Ladies and gents. I didn't see a thread about it, so I'll run over the story quickly.
Recently SquareEnix came under fire for releasing screenshots of the Xbox 360 and PS3's version of Final Fantasy XIII. The problem with this is that both screenshots were actually identical, taken from the PS3.
The control buttons that were shown onscreen in the screenshot (it was a battle screenshot, showing buttons to press) had been photoshopped. SquareEnix released a statement apologising, saying they "put up the wrong photo" and that they are trying to find out what happened.
A couple of days ago, Square Enix released new screenshots for the Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII via their press kit. It was soon discovered that the images were actually altered versions of the Playstation 3 screens. Square Enix has issued an official statement on this controversy (via Kotaku):
Unfortunately we did mistakenly include screenshots taken for pre-production (non-promotional use only) in our latest release of assets. Screenshots from the final game intended for the press kit will be released shortly. As shown in our recent demo tour and Microsoft's X10 event, there is no material difference between the two consoles.
Final Fantasy XIII is set to launch on March 9th for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
Since the game was announced as a Multi-Platform, SquareEnix have continuously denied claims that the PS3 will have superior graphics. Hence, this ridiculous, underhand stunt. Even at the end of that statement, they insist they are the same.
Ladies and gents, here are the screenshots for the two systems, that supposedly bear no material difference.
These Really Are Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 Screenshots // Siliconera --- The most telling screenshot.