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    Registered User The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! xxpanzasanchoxx's Avatar
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    Thumbs up The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    What aspects of all the Final Fantasy games in the series would you include to create the ultimate Final Fantasy game.

    Here are three things I would include:

    Job Classes: The ability to pick a certain career path, and gain new job promotions within that class. Going way back to the first final fantasy...The Thief would get promoted to a Ninja. Of course there would be more options for that particular class but you should get the jist of where I'm going with this.

    Materia: There may have been confusion with materia combinations in FFVII, but I'm sure those kind of kinks can be fixed with a revitalized materia system. The magic abilities you gain do not come to early where it kills gameplay, or too late where the new spells are useless.

    Exploration: What is wrong with the old formula from the past games? You start on foot or ride a chocobo, then gain a boat or buggy, followed by an airship. The freedom to explore has always been the best part to the classic Final Fantasies, it's a shame they steered to a more linear game like XIII.
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  2. #2
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    I have to disagree with the materia, or more or less the system.
    Only cause people will place it next to FF7.

    I like set course paths for the characters, but maybe more choices, like a tree branch system in where each character is forced to level up each role.
    Like main character- Paladin, Warrior, Knight

    Definetly the freedom. Airship and stuff tho that would be kinda hard in current ways.

    Music is a definent. More memorable songs like FF8 or so.

    Bosses have to give a challenge, as well as monsters. I don't want a FF where the monsters are too easy and the boss is too hard, or Vice versa, I want an equal!

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  3. #3
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Leon's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    First of all, I want to say a perfect game would have many, many hours of gameplay. And no, not counting side quests. I'm only counting the original storyline! A long, good storyline makes a perfect game.

    Next, freedom. Like the first poster said, start on foot, then a Chocobo, then get a boat, and finally an airship. If I remember correctly, this same pattern was in FFII (one of my favorite games).

    Memorable music. As much as I dislike FFVII (let's not get into that), One-Winged Angel was a pretty memorable theme. So was the music in Mt. Gulg in FFI (which was redone in FFIX), the theme in Pandemonium in II (also redone in IX), Battle with the Four Fiends in IV, Clash on the Big Bridge in V (which was redone in other games, like XII), Dancing Mad from VI, Force Your Way from VIII, Darkness of Eternity in IX, Assault from X, Fight to the Death from XII, and the Prelude in all games.

    A good leveling up system. I liked the Sphere Grid, but with the possibility of everyone learning every skill, it gets boring. I'd like characters to learn exclusive skills when they equip certain weapons. Or learn unique skills as they level up (like Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, another SE game). With unique skills, it lets you plan strategically on who to bring with your party. If everyone knows Curaga well, then, where's the fun in that? It's more fun to have just one White Mage in your party.

    Then there are games like FFII, where you buy your magic. You can still plan strategically on that, since you get to decide who gets what spell. But I prefer the aforementioned method.
    Last edited by Leon; 01-05-2011 at 11:53 AM.
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  4. #4
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    The poster above stated my leveling thingy I have tried, but clearer, sorry about my sloppiness >.>

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    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Leon's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    Oh, let's not forget the Job system from V. That looks really cool. Is there any other game with the Time Mage (or whatever it's called) job?
    Please read the poetry from two great friends of mine. May they find peace.

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  6. #6

    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    IMO FF11 did a lot of things right. The only drawback it had was its main mechanic, it is an MMO which means you have to rely on other people to advance in many ways. I think if you take FF11 and make it a single player rpg it would be the best FF to date. It has many thing the OP mentioned open world exploration, a good and deep job system. I however don't agree that materia needs to make a come back.

    I really enjoyed FF11s job system and being able to get sub jobs. I enjoyed the crafting system and I think the battle system of FF11 could be replaced with a type of CTB (conditional turn based) battle system like FF10 had and you would have the best FF ever.

