Mmmm... it wouLd definiteLy be..
CLoud, SquaLL, Sephiroth and.. Yuna!
for me.. :-)
If you could have any 4 characters from any final fantasy as your party, who would they be?
Just my 4 favorites:
Zidane Tribal
Quistis Trepe
If I want a really powerful group:
Zack Fair
Cloud Strife
Mmmm... it wouLd definiteLy be..
CLoud, SquaLL, Sephiroth and.. Yuna!
for me.. :-)
My Art Thread:
I would Have Cloud, Sephiroth, Vincent, and Summoner Yuna As my Main Party. They would Kick Ass. I Would be able to Pwn everything in Sight...LOLI would use other people, but I can only have four, so I chose these four. Anyway, Happy Posting
Hmmm...Well I would want a well-balanced team. Also, as much as I would like to put Sephiroth in my group, I don't think having an antagonist would be such a good idea. So I'll go with the protagonists.
My team would be:
Auron- My warrior in the group.
Fran- I could customize her abilities to make up for anything that my other characters lack or what my party needs.
Lulu- My mage. I could probably do better by picking Yuna, but I just like Lulu more.
Selphie- I don't particularly care for her as a character, but her limit breaks are pretty damn awesome. Full-Cure and The End could be really useful. Also, looking at my other choices, I seem to lack the "comic-relief" character. I guess she could do that. I don't want my party to seem too moody all the time.
Whoa. Girl power. Haha, I didn't realize that I only have one dude until I looked back over my choices. Meh. Auron needs to hang out with girls more anyway.![]()
Click at your own risk.:
A bad thing about using villians in answers is nobody knows exactly how powerful they are, they don't know their skills/abilities and their stat growth, equipment, and possibly limits. People may think that Sephiroth or whoever is as powerful as they come unfortunately most Final Fantasy final bosses are easy; the best choice for a villian would be like the Cloud of Darkness, The Emperor, or Zeromus.
As the TC did not specify or limit what can be established I'll assume that this party setup is ok.
Squall would by my main physical fighter; his limit break is one of my favourites and one of the strongest in the series.
Vivi- my black mage and emergency healer with Doomsday as my party would have darkness (Unsure if that is what it was called in FF IX) absorption armour.
Lenna- she would be the mime class with Red Mage, White Mage, and Time Mage as her other abilities (they would be mastered). This makes her my main healer and support character.
Balthier- range fighter with all the techniks and spells to easily adapt to multiple roles.
Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x
Cloud, Auron, Basche, Ashe!
Melee badass team with a badass mage support!
I'd probably use Balthier as a sub in for flying enemies.
No limits? Alright, lets see here.
Ideal Group!
Each of these characters would end up being maxed out to the best abilities, equips, stats, hp, and mp I could give them.
Squall: Damage dealer and has one of the best limits in the series.
Cecil: As Paladin to tank and off-heal when needed.
FF11 Whitemage: Reason being they have really good "oh shit" buttons and when needed it would be best. Purely for healing and debuffs.
Rinoa: Mainly cause in my FF8 Games I would make her only learn the limit Invincible Moon (And the default "Dognamehere" Cannon, EX: Doggy Cannon, is what i named the dog sometimes)
Full damage group yet sustainable in real battle when heals are needed:
Each of these characters would end up being maxed out to the best abilities, equips, stats, hp, and mp I could give them.
Squall: Damage dealer and has one of the best limits in the series.
Vincent: For the long range and for his amazing limits.
Rosa: Because she's an archer and a healer and I would make her main heal.
Celes: As my tank and damage dealer, mainly cause any magic thrown at her gives her MP instead of dmg. So it would be a nice addition.
Cloud, Cid, Sephiroth, and Orlandu![]()
Girl: Do i ever cross ur mind
Boy: No
Girl: Do you like me?
Boy: Not really
Girl: Do you want me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would you cry if I left?
Boy: No
Girl: Would you live for me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would you do anything for me?
Boy: No
Girl: Choose--me or ur life
Boy: my life
The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says...
The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.
The reason why I don't like you is because I love you.
The reason I don't want you is because I need you.
The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left.
The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.
The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you.
