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Thread: What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games

  1. #1
    Scourge of Esthar What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games

    #1: VIII - This was the game that got me started on FF and to this day remains my favorite in the series. The story, the characters, the music, everything about VIII just made me fall in love with it. It's also one of the only FF games where I can actually enjoy the romance in the story, something very few games of any genre have managed. VIII's love story is one that feels real and relatable, rather than coming off stiff and unnatural. While there are 1 or 2 annoyances I ran into while playing the game, there was never anything bugged me enough to ruin the experience.

    #2: XIII - Say what you will folks, but I loved XIII. The individual time you spend controlling each character gave me a feel for them, made me care about them and understand them. All of the characters felt important to me, something very few FFs aside from VIII have pulled off. The story was also grand and epic, keeping me intrigued and making desperatly want to continue just to see what would happen next, and while many were turned off by the stories linearity, it didn't bother me because I could see the reasoning in not free roaming all over cacoon while the entire military is out to kill you. One of the few annoyances I ran into was the combat, though I imagine this was simply because I was bad at it.

    #3: V - This is one of the few from the old school days that I played all the way through, simply because it caught my attention more than most. I loved the characters and the story was absolutly thrilling for me. Galuf's death was a moment that actually made me sad, in great part because of the way his friends kept trying to save him. While certain part wound up irritating me to no end, none of it was ever a deal breaker. I kept coming back for more because the story and the characters kept me interested.
    You'll have your reward for finding me, and don't think of running off without collecting. My shot is faster, or my names not Balthier.

  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games

    3. Final Fantasy VI - I found this game to be fascinating, it doesn't have a weak point though at the same time it doesn't excel at one compared to my first two Final Fantasy games on this list, it's just a good game all around. Huge amount of likeable characters, great music, excellent story and a bloody good villain equals Final Fantasy VI if you ask me.

    2. Final Fantasy XII - one thing I learned about Final Fantasy, majority of it's fans are afraid of even the slightest change to it's for quite some time stale formula, thus quite a few are not really keen of Final Fantasy XII. I personally like it a lot and the way I see it, Final Fantasy XII evolved the series in many aspects, non random battles, huge open spaces, dynamic battles, but most importantly, both characters and story aren't confound by your typical, cliched and overused elements Square kept forcing on us.

    3. Final Fantasy IX - out of all games I played so far, this one had by far the biggest impact on me. It introduced me not just to Final Fantasy, but entire RPG genre as well. This game gave me my all time favorite villain and one of the best soundtracks I ever heard. Aside from that, Final Fantasy IX has a superb and intriguing story, rather dark despite it's lighearted setting, and great characters.

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  3. #3
    Registered User What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games

    Final Fantasy IX - The entire atmosphere of this game is really what makes it special. It has unique character designs and felt the most foreign of any of the games. There is a magical quality that really couldn't be replicated no matter what. Good characters, fun battles, memorable places, good story. All around, a great game.

    FFVII - My first FF game. The first game that ever showed me the power that story has over the game. The characters are all unique and each as a time of importance in the game. The game play was fun and unique. The soundtrack was mind bendingly good. Every time I hear a song, I can instantly remember what part of the game it's from... most of the time at least. It left a lasting impact.

    FFX - The perfect video game tale. I tell you, they couldn't have written a better story if they tried. FFX was the perfect blend of story, gameplay, and character development. Blitzball is one of the best mini-games in any series. The characters are really centralized and given a focus which makes them all seem really real. They all have pasts and futures that they're looking forward too. And that ending is a killer. Still my favorite FF game ever made.

  4. #4
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games

    1. FFVIII: It's my favourite game of all time, let alone favourite FF game! What makes it so good is the story. Before FFVIII I had never played a game with such an involved story, and I guess it has always stuck with me for 12-13 years. Also, VIII has the best soundtrack of the series.

    2. FFXII: XII introduced fresh gameplay to the FF world. Gone were random encounters and full on turn based gameplay, and introduced was a more action-orientated approach. I loved the changes that Squeenix introduced in XII, and I wish they kept the ball rolling in this way with other installments. Unfortunately, it wasn't to be.

    3. FFVII: VII may not be everyone's favourite, but it is an undeniable classic. Again, personally, I think the story shines through here. It's just so iconic in every way.

  5. #5
    Elementalist What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games IcyJJ's Avatar
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    Re: What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games

    3. FFTactics: I love good strategy games, so when this game came out, I jumped on it. The job class system here is second to none, giving the freedom to have any kind of party that you want. Also, given the ability to have controllable monsters join your team allows for more choices to take on the later challenges. The difficulty of the random battles also scaled with your team, providing the game with much needed replay value that early RPGs have lacked.

    2. FFVII: This game has been the one FF that I could write a detailed strategy guide from the top of my head. Story, music, and graphics dominated when the game was released. The famed ATB returned with the Materia system which allowed for the player to choose which character had which spells. This game also provided the series with dramatic scenes that haunted gamers for years.

    1. FFVI: The first game to provide the player a choice of their favorite characters to play. This game has been my favorite FF because the story, battle and magic system, and music is still something I compare to many games. The story provides dark moments that grab the player in, but also provide comic relief to show some depth to each individual character. While Terra is "main character", a strength to this game is that each character has a spot where they are the main character and their story is the only thing that is focused on. Besides, you get to finally play as a moogle.

  6. #6
    Chief Inspiring Officer What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games

    FF-VII: The music ran a literal chill down my spine.
    FF-VIII: I wuz addicted to drawing spells.
    FF-Tactics: Stun-awesome game-play (but the story had me confused more than once because I'd spent so much time training between cut-scenes.)
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  7. #7
    Registered User What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games

    VII and IX will always be my favorite. Just the most epic games that have been made.
    3rd spot would be IV/VI/VIII lol

    What i love most about those games was storyline,characters and music.
    Especially the music, man it changed the whole atmosphere, Nobou was incredible.

