View Poll Results: Is the first Final Fantasy you ever played your favourite today?

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Thread: Is your first FF your favourite?

  1. #31
    #LOCKE4GOD Is your first FF your favourite? Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    I've always thought people largely stuck to nostalgia in terms of their favourites, and this thread is interesting.

    My first was VIII, when I was 10. Now it's IX, mostly due to the music and game play, and because I realised that all the plots suck (not characters, characterisation, or settings, just the plots generally). I picked up IX third, after playing VII. However, IX was the first I managed to finish, and VIII one of the last, strangely enough.

    And Rags, you didn't answer your own question

  2. #32
    Registered User Is your first FF your favourite? Discordius's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Yes, mine being VII.

  3. #33
    The Bird Of Hermes Is your first FF your favourite? Dancing_Corpse's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    My first wasn't my favorite one but its in my top 3. My first was FFX (which some people seem to dislike) and I loved it because I hadn't really played any RPGs and it introduced me to RPGs and the FF series. it probly wasn't my favorite because I was still a noob at RPGs so I wasn't that great yet so I may find it to be one of my favorites if I replay it with my new found skills. xD

  4. #34

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    I was introduced to the series in 2003, so my first FF was FFX, but my favourite are a 3-way tie of FF6,8 and 9.

  5. #35
    Registered User Is your first FF your favourite?
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    My first was Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, which I enjoyed as a game but not so much as a story. My second was FFX, which I actually struggled with at first; it wasn't until last year that I was able to fall in love with the story and the gameplay.
    So I suppose no, my first FF isn't my favourite.

  6. #36
    Professional Klutz. Is your first FF your favourite? Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?


    Yes, I don't think it's because I judge the others by how that one was though. My first was 9 and I fell in love with the games quirks. It has more of a strange look to it than the others. It had power over emotion, too. Vivi and Garnets stories were immensely well done. I love the way Garnet is torn between who she is (Dagger) and who she must be (Garnet) in order to rule. As for Zidane as a lead; he was okay. Not the best in the series, not the worst. His story towards the end became far more immersive than I first thought possible. I liked the way in particular that he grew up as you played. He seemed to realise that what he was doing wasn't a joke anymore.

    The comic relief of Quina and Steiner also helped to ease you out of the sad stories. Eiko's lonliness and Vivi's looming fear of death captivated you but you still had hope. Steiners constant battle with Zidane made for an interesting relationship between two chief characters. Steiner effectively acted as a wall between Garnet and Zidane.

    The only let down for me was the appearance of the final boss. That was confusing as hell.

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  7. #37
    Glowing Ball of Awesome Is your first FF your favourite? Ashura's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    The first ever Final Fantasy game I played would be X, and I fell in love with Final Fantasy after that due to the story, gameplay, etc.

    I eventually went all the way back to Final Fantasy I and went up from there.
    I would consider X one of my favorites, but it also isn't my only favorite.

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  8. #38
    Registered User Is your first FF your favourite? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    VII was my first and it's my favorite now, but IX and IV use to be as well.

  9. #39
    Is your first FF your favourite? V_Translanka's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Yes & No to an extent. FFVI is my first and one of my favs, but it shares top bill with Tactics...

  10. #40
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    I'm actually not sure as I've gone and forgotten which I played first. If it was FFVI (FFIII), then yes, otherwise, no.
    That's the trouble of playing too many games for too long I suppose...
    victoria aut mors

  11. #41
    Crash Boom Bang Is your first FF your favourite? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Yeah. I came across FFVII by chance really, I'd never played an RPG before so it was all shiny and new to me, a game actually having a decent plot an' all that, so I was fascinated and it sucked me right in. I know that has definitely had a major influence on why it's my favourite.

