use a transformation to suddenly hack your opponent in half, metaphorically speaking.

    Yes, transformations will change things, but if done properly, it should not come off as godmodding. That was the original idea. I know that, with overpowered characters such as these, it will be tough to draw the line between what is modding and what is not. This is why I asked you all to write up detailed character sheets, as I will be rigorously comparing your posts to your bios, and see what really fits the character and what does not.

    Use your best judgment on your own posts, guys. I will have to be somewhat lax on godmodding when it comes to the judging anyhow, so as long as you're respecting the opposing writer's character, we should be in the clear. Follow the basics of the rule and we'll be good. (No forced hits, no forced dodging, no control of the character whatsoever with the exception of rudimentary dialogue.)

  8. #98
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    I have to excuse for plagiarising Coleridge at one point in my last posting. The picture of the fortress was just too alluring.

    Anyway, there are about 5 days left now. Let me avail myself of the opportunity of saying a few words.

    Although it's a pity that I wasn't able to spend more time on posting (I think I have always been very late with my writings), it was a great pleasure and a hell of a lot of fun to read and write the postings in this clash. And despite that most of you are pitiful slaves that shiver under the whip of your master, far from choices other than writing for your miserable lives, I want to express my thankfulness ;)

    Unholy Regards

  9. #99
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    In the lands of Doom, where the everlasting icewinds howl, the bell strikes midnight.

    The mythical war of the Brotherhood of Doom against The Masters is over.

    Ages have past since our legendary fight
    They'll never again see warriors so bright
    Forever and ever we'll be forgotten names in their mind
    Without battle is our existence not worth calling life

    Thank you all for participating; it was an honor to meet you on the battlefield, no matter on which side.

  10. #100
    This is my sin... Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Lucid's Avatar
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    It's only 6pm here. o.O

  11. #101
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toromor
    the clash will end on

    November 2nd
    in the year 3 of Doom (2007 in your mortal realm),
    at 11:59 pm Standard Doom Time (23:59 CET).

    . . . . . . . . .

  12. #102
    Synthesized Ascension Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Zardoch's Avatar
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    I think everybody is confused Toro, lol. The end-time is pretty much based in Europe [since most BOD members live there] so for anybody like me [in USA] we're about 5-8 hours behind them. Let me write out an example.

    From the West coast Time zone in the US, that's 8 hours behind their time. Mountain TZ is 7, Central is 6, and Eastern is 5. For Australian and New Zealand, your about 12-14 hours behind.

    Hope that clears that up.

  13. #103
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    In any case, it's well after midnight at this point, unless you're in Hawai'i, so I'll close off the threads.

  14. #104
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Just for clarity: CET = Central European Time.
    I thought that was clear?

    However, the more interesting question is now of course: when will judgement punch in? I figure that suspense has already reached a pant-shattering level!

  15. #105
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Nin`'s Avatar
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    Time is a real bitch. I had one last epic post all lined up but, unfortunately, and in accordance with the timing conditions already set and agreed upon, I missed my chance to submit it by an hour or so. The clock I was relying on betrayed me it would seem. Oh well.

    I do have a question though (which may sound n00bish): when the victors have been decided, will each of the individual battle threads be reopened so that the death posts may be evinced?

    I figured it would be best to declare the death posts as the final post for each battle; makes sense to me.

    Last edited by Nin`; 11-03-2007 at 09:26 AM.

  16. #106
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    You are correct, sir. That is the idea.

    @Toro (and everyone else, I'm sure) - unfortunately, the timing for the end of things was off by a couple days. I had Thursday and Friday off from work -- perfect opportunity to sit down and do some hardcore reading. Unfortunately, I won't see a day off for a few more days now. My brain is *always* fried on the days that I work. I can't think straight enough to do any sort of reliable judgment.

    I have myself scheduled off for Tuesday and Wednesday next week, so assuming none of my shifts need to change, we should see results in just a few short days. Bear with me, gentlemen (and ladies), for the end is near.

    I'd like to remind you all that I would really hate to see either group's presence disappear, and that I really want to see the losing faction stick around on the forums. Even though your characters may meet their ends and your faction's branch here shall cease to exist (re: be archived), I don't want to lose any forum members if it can be avoided.