The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life
<a href="" target=_new>
<h3>A SILVER Dragon Lies Beneath!</h3>
<img src="" border=1 alt="My inner dragon color is SILVER. Click here to try the Quiz!"><br>
My inner dragon is to dragons what the Ranger is to humans. I possess considerable intelligence and self-confidence. I live by my own code of ethics and I stick to it at all times. Click the image to try the Inner Dragon Online Quiz for yourself.<br><br>
Wow that sig is gay. ^
Its not completely gay, but kinda messed up...LOL![]()
Balthier: His great leadership and customisation would make him a nice ''main'' charceters.
Rydia: She would do both Damaging mages' job!
Zidane: Would (Obviously) be the theif of my team!
Luneth: My favourite characters of FFIII DS would be a devout to do the healing!
Cloud, Zidane, Squall, and Warrior of Light.
I think I've done thing before. My part is.
I would choose Cloud, Squall, Vaan, and probably Seifer. I love the gunblades cloud has an awesome sword and Vaan because I just like him for some reason.
Hmmm thats a tough one.
Team that would mesh well because of personality:
Tidus maybe instead of Bartz
Also, Cid for this group
Mages/Magic users:
Sword Users:
Maybe Beatrix too.
Random weapon
Last edited by GypsyElder; 10-25-2009 at 03:34 PM.
Based on my how their personalities would got together and make the coolest combo ever and not even thinking of battle skillz (although they are awesome anyway)
...this is one of the most difficult threads...
Okay, so I'm going to have to break this down into a couple of different groups, because I can't live with just one setup. I guess this is probably an easy topic for a lot of you guys... I don't know how many of you who have responded thus far have actually played through all 14 of the "main" games (I-XII + X-2 + Tactics), but picking four characters out of hundreds, even when limited only to the good guys, is a very difficult task.
• Setzer (FFVI), the airship pilot with a depressing past and a gambling problem
• Freya (FFIX), the mousy dragoon whose home was destroyed while seeking lost love
• Delita (FFT), the youthful knight-turned-triple-agent who starts a revolution
• Rikku (FFX), the obnoxiously adorable thief with an alchemist's touch
• Sabin (FFVI), the martial arts master with a black belt and a bumrush
• Kain (FFIV), the conflicted dragoon whose mind often belongs to the enemy
• Umaro (FFVI), the Yeti from Narshe who likes to throw allies into opponents
• Zell (FFVIII), the impulsive comic relief with fists of fury
• Shantotto (FFXI), the fiesty Tarutaru with a "short" temper and a soul built of black magic
• Terra (FFVI), the half-esper with a magical ancestry and a destructive past
• Yuna (FFX), the young summoner with a kind heart and a library of white magic
• Tellah (FFIV), the old man and learned scholar of black magic and master of white magic
• Edgar (FFVI), the quirky king with an array of tools and a womanizing attitude
• Cid (FFVII), the airship pilot and aerospace engineer with a vulgar vocabulary
• Balthier (FFXII), the sky pirate with a sly wit and a sweet ride
• Laguna (FFVIII), the man with the machine gun (and Rambo's arsenal)
• Cidolfas Orlandeau (FFT), the "Thunder God" himself, mecca of amazement
• Celes Chere (FFVI), the once-General of the Empire with a Runic Blade and a knack for opera
• Cecil Harvey (FFIV), one part Dark Knight, one part Paladin, one part redeemed soul
• White Mage (FFI/III/XI), the little lady who heals all ailments
Community Manager; Forum Administrator
reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009Random;:
My Pick^_^
Don't forget you can mix and match. Even though it'll cause some overlap. For example:
The Way of Multiple Fists
- Yang Fang Leiden: the one that defined the concept of a Monk, though not the original because of Josef's existence in FF2. Has a flying kick, the ability to boost its damage to dangerous levels (as the FF3 Blackbelt), and an oft-forgotten ability to endure damage, a path no other monk class or character in the entire set of role-playing games and MMOs has followed aside from the Monk class from Ragnarok Online.
- Sabin Rene Figaro: more of a wild brawler, albeit not fully embracing chaos. He uses more mystical arts with his ancestral Blitz technique, coupled with some solid physical attacks and oddly, two healing techniques.