  7. #7
    Badass Military Agent The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    Quote Originally Posted by SolomonDread View Post
    IMO FF11 did a lot of things right. The only drawback it had was its main mechanic, it is an MMO which means you have to rely on other people to advance in many ways. I think if you take FF11 and make it a single player rpg it would be the best FF to date. It has many thing the OP mentioned open world exploration, a good and deep job system. I however don't agree that materia needs to make a come back.

    I really enjoyed FF11s job system and being able to get sub jobs. I enjoyed the crafting system and I think the battle system of FF11 could be replaced with a type of CTB (conditional turn based) battle system like FF10 had and you would have the best FF ever.

    Took the words right out of my mouth, FFXI to date is the most memorable FF game I ever played, like Solo said, if they make it into a single player RPG, I probably would never play another game ever again.

    Dragoon/Blue Mage is the best combo of jobs I ever played with, Kimahri did this somewhat pretty well.

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  8. #8

    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    Personally my 2 favourite FF games are hands down FF8 and FFX, simply because of their unique character progression systems. A mixture between the GF system of learning and equipping abilities combined with a sphere grid-type system for stat raising would be awesome (though likely sounding better than it would turn out). I have yet to play ff13, so I'm not sure how it works, but BRING BACK WORLD MAPS!!!!!! Although with the feel of FFX and it's pacing, the lack of a world map was missable, but FF12 felt like playing a mmorpg, running (and running and running) across the world to kill monster x, running back to claim reward, next quest running all the way back to almost the same area to kill his twin brother, etc

  9. #9

    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    the playability of ff1 the leveling system of ff2 the sphere system of ff10

  10. #10
    Registered User The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! xxpanzasanchoxx's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    I was thinking about it, but maybe to tack on to my previous post, I like the rank system in FF8. It can be utilized in several aspects of the game. For one, I've always thought it was silly that you gained gil after beating a blob. I like having paychecks, as well as poaching monsters and selling furs. Make money the right way. Another aspect would be weapons. Like in the Marines, once you hit a certain rank youre allowed to carry a sword, and then an even better one at a higher rank. This will take the weak weapon upgrade system away, and open up several choices of weapons available to the rank. It wasnt exactly FF8, but customization is always fun.
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  11. #11
    Bananarama The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Pete's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    I think that you'd have to firstly go back to the roots. You can have it technologically advanced, and all that jazz, but it still needs the lighthearted feel of the original games.

    Abandon the graphics of the newer generations and go back to something FFIX styled. IX gives you the best feel for how I'd like to see things, full of robust and just strange characters, full of quirk and personality. Also, no more androgynous main leads, or having characters fit "the look" just to give an idea of their occupation or stereotype.

    I'd prefer NOT to have any job or class system where every character can learn every single skill and learn to use every single weapon. At that point, they all just become cogs, different solely because of their character design. So, sphere grid and licensing board are out.

    I love the idea of the different classes, with specific weapons and attacks, regardless of the era. You can still have your tank, your thief, your various mages, and throw them into any setting. I also like the idea of giving them career paths, where they can evolve their specific class to whatever, so long as it's in the same main vein.

    I also think that Gambits or anything like that are garbage. I want a game that can be PLAYED, and not just managed when things get a little dicey. I want my traditional ATB fight, where I have to strategize and plug in what each character does.

    I also want a solid and engaging story. I want to feel immersed in the characters world, pulling for them to get through both the group struggles and their own personal dynamics, but I don't want it to feel forced. I don't want 5-6 obligatory stories to go through just to make a character "complete."

    Music is up there, but an obligatory vocal isn't.

    I think the most important thing though would be to make the game the right way, and to complete it without any plot holes or need for extra games to fill in one plot hole. I'm looking at you FFVII.
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  12. #12
    Registered User The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    Originally Posted by Leon
    Is there any other game with the Time Mage (or whatever it's called) job?
    It's a job class in Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, and it's sequel Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift.

