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Thread: The strangest weapon

  1. #1
    Consistently Average The strangest weapon Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    The strangest weapon

    What's the most strange or unique weapon in Final Fantasy, it can be weilded by either a hero or a villian in any part of a game.

    The most unique to me would be Wakka's Blitzball as i dont actaully know what a blitzball would feel like. i mean its gotta be hard and heavy enough to damage or kill things but not so much that it breaks his foot every time he uses Element Reels.( i find it particulary lolful when he kicks one covered in spikes, like T.K.O)

    The strangest would probably be Squall's Gunblade. not in a bad way, they're just two things i would never of thought of when creating a sword. At least in his case it works.
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  2. #2
    Registered User The strangest weapon
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    My pick for strangest weapon goes to this guy:


    Luso Clemens from one of those Final Fantasy Tactics spin-offs, and he's sporting a...what is that thing he's carrying anyway?
    Last edited by Dodie16; 07-14-2011 at 01:08 AM.
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  3. #3

    Re: The strangest weapon

    I think the strangest weapon in an FF game is whatever strangest weapon there is . I got no idea since I don't really know the weapons in the series. Maybe someone can tell me which ones are which?

  4. #4
    Just kind of there. The strangest weapon Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    I'd have to agree with Wakka's blitzball being the weirdest weapon.
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  5. #5
    I do what you can't. The strangest weapon Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    Wakka's Blitzball is definitely odd. (I always wondered how somebody who wasn't very good at Blitzball was that good with a Blitzball ...) As is the gunblade -- I ran into somebody on the internet once who was claiming that he was a United States Army weapons specialist, and that when he went into combat, the Army let him make his own weapon, so he made a gunblade out of an AK47. Of course, any mention of a "gunblade" being a practical weapon told me that this guy was full of shit, and with him going on to describe how he, through the Army, made these changes to this rifle, it was hilarious. Needless to say, I helped everybody that was listening to him realize how much of a dumbass he was. The first questions were simple -- like, what size round does the AK47 fire -- and he couldn't even get those.

    And then ... Rinoa's little wrist-thing. First, it always came back to her, somehow. And second, some of her Limit Breaks involved having her dog on her little contraption, then being launched with it. How in the hell does something on her wrist have enough power to launch a dog that probably weighs as much as she does?

    Cait Sith's megaphone was pretty weird. What, damage enemies by yelling obscenities at them?

    And, of course, you have two of the stupidest weapons ever -- the Buster Sword and the Masamune, both from Final Fantasy VII. I'm sure most non-fanboys can realize that a sword that weighs forty pounds, or a sword that is seven feet long, is horribly impractical. Which makes them both just stupid.

    But to take the cake, we have guns. Whether it be an assault rifle, a shotgun, or a contraption that attaches to a man's arm (and strangely, even though there are only two people with a gun for an arm in the world, is sold everywhere), the more recent Final Fantasy games have had supposedly modern firearms, yet amazingly, getting shot in the face does no more damage than getting cut by a sword, or getting clubbed by a staff, or getting punched. Tell you what -- you punch me, I'll shoot you, and we'll see who walks away.
    Last edited by Sasquatch; 02-11-2011 at 08:52 PM.

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  6. #6

    Re: The strangest weapon

    The concept of a megaphone being used as a weapon seems very strange.
    But that thing Dodie16 posted is pretty strange.

  7. #7
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み The strangest weapon ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    There are a few that are odd in the series. Wakka's Blitzball (although it does make a bit of sense), Cait Sith's Megaphone and Rinoa's Pinwheel. But the one I think is probably the strangest is whatever the hell that Vanille uses. What even is it?

    Her weapons are called Rods right? Which they do look like. But then they extend like whips, which is weird. And then they fold up, which is weird too. So yeah, what the hell is it supposed to be?

  8. #8
    Consistently Average The strangest weapon Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    There are a few that are odd in the series. Wakka's Blitzball (although it does make a bit of sense), Cait Sith's Megaphone and Rinoa's Pinwheel. But the one I think is probably the strangest is whatever the hell that Vanille uses. What even is it?

    Her weapons are called Rods right? Which they do look like. But then they extend like whips, which is weird. And then they fold up, which is weird too. So yeah, what the hell is it supposed to be?
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  9. #9
    Registered User The strangest weapon Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    Quina's fork is epic, but i think the reward goes to Eiko and her flute xD

    Cait Sith's megaphone and trumpet was interesting and all the special weapons in FFVII.
    Vincent's hairblower, Barret's boxing glove, Red's hairpin etc.

