#1: VIII - This was the game that got me started on FF and to this day remains my favorite in the series. The story, the characters, the music, everything about VIII just made me fall in love with it. It's also one of the only FF games where I can actually enjoy the romance in the story, something very few games of any genre have managed. VIII's love story is one that feels real and relatable, rather than coming off stiff and unnatural. While there are 1 or 2 annoyances I ran into while playing the game, there was never anything bugged me enough to ruin the experience.

#2: XIII - Say what you will folks, but I loved XIII. The individual time you spend controlling each character gave me a feel for them, made me care about them and understand them. All of the characters felt important to me, something very few FFs aside from VIII have pulled off. The story was also grand and epic, keeping me intrigued and making desperatly want to continue just to see what would happen next, and while many were turned off by the stories linearity, it didn't bother me because I could see the reasoning in not free roaming all over cacoon while the entire military is out to kill you. One of the few annoyances I ran into was the combat, though I imagine this was simply because I was bad at it.

#3: V - This is one of the few from the old school days that I played all the way through, simply because it caught my attention more than most. I loved the characters and the story was absolutly thrilling for me. Galuf's death was a moment that actually made me sad, in great part because of the way his friends kept trying to save him. While certain part wound up irritating me to no end, none of it was ever a deal breaker. I kept coming back for more because the story and the characters kept me interested.