    As for the topic at hand:

    Personally, I think the perfect Final Fantasy game should have what the creators' wanted to make of it, with no pressure from executives who have nothing to do with the creative aspects of the game, and none from feeling like they have to please the fanbase either. Just a game made out of pure creative freedom from those that have a real passion to make something great. I think that would be awesome to see.
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  13. #13

    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    It's a job class in Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, and it's sequel Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift.

    As for the topic at hand:

    Personally, I think the perfect Final Fantasy game should have what the creators' wanted to make of it, with no pressure from executives who have nothing to do with the creative aspects of the game, and none from feeling like they have to please the fanbase either. Just a game made out of pure creative freedom from those that have a real passion to make something great. I think that would be awesome to see.

    Yeah pretty much what this guy said. Its seems that when a company gets more fame and funding and becomes a bigger corporation it loses all its creativity.

    I wish they would go back to the basics of a CTB system (i think FFX had it just right) and that really satisfying aspect of getting a new materia like in FF7, or the customization of FF8. Also choosing between raw attack damage or learning the weapons ability like in FF9 made it interesting too.

    If they could combine all this i think it would be a great combat and leveling up system.

    But FF is nothing without a good story and world to back it up. Just need some cool "wacky" main character who isn't some over the top jock with blonde hair and it'll be fiiiine!! (wacky as in cloud's hair, squall's gunblade and zidane is a monkey).

    Also exploring the world map with an airship was always one of my favorite things to do and i never liked how they removed it in FFX. I guess it removes that sense of realism but it added more to the immersion.

  14. #14
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Leon's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    I've been doing some thinking, and maybe the best Final Fantasy game should have one feature found from each game. The number next to the idea refers to which FF I'm talking about. I was thinking the best FF game should have something like:

    I. Cheery world map theme throughout the whole game (IX came close...until Disc 4. I also hear how VII's is creepy)
    II. The "Memorize" feature.
    III & V. The Job system. Just think about all of the different possibilities. Imagine a job like Summoner also having a sub job like Thief.
    IV. Have a way to reach outer space, even if it's only the moon.
    VI. A large character roster!!!
    VII. Limit Breaks. Seriously, a super attack that is exclusive for each character.
    VIII. Didn't play much of VIII (thinking about downloading it, though). But I've heard people say that Triple Triad is better than IX's Tetra Master. Though I only played it once, I'm thinking a mini-game like Triple Triad could make things fun in a new FF.
    IX. Personally, I think a good sidequest like Mognet or the Chocobo Hot and Cold game can give you something to do if you can't make much progress in the story (or just to have fun).
    X. Voice acting, although they should also put the option to turn the voice acting off. They did it in Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. I don't know about you guys, but I personally liked Christopher Sabat as Garland in the first (and chronologically last) Dissidia. It was like having Piccolo in the game.

    I don't know much about the other FFs, but these are my thoughts. I know XII and XIII had voice acting, too, but I put X in there because it's the first FF (not counting movies or spin-offs) with voice acting. It's a pioneer!
    Last edited by Leon; 01-09-2011 at 01:23 PM.
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    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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  15. #15

    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    This is a little off topic but I had a question. Do the developers of the FF games actually read this forum? Just curious.

  16. #16
    The Lone Dagger The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    Quote Originally Posted by SolomonDread View Post
    This is a little off topic but I had a question. Do the developers of the FF games actually read this forum? Just curious.
    If they randomly come across it they could like anyone else but I doubt that they are looking on here to try to get ideas of what the fans like. Although they should probably appoint some position to do that bc it definitely would help satisfy us hardcore FF fans.

    As far as my perfect FF I would say:
    1) Learning abilities from equipment, that classic feel is what I like.
    2) Distinct classes for each character, linked to #1 because only the Thief could equip certain items and so on for each character.
    3) Chocobos!!!! More chocobos and more things to do with them. I loved the chocobo side quests in VII-IX and it got lost in X, XII, and especially XIII.
    4) A card game, Triple Triad was one of the best card games ever, bring something like it back.
    5) As for ultimate attacks, I would say either the Limit Break/Overdrive feature that would let you decide how it gets charged like in X or the Trance system from IX but allowing you to decide how to charge it like in X.

