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Thread: At last, Screenshot comparisons!

  1. #1
    Our Hopes and Expectations At last, Screenshot comparisons! Ernest's Avatar
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    At last, Screenshot comparisons!

    Ladies and gents. I didn't see a thread about it, so I'll run over the story quickly.

    Recently SquareEnix came under fire for releasing screenshots of the Xbox 360 and PS3's version of Final Fantasy XIII. The problem with this is that both screenshots were actually identical, taken from the PS3.

    The control buttons that were shown onscreen in the screenshot (it was a battle screenshot, showing buttons to press) had been photoshopped. SquareEnix released a statement apologising, saying they "put up the wrong photo" and that they are trying to find out what happened.

    A couple of days ago, Square Enix released new screenshots for the Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII via their press kit. It was soon discovered that the images were actually altered versions of the Playstation 3 screens. Square Enix has issued an official statement on this controversy (via Kotaku):

    Unfortunately we did mistakenly include screenshots taken for pre-production (non-promotional use only) in our latest release of assets. Screenshots from the final game intended for the press kit will be released shortly. As shown in our recent demo tour and Microsoft's X10 event, there is no material difference between the two consoles.

    Final Fantasy XIII is set to launch on March 9th for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

    Since the game was announced as a Multi-Platform, SquareEnix have continuously denied claims that the PS3 will have superior graphics. Hence, this ridiculous, underhand stunt. Even at the end of that statement, they insist they are the same.

    Ladies and gents, here are the screenshots for the two systems, that supposedly bear no material difference.
    Last edited by Ernest; 02-21-2010 at 06:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User At last, Screenshot comparisons!
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    Re: At last, Screenshot comparisons!

    Yeah, the PS3 version has more clarity, but honestly, I don't think the 360 version looks all that bad. Don't really know why a lot of people would be up in arms about it though, or why SE was really pressing the matter that there wouldn't be much difference graphically between the two.

    Pretty sure that once people start playing the game and get into the story, that graphics would be the last thing on thier mind, unless it's not, and then that's just sad.
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  3. #3
    Ellipsis At last, Screenshot comparisons! Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: At last, Screenshot comparisons!

    .....That's magical. D8 It feels like more of a movie than a game.

    BUT BUT BUT BUT it has movie qualities, and it's a game. D8

    I am so looking forward to the 360 version. owo
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  4. #4
    Gunblade wielder At last, Screenshot comparisons! Nunubx's Avatar
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    Re: At last, Screenshot comparisons!

    Yeah, like Dodie said, the PS3 version seems to be a bit more clear then the 360 version but other than that, they both look the same even though the graphics whores will blow this WAY out of proportion.
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  5. #5
    The Old Skool Warrior At last, Screenshot comparisons! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: At last, Screenshot comparisons!

    I look at it this way.

    For years, the game was slated to be a PS3 exclusive. Any time a game goes from exclusivity into multi-platform, the "second" version always takes a hit in quality. We all know that the 360 doesn't have the hardware of the PS3, so if that means taking a slight hit, then so be it. The 360 version doesn't look bad, but when you pull them up side-by-side like that, you can definitely see the difference. I don't think anyone will notice once the gameplay gets moving, like Dodie said.

    Look at recent releases which suffered the same fate.

    Bayonetta was originally a 360 exclusive - when Sega ported it to the PS3, it took a major hit in performance. Graphically, it's a little smoother on 360 (not quite to the effect of those screenshots above), but as far as the performance goes, it's MUCH better on the 360 than it is on the PS3. I can say this without hesitation because I own a copy on each system.
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  6. #6
    Our Hopes and Expectations At last, Screenshot comparisons! Ernest's Avatar
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    Re: At last, Screenshot comparisons!

    I agree with you guys that of all the games where graphics matter, Final Fantasy XIII is the least. Im merely amused by Square's insecurity as a company and their penchant for being a little underhand.

    That's probably the worst photo from the 360.

    The point of this thread is that there are many people that own both systems. Its a directive for which to get it for.
    Last edited by Ernest; 02-21-2010 at 06:45 PM.

  7. #7
    The Bad Boy of TFF At last, Screenshot comparisons! Block's Avatar
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    Re: At last, Screenshot comparisons!

    PS3 for life! I couldn't handle playing a fantastic JRPG series on anything other than a Japanese machine. That's all there is to say about that.

    OK I lied. The 360 version looks like tripe. It looks that bad in a condensed screen on some website it's gonna look even worse on a big TV in your living room. Sorry 360 owners

  8. #8

    Re: At last, Screenshot comparisons!

    The problem is, everyone expected it to come out on PS3. Then they pushed the date back months because of it being ported to 360. That's the ****ing problem.

    edit: you can also clearly see the PS3 version is quite better.
    Last edited by Che; 02-21-2010 at 09:18 PM.

  9. #9
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: At last, Screenshot comparisons!

    Looks like someone hit the contrast in PS3 comparing the two pics centred on Snow.
    I do expect the PS3 version to look better, especially in cinematics, but I think I'll compare both versions on the same displays when I get my copies before I decide just how much better the PS3 version ends up looking.
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  10. #10

    Re: At last, Screenshot comparisons!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    Yeah, the PS3 version has more clarity, but honestly, I don't think the 360 version looks all that bad. Don't really know why a lot of people would be up in arms about it though, or why SE was really pressing the matter that there wouldn't be much difference graphically between the two.

    Pretty sure that once people start playing the game and get into the story, that graphics would be the last thing on thier mind, unless it's not, and then that's just sad.
    You're Absolutely Right


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