    And out of FF, Demyx sitar was weird and in Shadow Hearts, Alice book/ancient tomes she actually attacks with them, it's really funny.
    And Joachim uses objects only for weapons, like ancient ship of dead people, tuna fish and so on.

  10. #10
    Everyone needs a savior The strangest weapon the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    Sephiroths katana not really in FFVII but if you have ever played dissidia it is twice he size of his body
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  11. #11
    Mojo Jojo The strangest weapon Trunks's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    Hopes boomerand folds up. In fact most of the wapons in FFXIII are weird. I second ZentetsukeNs comment on Vanilles weapon. That thing is not a rod. Unless it means the fishing kind?

    Quinas fork is quite strange. Not that much when you look at gladiators, though.

    Cait Siths megaphone like everybody said.

    Also, I think what Dodie posted is class. I've never seen such a cheesy character before. He wasn't in war of the lions surely I'd remember him.

  12. #12
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The strangest weapon Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    Hmm, lulu's voodoo dolls are weird. I mean, at 100% sphere grid, they do up to 99,999 damage haha

    While I would have said Squalls gunblade cause it fires a forcewave, increasing his torque on impact, I would say Lightnings gunblade.
    First, a blade that folds up cannot be as resieliant as another solid blade. While that, it folds up into a gun...wth?

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  13. #13
    Registered User The strangest weapon HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    The strangest thing in weapons has got to be the whole "Guns weaker than swords."

    Okay so Irvine just shot that dude with a 12 guage shotgun and did 60 damage. Zell punched him and did 240?! What?! Are we insinuating that Zell can punch 4x stronger than a shotgun blast? WHATEVER!

    As far as weird looking weapons, I'd give it to the tounasol from FFXII. Its like a happy-shinny-sunshine blade...That's not as fearsome a weapon as Im expecting...

  14. #14
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The strangest weapon Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by H.U.N.K View Post
    As far as weird looking weapons, I'd give it to the tounasol from FFXII. Its like a happy-shinny-sunshine blade...That's not as fearsome a weapon as Im expecting...
    I wouldn't say it's THAT weird. It does have a recognizable blade and hilt, and you know how it attacks and where it hurts.

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  15. #15
    Registered User The strangest weapon HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    Yeah, but I was just expecting somthing compleatly different....

    In any case, I also think the wierd swingblade boomerang thing that Hope uses is pretty strange aswell. I mean, of all the guns and swords and gunswords in FFXIII, he uses a boomerang... *sigh*

  16. #16
    ___________ The strangest weapon Kyreaan's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    The strangest I've seen was in FFT. It was a gun that put Stone on the character it was equiped to instead of the target...
    ...I don't get it.

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  17. #17
    Registered User The strangest weapon Selcopa's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon


    Bard's(Edward?) Attack option was him shooting music notes at the enemy
    Cid fought with a Wrench?
    and I dont even know what the Poram twins used. ~Free games with some prizes

  18. #18
    Ellipsis The strangest weapon Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    There are a few that are odd in the series. Wakka's Blitzball (although it does make a bit of sense), Cait Sith's Megaphone and Rinoa's Pinwheel. But the one I think is probably the strangest is whatever the hell that Vanille uses. What even is it?

    Her weapons are called Rods right? Which they do look like. But then they extend like whips, which is weird. And then they fold up, which is weird too. So yeah, what the hell is it supposed to be?
    I agree with this. It's the most strangest weapon ever.

    From a discussion with my "Big sis" on another forum, we've called Vanille's weapon the "Ultimate Fishing Rod", regardless if it's called a wand or not.

    It has hooks. It can catch monsters in the sky, and from quite the distance, too. And it folds.
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  19. #19
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy The strangest weapon Leon's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    My picks are Quina's forks, any of Lulu's dolls, and the Chicken Knife, which in its latest appearance will be in Dissidia 012 as one of Gilgamesh's many weapons. It even makes chicken sounds.
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  20. #20
    Death Before Dishonor The strangest weapon Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    Wakka's blitzball is kinda weird. I mean you go into battle against giant beast with a f*cking ball. I doubt that it could really do any damage to say a behemoth. Even the one with the spike. To do damage enough to kill something would require a ridiculous amount of speed, and power behind(the kind not even Chuck Norris is capable of).

    I am a huge fan of FFVII, but like Sasquatch I feel that the Masamune and Buster Sword are strange weird, and all around stupid. Cloud is a very small man, and can swing a giant sword as quick as a regular little katana, bullshit. Sephiroth's sword is as big as he is, how the hell do you anything with that.