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  17. #17
    The Mad God The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    A perfect FF, eh? Difficult, but I'll see what I can come up with here...

    • Class/Job system of course, that was one of the best things they ever put into the games. I also liked job promotions, but perhaps tweak it even further, and give each job multiple promotions, for example, a Knight could advance to a Paladin OR a Dark Knight, allowing for futher cutomization of your party. Not to say let any character be any class as good as any other. Based on each character's individual stat growth, make it fairly obvious who should be using what sorts of classes.
    • Abilties from Weapons, pretty much IX's sytem, gaining AP to learn abilities attached to weapons. These would be more general abilties that you can use regardless of Class.
    • Materia (or equivalent) for non command abilities. Basically equippable passive abilities, again to allow for freedom of customization.
    • Abilities from Class, pretty much like they did in X-2, for class specific abilities.
    • Weapon Customization, pretty much like in X, perhaps with a side of XIII customization to directly increase stats instead of just adding abilities.
    • Either ATB or full Turn base, as long as it isn't some god awful action game hybrid experiment.
    • Limit Trance? Thinking about ultimate attacks, I came up with an idea that kinda combines Trances with Limits. Basically, a Limit gauge, when it fills, you go into a character (not class) specific Trance (or equivalent), and once you do certain things during that Trance, you'd be able to use your ultimate attack. For example, a character who's obviously supposed to be using mage classes would have to use a certain number of spells or something before the trance wore off to use an Ultimate attack. This may or may not work, if I had to choose between one or the other, I'd say go with Limit/Overdrive again, but I kinda liked the idea of having both in some way.
    • Story obviously. I don't care how good a game plays, if the story blows, the game blows.
    All I got for now, I'll give more though to it later.
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  18. #18
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    My perfect FF must have freedom. XIII was very linear, XII and X felt slightly linear, but not as much as XIII. IX backwards were perfect in this aspect because we had free roaming world maps. Also, airships would be a huge plus for me. I always look foward to getting the airship because then you can explore the world. I thought VII was perfect for freedom because you had the submarine aswell.

    I would also rank music up there in priority. First off, (sorry to keep moaning about XIII, I did enjoy it), I couldn't hum one single tune from XIII. Only a few from XII. Most from X, but IX backwards I could tell you all the themes. We need an epic boss battle music like 'Esper Battle' from XII, or 'Force Your Way' from VIII. That's the kind of stuff we need.

    Also, towns. Actual towns. XIII deviated from this by having endless plains and caves to trek through. XII had towns, but not a lot of them. X had quite a few towns, but not enough people to interact with. I would also want to see actual shops, not having it all in the save menu. I thought VIII was perfect for the town aspect. You had a lot of people in the towns, and a good amount of towns to go to.

    Perhaps my biggest thing with XII and XIII (not so much XIII) is the battle system. Thing is, the average gamer wants action orientated gameplay. The thing I liked with the earlier FFs was turn based gameplay, with a lot of strategy involved.

    My biggest one however, and I had a huge problem with X, XII and XIII on this, is the fact that your characters can all end up with the same abilities. Especially XII and XIII on this. You can eventually end up with all your characters having exactly the same abilities. It's pointless. It can also drive you to not bother with half the party, which takes a lot from the game I think. Using IX as an example, you had Zidane as your thief, Vivi was Black Mage, Garnet and Eiko were White Mage/Summoners etc. Each character had their own merits, which enticed you more to develop your entire party and change the line up every once in a while to allow more strategy. It would be nice to see this in later installments. I just don't like it when the only differences between characters are the weapons they use. In XII, you didn't even have that!

    Limit Breaks are the last one from me. I think FFXIII was the only one in a while that didn't have them. I just want them back in.

    I won't say story, because I have enjoyed all the stories. I just say keep it up.

    I hate to moan about XII and XIII because they were very good games. I just preferred the old style of play, and think that SE should listen to us and create the perfect FF.
    Last edited by ZantetsukeN; 01-13-2011 at 07:49 AM.