  12. #42

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    My first FF was FFVIII. And actually.. it's my LEAST favorite. ^^"
    So: no. Definitely not.
    Why I didn't like it at the beginning: It was way too complicated for me. A friend recommended it to me - she said the tutorials were easy to understand. Well, I didn't really get the Magic system. (Drawing magic wtf? XD") So when I was on disc 2, I was so bad that I couldn't go on because I was way too weak. ^^" Oh and I didn't like the story and I disliked most of the characters when I first played it. ^^""" I didn't even play it through to the end. (As I said, I was too weak ^^")

    My favorite is VI. But it was the... hmm... fifth I played? Oo Something like that. I won't retell why I like the game best, I think I've done that at least 40 times now, and if I remember correctly I wrote a quite long post in this forum. .-.

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  13. #43
    Scourge of Esthar Is your first FF your favourite? CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Surprisingly yes. Normally once a game gets me started on a series I find another one that I like more, but 8 has managed to hold the place as my all time favorite since I first played it.
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  14. #44
    Everyone needs a savior Is your first FF your favourite? the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    the first one i played was FFVIII and i think yes but the second one i played was FFX and it is definatly a very close second
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  15. #45
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Is your first FF your favourite? nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    I voted yes

    My first was VII in 1997 or 1998, when i was about 7, and it's just stuck with me since then. I love ALL the games in the series, but VII had so much exploration, the materia was an awesome feature, the characters were amazing, the storyline was thrilling to say the least, and it seemed to take much longer to play than any other FF i feel.

    And yeah, i think the main reason it's my favourite is because it was my first one

  16. #46
    Registered User Is your first FF your favourite? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Great POLL!!! and I thought it was probably true.

    I think the first game just sets a standard for you, and a framework for what FF is, and the fact that no other game matches it, while by design, prevents you from placing another game ahead of that first experience.

    It's even better with this series, because you know ahead of time that the entire point of the series is that each game is uniquely different, and yet the first game still manages to remain your favorite. It's not it's Zelda where each game is a in many ways a clone of the one before with very strict standards and characters. In that series my first game remains my favorite as well. But with FF, I've tried so hard with 6, & 10, and 8, and 12, and all of them are close, but none of them have been what 7 was as the first game I played.

    In fact Ragna, we may want to consider what the first game was that most people played. 7 is pretty widely considered a top game, if not people's very favorite. Could it be that most have never found a game to surpass their first because a truly game like 7 was their first, or is 7 considered truly great because of the first game phenomenon?

  17. #47
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Is your first FF your favourite? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Yes, FF8 was my favorite when I was 9.
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  18. #48

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    FF7 was my first and it is one awesome game but for me FF10 edges it but FF7 does coma very close second.

  19. #49
    Dalmascan princess Is your first FF your favourite? lady ashe's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    yes, my first FF played all the way through was FFXII, and its still my fave today hands down.
    though techinally no, as im not sure which FF i played first cuz i was three and i only defeated the last boss, but i know it was XII as it wasnt out then

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  20. #50
    Juppiter Adept Is your first FF your favourite? TheNiteAngel's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    I thought that my first would be my favorite, but strangely that's not the case with me. I love Final Fantasy X, but after it opened up the FF floddgates so to speak, I played VIII and loved it. After 8, I broke into a lot of others. I have to say I love VIII, X, and IV the most, and I only just played IV in the last 2 weeks
    Own: Origins (I&II), III (DS), Chronicles (IV), Anthology (V&VI), VII, 7-DoC, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, Tactics, TA

    Looking to Buy: TA2, and XII-RW

    Haven't played: XIII, 7-CC, XIIRW, TA2

    Complete: I, II, III, IV, VII, VIII, X, MQ

    -I am something of a perfectionist in that I don't consider a run through to the end a complete game. I have to complete everything possible.

    Favorite non-FF RPG: Legend of Dragoon (Total Complete 8 times)

    Current Goal: Bit of a break from Final Fantasy and into Kingdom Hearts. I've beaten Kh, Re:CoM, and I'm halfway through both KH2 and Days

  21. #51

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    First FF I played: X

    Favourite FF: IX (but with VI as a VERY close second.)