- Tifa Lockheart: the only female who takes it to the fisticuffs. Her style resorts to a single combo, tying up hits to unleash a solid final strike. However, she starts with some solid basics, such as a flurry of blows (aka, a Pummel)
- Zell Dincht: the self-taught hot-dog devourer, whose style takes upon Tifa's old style and expands with a fist technique not dissimilar to fighting games. Any more, and you'd have a character whose home would be on a 2D fighter, right between Ryu, Terry Bogard and Kyo Kusanagi.
Or, you could have...
The Dragoon Squad
- Kain Highwind: much like Yang, he's not the first Dragoon; the first mentioned by name and title belongs to sir Ricard Highwind, which is well expected to be Kain's father. Kain holds two important things in his development: first, the Jump charging technique, where the tried and true jousting and combat charging arts blend with the dragon's leap technique to evolve into a devastating combat art. Kain is unique in his landing style, which dives head first instead of a single fall. Currently a Holy Dragoon, which means Paladin-esque spells and the Saint Dive holy lance technique
- Cid Highwind: another Highwind? Yes, and this one trades a dragon for an airship. Still shows some of the classic Dragoon techniques, such as the Jump and the Dragon Lance, which draws blood and drains life from his opponent. However, he goes out in style with his finishing move, which summons the raw firepower of the Highwind. What would he do if he had the Ragnarok's cannon to his disposition...?
- Freya Crescent: another tried and true Dragoon, but she has a few draconic techniques to her disposal. Most notably, although she has the trusty Dragon Lance technique, she shows some quasi-magical abilities with the Wind of Reis, the Six Dragons and the Cherry Blossom arts.
- Kimahri Ronso: the second non-human Dragoon and a Blue Mage to boot. Learns spells through the traditional, age-old Dragon Lance technique, even though his unique spells are limited. However, the ability to use such traditional abilities as Mighty Guard and White Wind make it worthwhile. He even learns the traditional leaping charge of the Dragoon as a Blue Magic, although you can assume he just knows it ingrained in his own spirit.
Or even...
Invokers of the Phantom Beasts
- Rydia of the Mist: the favored child summoner of the Land of Phantom Beasts, aside from Terra (the lost child of the Land of Phantom Beasts). Her summoning abilities are quite expanded, capable of acquiring lesser summons that behave as Blue Magic spells; furthermore, she knows a devastating amount of Black Magic, and she still can draw upon her reserves of White Magic if everything else fails. Although, that would be pointless if we have...
- Garnet til Alexandros, aka "Dagger": princess of Alexandria, and perhaps one of the strongest summoners around. Capable of summoning the strongest summon in the region of Gaia, Ark, she is a force to be reckoned...but she holds her power in order to cast benevolent White Magic spells. Oddly enough, she makes more of a summoner than her fellow summoner and partner...
- Eiko Coral: another Summoner who takes the White Magic arts, although her focus is mixed. While princess Garnet uses powerful destructive summons and has a "weaker" form of White Magic, Eiko has a more flexible summoning talent and stronger White Magic. It is of no mistake that she possesses both the second strongest Holy Eidolon, Madeen, as well as the strongest White Magic spells, Full-Life/Arise and Holy.
- Yuna: simple name, right? Oddly enough for the High Summoner of Spira, who can call upon her summons like Ash summons Pokemon. Her summons are pretty strong, capable of using magic, and fighting for her to the extent of giving their own borrowed lives for it. Furthermore, she holds powerful Aeons, as the mighty Yojimbo, the phantasmagorical Anima, and the Magus Sisters.
As a final point, notice three of the four summoners can summon Bahamut, at least two of them summon Leviathan, and at least three of them have a summon with a sword that cleaves iron!?
However, I solved this a long time ago, in another place, almost like this:
That thread had seven picks instead of four, but you can determine which ones I'd choose: from my avatar and because he's awesome, Orland(ea)u. Because she's my girl, Terra. Because she's a Paladin on Steroids, Beatrix. And the last goes between Auron, Olan/Orran or ol' Leo. I'd make little change.