  19. #19

    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    There's a few things a person doing something like that would need, they would need to be able to spot a fanboy, then never listen to his opinion on any previous or future game ideas. to do that, they will have to know the following: A fanboy is a person who simply cares about information gathering and masturbating to half naked cartoons (fully naked if he squints), knowing the characters, the story and seeing some impressive graphics. The fanboys urge to know these things comes from their wish to be associated with things other people actually enjoy, and their idea game which seems to be stuff developers like to add to these games only do a few things, they take more cloths off female characters, they speed up the story telling, (fanboys like it so they can show off what they know faster, and spend less time playing a game), and by adding more characters, they can blah blah blah about all the different names they know, and show off how much more they know a game than people who actually like it.

    once all the fanboys are dead in the world, one must add cid, build an airship, actually make an rpg, you know, those games that the FF series are suppose to be and claim to be, the games that somehow vanished almost completely after the 32bit era, which always seems to amaze me, since diablo and other such games managed to keep their playing styles.... why am i even naming a game in a different genre, all game genres seem to have kept their gameplay roots except "rpgs" who have been completely hijacked by fanboys, probably because most other games are easy to know after playing for an hour.

    now, you're probably thinking, how does one simply make an rpg. Well, to make an rpg, do a rom search on the internet and look at the top download list. see all the rpgs being downloaded? yes, the number are so high on those game because they haven;t been made for years and people still love to play them, now, after seeing that list, play a few, and punch yourself in the face for not understanding what an rpg was before doing so.

    Once you've mastered the 'making an rpg' from actually playing some, add a chocobo and paint it black with crazy awesome light hearted chocobo music, let the main character fly it around, crash land, have their chocobo injured from the crash, and start te quest from there, have the main character soon meet up with others, and leave the chocobo at a vet (it has to be the only vet in the entire game, or it just won't do, this vet has to live in a town right beside the crsh site too, again, without that, the game would be lame).

    there's a few more things, but, the most important things are there, chocobo, top/down view, world to explore, battle system, airship, towns with special characters etc.

    The feel of an rpg is all a perfect FF game needs, with the added FF twist.

    Now if you wanted the perfect rpg, then you would have to rid yourself of cid, and replace with slime. yes... i did.

  20. #20
    Registered User The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    -Materia would be a nice system combined with the system in FFVIII and equipment system in FFIX.
    -Awesome epic music is essential
    -Characters like the ones in FFVII or IX
    -Airship and a freedom to explore like in all games before PS2.
    -gameplay like FFVII and FFIX
    -Great story
    -Weapon customization and character customization (clothing)
    -Ability system like FFIX
    -Not job system, rather specific abilities like in FFIX
    -Lotsa side-quests,chocobos and card games. (like in the psx games)
    -Limit break

    At least that but music,story and characters are most important

  21. #21
    Everyone needs a savior The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zidane77 View Post
    -Materia would be a nice system combined with the system in FFVIII and equipment system in FFIX.
    -Awesome epic music is essential
    -Characters like the ones in FFVII or IX
    -Airship and a freedom to explore like in all games before PS2.
    -gameplay like FFVII and FFIX
    -Great story
    -Weapon customization and character customization (clothing)
    -Ability system like FFIX
    -Not job system, rather specific abilities like in FFIX
    -Lotsa side-quests,chocobos and card games. (like in the psx games)
    -Limit break

    At least that but music,story and characters are most important
    i like the way you think except for one thing no old characters from old game or characters like them completely new maybe using the old ones as a base and completely revamping them
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  22. #22
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    Materia guys? Don't you mean a system like materia? Plus, that system is horrible, come on guys, they look for change and won't rehash stuff, especially bad stuff.