  22. #52

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    When i first played Final Fantasy it was FF VIII. I really liked it! But when i started play other FF games, i liked them even more. And so, today my favourite is FF XIII.

  23. #53
    Badass Military Agent Is your first FF your favourite? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Final Fantasy III (VI) was the first one I played on SNES and yeah it's still my favorite to this day.

    The storyline, the characters, the bosses, the villains, everything about the game was just awesome, and when I compare it to this new shit coming out now, their getting weaker and weaker and nothing is as powerful as FF III (VI). FF VIII came close but it still got nothing on FF III (VI).

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  24. #54
    Passing fair judgement Is your first FF your favourite? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Yes, the first FF I ever played was FFVII Crisis Core, it remains my favorite to this day. I have everything in the game, and I have beaten it the most out of all my FF.
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  25. #55

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Is my first FF my favorite? Kind of, but not exactly.

    My first Final Fantasy was FFIV, playing it back when all we Americans had was just the FFII SNES version. It was always my favorite up there with FFVI, but I think the spot of my favorite has been replaced with FFIX, which I never even played up until just about two years ago. So, my first WAS my favorite for a while. It had a long 15+ year run, but yeah, it's just below IX now.
    Currently Playing: Final Fantasy

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  26. #56
    Registered User Is your first FF your favourite? Halie's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    My first was X, and yes it is my absolute favourite. I think I was about six or seven, and at first I only watched my brothers play on it until I eventually started my own save file, and it was hard for me. Like, really hard. I only ended up finishing it when I was about 11 years old due to various complications but hey-ho.

    To be honest, I haven't played as many as I would like to have played. I've played VII, VIII (didn't like at all), TA, T:WotL, X-2, VII: DoC (crap game!) as well, and I owned XII but lost when I moved out of my old house before I got a chance to play it. I was gutted. I'd like to buy more, but I'm poor. But hey, at least I'm not rioting in the streets London about it.

  27. #57

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xana View Post
    My first was X, and yes it is my absolute favourite. I think I was about six or seven, and at first I only watched my brothers play on it until I eventually started my own save file, and it was hard for me. Like, really hard. I only ended up finishing it when I was about 11 years old due to various complications but hey-ho.

    To be honest, I haven't played as many as I would like to have played. I've played VII, VIII (didn't like at all), TA, T:WotL, X-2, VII: DoC (crap game!) as well, and I owned XII but lost when I moved out of my old house before I got a chance to play it. I was gutted. I'd like to buy more, but I'm poor. But hey, at least I'm not rioting in the streets London about it.
    I have an extra copy of XII. I already had one and I went to buy the strategy guide on eBay, but I barely noticed after I had already paid that it was the GAME and not the guide and I just didn't look over the product carefully enough.

    Anyway, like you, I didn't like VIII. I mean, even though the only main playable characters I really liked were Squall and Rinoa, I was able to tolerate the whole cast. But it was the whole battle/junction system that really just turned me off. Well, that and the fact the story started to bore me about halfway through.
    Currently Playing: Final Fantasy

    Up Next: Final Fantasy II

  28. #58
    Registered User Is your first FF your favourite? Coolmcdum's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    FFI Was my first and it was a great game just i wasn't compared to the adventure i had on FFIX and X
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  29. #59
    Registered User Is your first FF your favourite? Alex's Avatar
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    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    My first FF was Final Fantasy XII.
    I loved it and was curious why it was called 12, I thought I'd missed out on 11 other games in the series! But then I dug deeper into FF and realized one game is a stand-alone.
    Well, to the question ... Yes, Final Fantasy XII is my favorite FF!

  30. #60

    Re: Is your first FF your favourite?

    It's true, i'm obviously bias when it comes to VII, since it was my first ever Final Fantasy game. That being said however, it is also the most popular and recognised of the series and it still holds a special place in my heart.

    On the other hand, as i've been playing through some of the older Final Fantasies recently, i've gained an appreciation and respect for them as well, and i'm thankful for them as they have contributed in part to what led the Square team to develop VII xD
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