Your ultimate team doesn't blend well with mine, it seems. I tend to find Cecil as a weak choice, even though he has attempted to pump up a bit ever since. However, my Paladin tastes have evolved ever since: in between D&D Paladins, Diablo II's Paladins, WoW Paladins, RO Paladins, FFXI Paladins, Wizardry Lords, Etrian Odyssey's Protectors, The Dark Spire's Paladins and Class of Heroes' Paladins, Cecil becomes quite the weak choice (can't smite, spells are subpar, no auras, no shield skills, no Grand Cross, no anti-element spells, no reflective damage...the list has grown, Cecil...) I'd say Beatrix beats Cecil by the classical mile, since she knows where her power lies (strong techniques, nigh unbeatable defense and the strongest White Magic, plus a strong sword and some sexilicious curves); her choice makes having the White Mage slightly redundant, so you can choose a stronger spellcaster. I agree with Celes, though: with her Runic Blade tactic, the other two can go straight for sword techniques, and only area of effect spells can work their arts; furthermore, while Terra goes for Merton/Meltdown and Ultima, Celes goes for Holy and Flare, as well as Enfeebling Magic. All you'd need is a good Time Mage and you'd be set for sure...or Gogo. Because Gogo is awesome and overrated.
Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.
Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.
The Final Boss Theorem:
'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:
As stated before, this is a tough.
I would probably make a sort of holy knight based team.
1st would be Cecil Harvey. (While I do see T.G.'s point on how cecil is weak in comparison to Paladins that have come after him, I need a person who can basicly serve as a white mage. Cecil has almost all the white magicks I need.)
2nd would be T.G. Cid! (Orlandu has enough abilities to keep himself alive and if he is given abilities like cover, he would protect his team well.)
3rd would be Warrior of Light. (While I don't understand how Square got this out of warrior,thief,monk,W.M,B.M and Red mage, I still like this character.)
4th would be Setzer. (Quite honestly I just wanted to include him.)
I would pick my 4 fav of course
Last edited by Josh_R; 09-14-2009 at 07:25 AM. make a battle party...with no cook?!?!???
How are you gonna eat? after killing Bahamut you all will die because you don't have food to eat...
My party would be:
Cloud, this guy is just a freaking killer.
Auron, another killer in the team.
Lulu, raw black magic support(for flying bastards).
And last but surely and suprisingly not least......
Quina...for cooking a nice meal! and for throwing heal, haste, death and all sort of blue magic in the battle. Like auto-life, mighty guard, white wind, angels snack and bad breath!
And after they defeated the boss then Quina makes from the boss a nice meal to get full power for the next challenge
And if someone dislikes Quina then change him/her with Odin and zantetsuken everyone
Last edited by lionsqau; 09-11-2009 at 06:52 AM.
Which is why Beatrix serves that purpose. Her HP is spectacular, her other stats are well-rounded, and she has a pretty strong assortment of White Magic spells to complement her sword skills. As I said, she's a Paladin on steroids; the reason I speak of this is because she has the strong qualities of a Paladin (slight White Magic, superb defense, excellent attack, heavy armor, and even some special techniques) and she ups the ante of said abilities a notch (and in the case of White Magic, perhaps too much of a notch). Her only weakness would be MP, but that can be fixed pretty easily. Still, the ability to use the strongest Cure spell, the strongest Life spell and Holy far surpass the weak spells that Cecil acquires (even if he got boosted in DS with Protect and Shell, which I find to be something they should have added to him on first instance)
Assume a food system like Tales of... You have food pre-packaged, and you eat a bit after battle to heal some HP and SP.
Or, a system like Star Ocean. Suddenly, not just one person can cook; everyone can cook.
So I wouldn't worry in adding a sub-par Blue Mage in order to have some food; after all, Quina is known for having bizarre tastes...
Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.
Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.
The Final Boss Theorem:
'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:
I'm going to go with
1st Team
Auron (X) - brute force Warrior
Vivi (IX) - Black Mage
Cloud (VII) - quick/skilled Warrior
Terra (VI) - White Mage/Summoner
2nd Team
Yuna (X) - White Mage/Summoner
Cecil (IV) - Dragoon
Sabin (VI) - Monk
Squall (VIII) - Warrior
3rd Team
Locke (VI) - Thief
Rydia (IV) - White Mage/Summoner
Barret (VII) - guns Warrior
Edgar (VI) - specialty weapons Warrior
Last edited by Locke4God; 09-16-2009 at 12:00 PM.
@ Kisuke Hellsing - But I like mondo tits!! ;-)
I would chose:
My things: