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Thread: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

  1. #31
    The Lone Dagger Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    Like everyone has said already I also like that there are so many save points all over the place but solely for the reason of being able to quickly find one when I have to leave. But most of the time I don't need the save points so I just run right past them and ignore them when I'm prompted to save after selected FMV's.

    I think they put that many save points so that the people that are new to Final Fantasy with the XBOX system in particularly would be more open to the game and enjoy playing it rather then get stuck on a single battle. Although those tough battles that you had to really strategize for and make sure you've got plenty of healing items is what we have become accustom to over the years and what the players of the games throughout the years have come to enjoy.

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  2. #32
    Time to take control... Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Serah's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    better to have too many than too little I suppose
    and it puts some of the surprise back into the game when you 1st play it.
    on x and x-2 when I played them through the 1st time I could guess when something was going to happen coz I had a save sphere there lol
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  3. #33
    Registered User Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Ether's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    All the save points are rather redundant since you dont really get a game over you get a "retry" wich starts you off slightly away from what killed you unless its a "boss" type battle I believe

  4. #34
    This ain't no place for no hero Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    Nope, you get a retry if its a boss battle too!

    Like the first fight with Bartandleus, I must've died like 15 times. I got the retry option, it was just tedious because I had to skip through the FMV each time. Bleh.

  5. #35
    I feel epic... Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.

    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    I noticed that its probably there because you can't just put the PS3 into sleep mode like the PSP or DS. Probably so many so average people who can get an hour or so to play the game can have a surplus of save points so they can save right before they have to go do something.

    Considering FFXIII's nature, though, it probably doesn't need more than five save points a chapter, but that's what they did, so...

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  6. #36
    Registered User Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Ether's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    Ah thats good to know I havent died in any boss battle yet but I will say I wish those save points where there when it was storming here I had to battle up to Him 5 times and right befor the save point each time my power went that was a bummer

  7. #37
    Registered User Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Nhan-Fiction's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    The point is, the game is on the easy side for an RPG. The older games were more challenging, which made save points a real luxury when they showed up. This game just "generously" plants them everywhere like there is a gauntlet the player has to run through, but that is never the case because your party always begins a fight with full HP in the first place. Technically, you could just run past the unnecessary save points because nothing is forcing you to use them, but the thought of them being there is kind of an insult to the skill of the player.

  8. #38
    The Mad God Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    My theory, Save points are the new random encounters. every 3 steps, out of nowehere... BAM! Save point.

    I don't even use em to save until I'm ready to quit playing. But I use em to sell random accessories and chips and crap to buy upgrade materials. I like upgrade materials. Had a high level Gladius by the time I got to the bioweapons research place. Lit that boss up like a christmas tree hitting 4 digit numbers. And I've only become more psychotic with weapon enhancements since then. Building up weapons is the new grinding! And save points every 3 steps make sure I don't have to run back and forth too far to do it. Though admittedly, I wasn't even aware of the retry thing, I still haven't died. Got close once, then the power went out lol. But yeah, abusing the Solidarity Paradigm makes life easier. Makes some fights rather slow, but I like not dying, so I don't mind that.
    Last edited by Heartless Angel; 04-05-2010 at 09:27 PM.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  9. #39
    Time to take control... Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Serah's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nhan-Fiction View Post
    The point is, the game is on the easy side for an RPG. The older games were more challenging, which made save points a real luxury when they showed up. This game just "generously" plants them everywhere like there is a gauntlet the player has to run through, but that is never the case because your party always begins a fight with full HP in the first place. Technically, you could just run past the unnecessary save points because nothing is forcing you to use them, but the thought of them being there is kind of an insult to the skill of the player.
    I guess your probably right, in the reviews I read upto the release of the game it said they had tried to make it for people just discovering the RPG genre aswell as long time fans, which I think is a good idea but I think if you loved RPG's you would love them if they had done it like the other games, like everyone who loves final fantasy already does lol ..
    Which I think is why in my opinion they ditched the towns to explore - which personally I think sucks coz I loved exploring towns in the other Final Fantasy's!
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  10. #40

    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nhan-Fiction View Post
    The point is, the game is on the easy side for an RPG. The older games were more challenging, which made save points a real luxury when they showed up. This game just "generously" plants them everywhere like there is a gauntlet the player has to run through, but that is never the case because your party always begins a fight with full HP in the first place. Technically, you could just run past the unnecessary save points because nothing is forcing you to use them, but the thought of them being there is kind of an insult to the skill of the player.
    Just because there's save points everywhere doesn't mean its easy. I don't believe this game is at all one of the easiest. The other FFs you could literally hold down the attack button and watch your ATB charge.

    "Casual" is a much more fitting term. You don't have to devote as much time all at once to be able to play through the game.

  11. #41
    Registered User Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Ether's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    =Che;1261900]Just because there's save points everywhere doesn't mean its easy. I don't believe this game is at all one of the easiest.
    Actually I dissagree pretty much alls I do is have a com-rav-med and I dont even have to look up to make sure anyone is me thats far to easy for a random battle...without power leveling a real option or buying powerfull equipment I consider it far to easy.

  12. #42
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ether View Post
    Actually I dissagree pretty much alls I do is have a com-rav-med and I dont even have to look up to make sure anyone is me thats far to easy for a random battle...without power leveling a real option or buying powerfull equipment I consider it far to easy.
    And while your strategy might work a lot of the time the length of time it takes to win is longer giving less stars and by extension less rare loot.

    I actually found it to be one of the more challenging FF games (though none are all that hard) and there have been games where doing things a certain way made them even easier than in FFXIII. *cough*FFVIII Limit breaks*cough*FFXII gambits*cough*
    victoria aut mors

  13. #43
    Registered User Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Nhan-Fiction's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    I have to disagree with the challenge aspect of the game.

    Some simple examples:
    - Always guaranteeing CP for ALL party members (especially those not even with you) after battles, even if they are knocked out.
    - Eliminating the need to heal after battles because every battle granted the party with full HP.
    - The Retry option.
    - The use of the spell Libra alone led to the "usually" best actions against enemies.
    - The Sentinel role is overpowered because you can use it to soak up so much damage while you healed up, powered up your party and debuffed the enemies.

    Point is, I could go on and on about various other things that really watered down the challenge. For me, I still certainly enjoyed the game and had a lot of fun with the title. However, for an RPG in this newer generation, the game design leaned too much for holding your hand throughout the game, generously making things as painless as possible for the gamer. I like having some help in the games when I play, but this title did make me feel like I was running on auto-pilot for most of the game.
    Last edited by Nhan-Fiction; 04-06-2010 at 11:53 AM.

  14. #44
    Registered User Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Ether's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    cough*FFVIII Limit breaks*cough*FFXII gambits*cough*
    Lol I liked the limit breaks i liked waching them! and id say something about XII but I honestly dont quite remember the battle system to well im not a big fan of that game I know the reasons i dissliked it!

    I would have found it harder if the battle system AI didnt do everything for you...thats my main beef. The auto judgment makes the game wicked easy for me so I dont find it dificult at all. The way it plays out is to easy in the general battles and mostly one hardly has to pay attention.
    As for the star ratings I actually tend to do rather well with them,that is when I remember to look up, and the lesser stars you get is a better chance of getting shrouds wich i have a ton of to lol well mainly Aegisols....

  15. #45

    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    I am referring to the challenge of 5 starring every battle.

    Glad you like sitting with your MED in 100% of the time getting those 3 stars and calling it easy, though.

  16. #46
    Registered User Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Nhan-Fiction's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    I am referring to the challenge of 5 starring every battle.

    Glad you like sitting with your MED in 100% of the time getting those 3 stars and calling it easy, though.
    It's still not even that hard. Use a spray before battle, start with a triple Ravager setup, get a full Stagger bar, switch to a Paradigm with a Commando in it to use Launch and finish with Smite. Rinse and repeat.

    Many "hard" battles in the game were more tedious than actually challenging.

  17. #47

    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nhan-Fiction View Post
    Many "hard" battles in the game were more tedious than actually challenging.
    Okay, I'll give you that. But I've literally thought about this myself from being so annoyed by the Adamantoise fights, and the double immune to physical/half dmg on spells/spam multicast elemental mission, and I've come to the conclusion that tedious is still challenging. I'd rather have a challenging yet not at all tedious fight over that, but that's not what they gave us.

  18. #48
    Registered User Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Nhan-Fiction's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    Okay, I'll give you that. But I've literally thought about this myself from being so annoyed by the Adamantoise fights, and the double immune to physical/half dmg on spells/spam multicast elemental mission, and I've come to the conclusion that tedious is still challenging. I'd rather have a challenging yet not at all tedious fight over that, but that's not what they gave us.
    Ya, I know what you mean. This is why some battles literally allowed so much time to get five stars (like 10+ minutes).

  19. #49
    Registered User Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Ether's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    The star ratings are based on chareter development.....
    For example the crappier your weapons the more time you get...if your a way low level in comparison to the fight the more time you get for a five star rating its actually rather easy to get 5 stars for every battle when you take alot of these things into consideration.
    When you first get to chap 11 and if you beat a cactuar i always get 5 stars using my MED-rav-com same for the other supposedly "difficult" battles with random encounters. Hell most of the mark missions thet arre available at the begining of chapeter 11 I got 5 stars simply because my charecters where at low levels with beginers equipment

    so all in all the game is rather EASY
    Last edited by Ether; 04-06-2010 at 06:44 PM.

  20. #50
    The Mad God Why are there save points every 5 seconds? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Why are there save points every 5 seconds?

    It's only easy if you know what you're doing. With the right strategy, you can take down plenty of things that you shouldn't be fighting. So far the only thing I've run into that I can't handle are those massive dinosaurs on Gran Pulse. I kinda figured I wouldn't be able to, but I engaged one just out of morbid curiosity. I don't think any ammount of strategy is going to help me deal with something that hits 5x my max health on every character at once XD. But outside of those, just using Paradigms right makes any fight pretty simple.
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