    Let's FFXIII has a few strange one's. Hope's boomerang is obviously weird. Of everything to fight with he has a boomerang, get real bro. Vanille's rod/whip thingymabobber is weird. Is it a rod, or a whip the world may never know.

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  21. #21
    Registered User The strangest weapon Shiro's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    Garnet's racket weapons are pretty strange to me. I mean seriously, hitting enemies with what looks like a powder puff projectile?

  22. #22

    Re: The strangest weapon

    It is for me between Cait Sits Megapahone or Wakka's Blitzball but being as Cait Sith is a complete bag of shite and Wakka is cool I will say Cait siths megaphone.

  23. #23
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! The strangest weapon nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    For me, it has to be Quistis' Whip in FFVIII ... I think the fact it's a bullwhip explains it all ... she's raunchy x~P

    However, the megaphone was also weird, Cait Sith's megaphone. Shouting at people hurts? What if the enemy has no ears? Or is deaf?

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  24. #24

    Re: The strangest weapon

    Cait Sith didn't even hit people with the megaphone though. The big moogle just thumped enemies. Yet giving him instructions through a better megaphone meant he hit enemies harder?!

    No ones mentioned Relm. A small child hitting monsters with a paintbrush! Surely that leads to a one sided fight!

  25. #25
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    I got a list of weird ones which include some of the ones listed already

    Wakka's Blitz Ball. (Does he have to go run and get it after he uses it if it doesn't bounce back to him. Or it just magically comes back like it's on a retractable string.)

    Vanille's "Rod's" (She actually throws the line out in that thing must be 200-300 yards. during chapter 9 i think it is. Where is that much line stored at?)

    Relm's Paintbrush (A paintbrush that can paint without any paint cans. And the paintings do damage, how about that.)

    Edgar's Noiseblaster (Sure the concept is nice. Big noise to confuse the enemy, but where are all the earmuffs so you dont confuse yourself?)

    Edgar's Autocrossbow(Very nice weapon indeed and you never ever ever ever have to buy any arrows. I guess Edgar spends his day picking up arrows off of the enemies that you kill.)

    Edgar's Flash (How does this do damage. The concept to me seems that it should just blind every enemy. Maybe Edgar is shooting nuclear beams of light at the enemy?)

    Snow's Coats (Ok this one makes absolutely no sense. I am going to wear this coat because it makes me stronger...what!? Snow is exactly like a matured Zell except bigger and more fun to have in your party.)

    Squall's Gunblade (Its a sword.. no its a gun... no its a ....Gunblade? [1 year before ff8 came out, two guys arguing] (Man swords are so much cooler than guns. guns just go bang and thats it, nothing special. 2nd guy says but guns so much stronger than swords. guns can shoot from distance. Another guy walks in and says "We'll do both", What?? the other 2 said. A gun and sword mixed? Gunblade was invented. Sword guy jealous that word "gun" at beginning of gunblade so he tweaked it so you can't use it as missile weapon.)

  26. #26

    Re: The strangest weapon

    I'm gonna say Cait Sith's megaphones and maybe Setzer's cards. Yeah, Setzer and his cards were cool, but when you really think about it, he's using CARDS as a weapon.

    Oh yeah, and Relm's paintbrushes.

  27. #27
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    Re: The strangest weapon

  28. #28

    Re: The strangest weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by FFGamer86 View Post
    Hmm...point taken.

    Well, I stick by the megaphones and paintbrushes then.

    Quote Originally Posted by Selcopa View Post

    Bard's(Edward?) Attack option was him shooting music notes at the enemy
    Cid fought with a Wrench?
    and I dont even know what the Poram twins used.
    Isn't it a hammer cid uses?

    And the twins used staves/rods and if I'm not mistaken, bows & arrows too.
    Last edited by Cereal~Killer; 07-14-2011 at 06:24 AM.

  29. #29
    Passing fair judgement The strangest weapon Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    What about those weird dolls that LuLu had in FFX. I think that would have to be the weirdest weapon to me.
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  30. #30
    All is One.One is All. The strangest weapon Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: The strangest weapon

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate View Post
    What about those weird dolls that LuLu had in FFX. I think that would have to be the weirdest weapon to me.
    That IS kinda weird,lol.Lulu's dolls,Relm's Paintbrush,All of Edgar's weapons ,and hmmm...I can't think of anymore since I haven't played many FF'S that have had strange weapons >.<

    Edit:: Oh and Vanille's weapon was kinda weird,too! But I still liked it xD
    Last edited by Firefly; 07-17-2011 at 11:40 AM.
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