I think the soundtrack does it's job well enough, and that's to add atmosphere to the events and locations within the game. I do miss a few of the themes that I had grown to love and associate with the franchise, like the prelude and the victory theme, but that's only a small complaint about the soundtrack, and there's more than enough good themes to make up for what I think is missing.I personally really enjoy the music when you're in the Vile Peaks, the Sunleth Waterscape, and the Archlyte Steppe.
Haha.. I really like Serah's theme.I do agree that the piano/instrumental arrangement of the song is more suitable sometimes (The Promise), but I think the lyrics are really lovely. I'm a cheeseball myself, so maybe that's why I like it?
I agree about the regular battle theme. It's really fantastic. The boss battle theme leaves a bit to be desired for me, though. I don't know, it just doesn't pack the same "punch" for me as previous titles, or even the regular battle theme in FF XIII.