  17. #107
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Zephyr's Avatar
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    For Australia and New Zealand, you're about 12-14 hours behind.
    Ahead, actually. I was having my mid-day food (we call it 'lunch' here) on Saturday when this wrapped up.

    So it's finally over. To the victor, the spoils.

  18. #108
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Anomaly's Avatar
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    Well Colt, all I can say is take the time that you need. I know most of us are eager for final judgement and all that it entails, but I wouldn't want you to make any quick decisions you may regret later due simply to our enthusiastic urgings.

    We can be patient.

    By the way, I'm sorry if the time limit was a little confusing to some of you. I feel that is partially my fault. My Masters are from all over the world, and thus time differences would obviously be an issue. Still, I don't think any harm came of it, and I hope you don't let this one problem overshadow the entirety of this glorious experience. Well fought all...I believe this was the perfect way to pop the cherry of war, so to speak, in this realm. May we go on to many more battles in the coming future.

  19. #109
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I've got four of the threads read, thought over, and mostly written up. I still need to read the fifth thread, get its writeup done, and then post everything. It wouldn't be very fair unless I did all of these simultaneously, so that's why nothing is posted yet. I figured I owed all of you at least this much of a courtesy post. Shame I leave for work in an hour or I'd do it right now.

  20. #110
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Sounds good to me. And while I have chewed up all my fingernails, I kept my footnails as a reserve, so take your time. :P

    Btw, good idea to post them all at once, that's probably the best way to do it.

  21. #111
    Permanently banned Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A darkViVi's Avatar
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    I don't mind waiting for all the verdicts, just take your time.

    *while everybody looks the other way Bloodaxe passes Loco an envelope under the table*

  22. #112
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Are there any news on the judgement?
    Loco, are you still alive?

  23. #113
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Anomaly's Avatar
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    It's almost Thanksgiving state side. Perhaps he can hand down a verdict by then? I'm sure that will open up at least a little bit of free time.

  24. #114
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I am still alive, my friends. Far busier than any one person should be. The holiday shopping season started early this year and the store has been in utter disarray. Even with the holiday help (one of whom is completely incompetent), it's tough to keep up.

    I promise to you that the final verdict will come soon. If it has to wait until Thanksgiving, so be it. That very well may be the next day off that I have where I won't be stuck under a pile of other work.

  25. #115
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Thanksgiving is over. Where is the verdict?

  26. #116
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Ok, this is pissing me off right now. Colt, you have one more day left.
    If you can't get it done until tomorrow, we will have to search for another judge. That would be a quite annoying task but I'm not going to wait any longer. The Brotherhood of Doom will not accept any verdict from LocoColt04 that comes after saturday, november 24th, 2007 23:59 CET.
    Last edited by ToroMor; 11-23-2007 at 04:50 PM.

  27. #117
    This is my sin... Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Lucid's Avatar
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    Don't you think that getting someone else to judge it will just cause it to take even longer?

  28. #118
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Anomaly's Avatar
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    And possibly raise questions about the validity of any such judgement? We'll have to re-enter into new negotiations to determine a suitable replacement judge if it comes to that.

    I know Colt is a little errant in his judgement, but I'd like to think he's been mulling over his decision. Though I confess, I think I'd be a little upset if he was unable to finalize his judgements before the end of this month.

    Perhaps he can go ahead and post up the other four judgements he says he already reached?

  29. #119
    Permanently banned Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A darkViVi's Avatar
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    Loco is in no position to judge our war. This is just bullshit, he should have told us that he is far too busy and can't give any verdicts. However, I agree with Anomaly, post those verdicts already done and we'll discuss it from there. If there is anything to discuss.

  30. #120
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    If that's how you're going to act about it, then so be it.

    Go ahead, find someone new, let it take even longer. Lay the BURDEN of eliminating an organization on someone else's shoulders. You think this is an easy decision? Fine. Find someone else who can be COMPLETELY fair about this.

    It isn't my fault that this is the busiest time of the year for me.
    I'm not going to quit my job just so I can get a little more time on the internet.

    I have every intention of finishing this, but if you think someone else is better suited, so be it. I'll toss everything I have and let someone else start from scratch.

    (Although, if you DO still insist upon finding someone else, might I suggest Psiko? He has never had any affiliation with either group, so given he has the time, he would be my best suggestion.)

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