  8. #8

    Re: What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games

    3 vii

    2 vi

    1 viii

  9. #9
    Registered User What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games + Revenant +'s Avatar
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    Re: What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games

    FFIX: My favorite FF game ever. I've played RPGs with better combat, stories and characters--not many, but some--but the best thing was the experience I had playing it. It swept me up like no other game in the series. There was a lot of heart in that game and even some soul, which most games today (and their developers) have no concept of.

    FFX: My favorite post-2000 FF, for whatever that's worth. It didn't inspire me like IX, but it sure entertained the hell out of me. Not the characters or voice acting so much (except for Rikku and Auron in both respects), but the world, the music, the story and the flawless combat system. The plot got a little messy later on, but not enough to totally lose me like in FFVII. A wonderful game.

    FFVII: It was my first FF. My brother and I played the PC version and it captured my imagination right out of the gate. That's the best thing I can say about it. I can't say that I really liked all the characters, or that the story had me dying to see what would happen next; I wish I could. Like I said, VII just lost me after a while...but that was a step above VIII, which never had me despite being a really good game.

  10. #10
    Chocobo Queen What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games Katpuss's Avatar
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    Re: What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games

    1. Final Fantasy XIII and XIII 2 - I just love the graphics, Fang and Lightning as characters, the more open world of XIII-2 and the storyline, which although complex, is extremely rewarding if you invest the right amount of time. The Paradigm Battle System is awesome and it is refreshing to switch roles during frantic encounters.

    2. Final Fantasy IX - The old world style and feel of IX is just magical. I adore all of the characters (especially Vivi) and the storyline is very good. The graphics are a vast improvement on VIII. I still play it to this day.

    3. Final Fantasy IV - For storylines you can't beat the trials and tribulations of Cecil, Terra and Kain. The music is lovely and the graphics are so retro right now!
    Vanille: "Wishes can come true, but not if you just wait for miracles. Miracles are things we make for ourselves, here and now"
    Lightning: "It's not a question of can or can't. There are some things in life you just do"

    Cloud of Darkness: "We are the Cloud of Darkness...None shall stand before the flood of darkness. With it, we will bring the Void to this world, and your world of light as well..."
    Luneth: "We won't let you! Not if we have anything to say about it!"

    Cloud: "And if you don't tell us...I'll chop them off"
    Aerith: "...I'll rip them off"
    Tifa: "I'll smash them"

  11. #11
    VII - I think everyone has some type of sentimental value towards their first game of the series.
    X - Best soundtrack
    IX - Favorite story and characters.

    EDIT: I kept it short and simple. I don't feel like going into depth right now.
    Last edited by Mystyrion; 05-23-2012 at 02:04 PM.

  12. #12
    Star of the FF Show What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games Rising Star's Avatar
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    Re: What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games

    1. Final Fantasy IX - This was my first proper FF game, and what an experience it was, it not be the best of the games I am going to mention but it is my favourite and always will be vivi FTW!

    2. Final Fantasy VIII - This is an amazing game, the characters, the story everything I couldn't credit this game enough IMO the best game out of the FF Series.

    3. Final Fantasy X - Another great game loved the simplicity of the battle system, also the story and it's characters even though some of the tasks like 200 Lighting bolt dodges (really enix) it was a great game.

  13. #13
    3. Final Fantasy IV - First Final Fantasy so like everyone else it had to be in my top 3 cause of childhood memorys ,ofc i always thought it was ff2 cause i played it for the snes as ffii never knowing it was 4 cause when i went back and played 1 i was like wow these guys really got their act together for the 2nd one.Anyways first final fantasy with a cast of characters who you would remember and a whole better story then the first 3 IMO.

    2. Final Fantasy X - I must say this game was so great when i first started it i mean voice actors,wonderful music and just a great cast of characters IMO,only thing they could have done to make it better would have been to make Auron little less BA so Tidus would have been a better main character (lol) but seriously loved alot bout this game and the ending was such a surprise i mean come on who could have guessed that!

    1. Final Fantasy VIII - A very underrated game i mean its story was alot better then Vii IMO i mean yeah it did get alittle crazy at some parts (space come on now square really?) but the story really came together at the end and was well put together with a great ending to boot.Yeah Squall coulda been little less emo but he really grew on you when he finally warmed up to everyone and overall i think to this day Squall > Cloud

  14. #14

    Re: What Are You're Top 3 Final Fantasy Games

    My 3 favorites are 4, 9, and 6. I had final fantasy 4 back in the super Nintendo days when us silly Americans thought it was part 2. 6 was better, but I prefer 4 due to it being the first that I beat and all the hours I spent playing it when I was 14-15.

    I love 9 and how they brought things back to the more traditional final fantasy with magic and less focus on being industrialized. While 7 awed many of us older players, we didn't get into the story as much due to it being less magic based and more industrialized. It just didn't seem like a true final fantasy for some of us.

    With that being said, 7 was the one who brought the most new players to the series and could be argued that it was the most groundbreaking in the series. If you remember when it was first released, you know what I'm talking about. While the graphics were later surpassed by 8 and 9, when 7 came out, it was the most visually awesome game we ever seen. The improvements from 6 to 7 were probably the biggest increase in the series. Everything since has gradually gotten better with the graphics, but dont compare to the leap they made going from snes to the PlayStation.

    Unfortunately, it seems as if they have ran the series into the ground in recent years and rely on rereleasing old versions because the new ones suck.

    Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

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