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  23. #23
    The Mad God The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    And what reason do you have to offer us to believe the Materia system was bad? The fact that a large number of us have suggested it or something similar to it would tend to support the exact opposite o.O
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  24. #24
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Heartless Angel View Post
    And what reason do you have to offer us to believe the Materia system was bad? The fact that a large number of us have suggested it or something similar to it would tend to support the exact opposite o.O
    Yeh, that was me forcing my opinions on others so change yours now!!!!!!

    Nah, it just wouldn't be right, it would look like another rehash of FF7.
    I mean, if they mixed the materia, junction, Sphere grid and Liscenes board, that would be epic lol

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  25. #25
    The Mad God The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    The liscence board was just ****ing annoying. Sphere Grid I liked, just because it allowed a fair degree of customization. I certainly wouldn't want ALL abilities to come from materia (or something similar). But equippable passive abilities would be nice.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  26. #26
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Heartless Angel View Post
    The liscence board was just ****ing annoying. Sphere Grid I liked, just because it allowed a fair degree of customization. I certainly wouldn't want ALL abilities to come from materia (or something similar). But equippable passive abilities would be nice.
    What would be great if the materia system became into a weapon system.
    As in, certain weapons allowed you auto-potion, or counter, and certain swords have double edge(two hits with a single strike) and stuff like that.
    Opps, stolen for my game haha.
    I will agree that the license was annoying for some part, but the FF12 international version was Highly different and should have been everywhere lol
    And maybe the leveling up system could be in vain of the sphere grid system, meaning a set character class, or maybe stuck to two or 3 paths.
    Ie- Tidus stuck with either Paladin, Knight, or dragoon paths and has to stick with them the whole game, can't add a random class, those 3 classes for the whole game.

    Ehh, kinda saying my ideas for my game but I still want to see them lol

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  27. #27

    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    (copied from another thread, due to the fact that this message must be spread)

    Final Fantasy XV, AKA the one that will actually be good.

    I have often criticized the series after Tactics to have characters that nobody could identify with, or would want to. I speak of course of Cloud, Squall, TIDUS, Vann, Yuna, Lightning, and so on. This is an RPG, people! let us ****ing role play! The main character and entire game is a return to form, hell it's a remake of the first game. instead of turn based combat, it will be an action game with RPG equipment and stats elements reminiscent of Kingdom Hearts (about the only good thing that came out of that series if you ask me). random battles will be kicked out of the equation entirely. enemies will spawn on an open world, not divided by loading screens of any kind. the entire game, there will be six characters. they are a Fighter, a Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Monk, and Red Mage. You will pick a single character and that will be your main character, the one that will make all primary decisions. This isn't to say that you can't control the others, you can change to them at any time, but your main character will appear in the front of the group in all cutscenes. Although, you can only have 3 people in combat, unable to change your party unless out of combat.

    As with most competent RPGs, you will be able to change your appearance, but still keeping with the feel of the class that you're representing, similar to the designs in final fantasy XI. Also, color changing can be put in there too. You can interact with everyone in the world, buy property similar to fable 2, but you can only buy one house, or even build your own place anywhere in the world. you can form bonds with other npc's, but not by Fable's horrid interaction system. it will be a sort of mini dating sim, where the women aren't easily swayed by a bouquet of flowers when you first lay eyes on each other, and won't marry you as soon as you give them fifty roses, a box of chocolates, and a diamond earring. They will act like actual human beings and not the anime tentacle targets in final fantasies 7,8,9,10,10-2,12,13.

    Combat like I said will be similar to the KH series. Jump button, light attack, ranged/heavy attack, and block. spells and special abilities will be performed using a shoulder button and a face button, making spellcasting much simpler. Perhaps a sprint button will be placed on the other trigger. The bumper buttons/L1 and R1, will be used to switch your control of each character. in the pause menu (which can be used in and outside of combat) you can change the character's battle tactics (a la Final Fantasy Tactics) and customize your spell/ability layout.

    The plot will basically be the original final fantasy, with minor changes if necessary. The main warriors of light will have no personality, and it will be up to the player to decide who these people are. Multiplayer should only be a possibility, with drop in and out co-op, similar to Dead Rising 2.

