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Thread: The Soundtrack

  1. #1
    Rabanastran The Soundtrack Belugn's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    The Soundtrack

    So what do you guys think about the soundtrack of this game? When I learned through the opening sequence of the game that Masashi Hamauzu has been doing a lot of it, I was happily surprised; he's made some of my favourite FF soundtracks; such as Thunder Plains, People of the North and the final battle soundtrack for FFX.

    I'm not really sure about my opinion yet - but. Am I the only one getting annoyed when they constantly play Serah's theme WITH lyrics, during emotional scenes? It's always been an annoyance to me when they do that in TV-shows and games, and it just gives the entire thing a really cheesy cheesy feel. I think it would've worked better without singing. Sometimes it works, but I feel like they're overdoing it sometimes.

    As I said, haven't quite grasped my own opinion yet, but what have you guys decided? The battle themes are AWESOME in my opinion though. Different from previous FF games, not traditional at all, and I really like it.

  2. #2
    Registered User The Soundtrack
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    Re: The Soundtrack

    I think the soundtrack does it's job well enough, and that's to add atmosphere to the events and locations within the game. I do miss a few of the themes that I had grown to love and associate with the franchise, like the prelude and the victory theme, but that's only a small complaint about the soundtrack, and there's more than enough good themes to make up for what I think is missing. I personally really enjoy the music when you're in the Vile Peaks, the Sunleth Waterscape, and the Archlyte Steppe.

    Haha.. I really like Serah's theme. I do agree that the piano/instrumental arrangement of the song is more suitable sometimes (The Promise), but I think the lyrics are really lovely. I'm a cheeseball myself, so maybe that's why I like it? I agree about the regular battle theme. It's really fantastic. The boss battle theme leaves a bit to be desired for me, though. I don't know, it just doesn't pack the same "punch" for me as previous titles, or even the regular battle theme in FF XIII.
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  3. #3
    Rabanastran The Soundtrack Belugn's Avatar
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    Re: The Soundtrack

    I was at first disappointed with the Sunleth Waterscape, for some reason I didn't find it to be much of an "environmental" soundtrack, same went for the other similar soundtracks, like the Gapra Whitewood.

    Now they're my most listened tracks of the entire soundtrack. xD

    I have to agree about the boss theme; the normal battle theme's got more umf, so to say.

    I think the new Chocobo theme is one of the best so far, I'm loving the style of it. Also; Nautilus soundtrack, do I have to say anything more? I absolutly LOVE that soundtrack. (Been going through more of the soundtrack since I posted this thread.)

    It's a quite mixed soundtrack, it's got a little bit of everything.
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  4. #4

    Re: The Soundtrack

    It's pretty decent. There are some hits and misses. I definitely would have rather had Nobuo doing the soundtrack, but I will live.

  5. #5
    Tsuna Feesh The Soundtrack Fate's Avatar
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    Re: The Soundtrack

    I really, really liked the soundtrack in this game. Some themes were so dramatic and epic while others were great and soothing, like, what was it, Sustained By Hate. =) Also, like Dodie said, the one that played when you're in the Sunleth Waterscape is also amazing.

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