Originally Posted by
Heartless Angel
And post final battle, everything was fine. Meaning at the end, she acomplished nothing. Zero. Zip. NOTHING. She had potential to do something. Accoridng to your own words, she intentionally did nothing. Nothing is not more than any other villain in history. I can pull the same shit you pulled on Supernova here. Since everything was still there after the battle, that's non canonical. If you'd like to argue that, you also have to grant that you have insufficient cause to believe Supernova is non-canon, in which case Sephiroth DOES have the ability to obliterate entire planets without even using Meteor.
Not really. I stated what IS known about Seph, and what has been said about Seph by the creators. You have given your theories on what it would mean if you were correct. Several of the points you made did not show strength. And most of your premises are unproven in themselves and would require further sub arguments to even give credibility to. By your own admission, you don't know much about the opposition, putting you in a bad place when trying to compare.
If that's not what you meant, you mistyped, not I misread.
Considering me showing why Sephiroth was stronger would prove you wrong, that's quite impossible. Also you are using a logical fallacy here known as Misplacing the burden of evidence. The fact that I have not proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are wrong, does not prove you are correct. It's merely an attempt to shift the task of proving a poitn to me, when it is in fact you making the points that require further evidence to be used.
Problem being you have not even offered evidence to support that claim. Looks you're attempting to call me a fanboy here, but I can't tell if that's a typo, or just bad grammar. In either case, it's completely irellevant. Who is making the argument has nothing at all to do with its strength. Suggesting this is another logical fallacy known as an Ad Hominem. And that last bit is REALLY sad coming from you, who have thus far offered only explanations contingent on Ultimecia having powers that we don't know she has. EVERYTHING I have stated about Sephiroth thus far has come from the game, or its creators, or logic based on the above. You have asserted That Ultimecia didn't show her power. This assertion alone holds no weight. The creators have plainly stated Sephiroth has never shown his. This is a fact. I have stated that Sephiroth does in fact have the power to destroy he planet, which is more than EVERY villain has done (including Ulti, as I said before, in the end, everything was still there), this is supported by what is said about Meteor IN THE GAME. This is a fact. I have stated Sephiroth DID not lose, not should not have lost as you have done with Ultimecia (with your assertions as the only evidence for this), becuase he DID continue to exist afterwards, this is plainly seen in AC. This is a fact. My evidence is factual, your explanations are arbitrary beliefs and assumptions, which would fail to prove your conclusion even if they were absolutely true.
If you are going to ignore the basics of reasoning, it is not possible for us to hold an argument. If you're alright with that, that's perfectly alright, but stop trying to argue if you're refusing to play by the rules of the game of logic, because it's not going to get us anywhere.