    In total, I want Final Fantasy to return with a flourish, a return to form in style, and all new gameplay. The style and aesthetic will be reminiscent of the first 6 games, while the graphical prowess will come from the 13th game (although, even that couldn't save it). this is all that I beg of you, Square. Just end this decade long streak of incompetency. I'm not saying this because I hate you...that much, I'm saying this because I miss your earlier days. Now get your ass in gear.

  28. #28
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Antidrall View Post
    (copied from another thread, due to the fact that this message must be spread)

    Final Fantasy XV, AKA the one that will actually be good.

    I have often criticized the series after Tactics to have characters that nobody could identify with, or would want to. I speak of course of Cloud, Squall, TIDUS, Vann, Yuna, Lightning, and so on. This is an RPG, people! let us ****ing role play! The main character and entire game is a return to form, hell it's a remake of the first game. instead of turn based combat, it will be an action game with RPG equipment and stats elements reminiscent of Kingdom Hearts (about the only good thing that came out of that series if you ask me). random battles will be kicked out of the equation entirely. enemies will spawn on an open world, not divided by loading screens of any kind. the entire game, there will be six characters. they are a Fighter, a Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Monk, and Red Mage. You will pick a single character and that will be your main character, the one that will make all primary decisions. This isn't to say that you can't control the others, you can change to them at any time, but your main character will appear in the front of the group in all cutscenes. Although, you can only have 3 people in combat, unable to change your party unless out of combat.

    As with most competent RPGs, you will be able to change your appearance, but still keeping with the feel of the class that you're representing, similar to the designs in final fantasy XI. Also, color changing can be put in there too. You can interact with everyone in the world, buy property similar to fable 2, but you can only buy one house, or even build your own place anywhere in the world. you can form bonds with other npc's, but not by Fable's horrid interaction system. it will be a sort of mini dating sim, where the women aren't easily swayed by a bouquet of flowers when you first lay eyes on each other, and won't marry you as soon as you give them fifty roses, a box of chocolates, and a diamond earring. They will act like actual human beings and not the anime tentacle targets in final fantasies 7,8,9,10,10-2,12,13.

    Combat like I said will be similar to the KH series. Jump button, light attack, ranged/heavy attack, and block. spells and special abilities will be performed using a shoulder button and a face button, making spellcasting much simpler. Perhaps a sprint button will be placed on the other trigger. The bumper buttons/L1 and R1, will be used to switch your control of each character. in the pause menu (which can be used in and outside of combat) you can change the character's battle tactics (a la Final Fantasy Tactics) and customize your spell/ability layout.

    The plot will basically be the original final fantasy, with minor changes if necessary. The main warriors of light will have no personality, and it will be up to the player to decide who these people are. Multiplayer should only be a possibility, with drop in and out co-op, similar to Dead Rising 2.

    In total, I want Final Fantasy to return with a flourish, a return to form in style, and all new gameplay. The style and aesthetic will be reminiscent of the first 6 games, while the graphical prowess will come from the 13th game (although, even that couldn't save it). this is all that I beg of you, Square. Just end this decade long streak of incompetency. I'm not saying this because I hate you...that much, I'm saying this because I miss your earlier days. Now get your ass in gear.
    Sorry but, that doesn't sound like a good FF game.
    FF15 won't be a remake, or they would just say FFrebirth or something. Thank god. I don't like the fact of creating your own character because that usually reduces my emotional contact with them due to the concurrent lack of story. And that also means that there couldn't be CGI cutscenes. Not saying Graphics are highly needed, but CGI is definitely welcomed to draw a majority in. And if people couldn't create an emotional connection, if I read your post right, then why do people love cloud and FF7, and I had a dramatic connection with squalls emotions.

    No personality? Square enix isn't a western RPG so... I'm just saying that, that wouldn't go well. Multiplayer I don't think could be implemented well without it being a novelty add on that would ruin the game (RE5).

    The action style isn't a bad Idea but, it really would lessen the RPG elements. Unless they gave a limit on your actions, like an ATB, and every action takes away from it, then you must have a set time to recharge(Rogue galaxy), then it really can't have a whole lot of logical tactics behind it. In most final fantasies, you needed to think things clearly before you act on certain monsters, and even in FF13. But if it is action, you really don't have time to.

    What it sounds like you have posted is a westerners version of FF which I hope never sees production. FF has been known about it's story more than anything, and complete character control, lack of personality, novelty add ons as in multiplayer, and no Cgi's would ultimately lead to a failed product.

    Sorry if you took offense, just a slight debate on your post.

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  29. #29

    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    I never said that it was a remake, it should be a remake. The whole reason why people related with Cloud was because they WANTED to relate to him. They wanted to be someone with a bigass sword, they wanted gravity defying hair, they wanted to be some little punk that whines about his feelings when Sephiroth kills their supposed love interest. That's not what I want. I want a character that I can easily identify with, and if we start off as a blank slate, we can create our own character. When I first played final fantasy 1, they gave us an option to name our characters, to give them identity. JRPG's nowadays have characters who have such idiotic, convoluted back stories that no sane human being could or would want to relate to them. the main character should be someone who could have their hair changed, apperance slightly altered or whatever, and could be you. Fable is an example of this done horribly, but at least it was ambitious. Games like Fallout 3 did this well, you were able to design your own character, acting like how you would act in given situations. That is roleplaying. No such luck in the latest FF games. FF13: Walk in a straight line, hope that your party won't screw up in a fight, and cook, file your taxes, and teach your kid how to write while the cutscene plays. A story in an RPG should be the primary focus, but Square seems more concerned with Graphics, dreadful stories, and romances that are worse than the dreadful Twilight series. When I was playing FF7, I was trying to make the character how I wanted, I tried to shape Cloud into me, but the story made him into a whining little kid. When Aeris died, I was angry for two reasons. The first reason is that her death was pointless. She already casted the holy spell or whatever, so her death had no meaning, ruining her and Cloud's friendship (I'll get to this in a second). The second reason is I was angry because Sephiroth killed her. What would you do in that situation? I would have caught her, tried to heal her or put pressure on the wound, and when that failed, I would take out my improbably large sword, and rang hells bells on him. What does Cloud actually do? grab Aeris body, and engage Sephiroth in emo conversation, "What about my feelings?!" do you want to be that? a guy who's first instinct on seeing his close friend killed by his greatest enemy is to trade poetry? There is nobody, on the face of the planet other than those Nu-metal listening teens with cut wrists that would possibly perform such an action. Roleplaying is not making you into the character. it's shaping the character into you. That's what an RPG should do, not turn you into an emo bastard that stars in a horrible movie, a piss poor prequel, and horrifying fan fiction as far and wide as the internet.

  30. #30
    The Mad God The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!! Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: The Perfect Final Fantasy Game!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Antidrall View Post
    That's not what I want. I want a character that I can easily identify with, and if we start off as a blank slate, we can create our own character. When I first played final fantasy 1, they gave us an option to name our characters, to give them identity. JRPG's nowadays have characters who have such idiotic, convoluted back stories that no sane human being could or would want to relate to them. the main character should be someone who could have their hair changed, apperance slightly altered or whatever, and could be you. Fable is an example of this done horribly, but at least it was ambitious. Games like Fallout 3 did this well, you were able to design your own character, acting like how you would act in given situations. That is roleplaying. No such luck in the latest FF games.
    Incidentally, The characters in the early FF's and Fable, Elder Scrolls games, and pretty much ANY game in which you create your own character, they are completely and utterly devoid of any depth or backstory at all. They're just there, seemingly with no purpose at all. If your lucky maybe a minor undetailed cookie cutter backstory that's the same no matter what your character is. The stories are derived entirely from other events, you just happen to be there to see them unfold. For real good roleplay, you need other people, not AI. Video games, rarely if ever give a real roleplay experience, if that's what you're after I'd find a DnD group or something.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

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