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(copied from another thread, due to the fact that this message must be spread)
Final Fantasy XV, AKA the one that will actually be good.
I have often criticized the series after Tactics to have characters that nobody could identify with, or would want to. I speak of course of Cloud, Squall, TIDUS, Vann, Yuna, Lightning, and so on. This is an RPG, people! let us ****ing role play! The main character and entire game is a return to form, hell it's a remake of the first game. instead of turn based combat, it will be an action game with RPG equipment and stats elements reminiscent of Kingdom Hearts (about the only good thing that came out of that series if you ask me). random battles will be kicked out of the equation entirely. enemies will spawn on an open world, not divided by loading screens of any kind. the entire game, there will be six characters. they are a Fighter, a Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Monk, and Red Mage. You will pick a single character and that will be your main character, the one that will make all primary decisions. This isn't to say that you can't control the others, you can change to them at any time, but your main character will appear in the front of the group in all cutscenes. Although, you can only have 3 people in combat, unable to change your party unless out of combat.
As with most competent RPGs, you will be able to change your appearance, but still keeping with the feel of the class that you're representing, similar to the designs in final fantasy XI. Also, color changing can be put in there too. You can interact with everyone in the world, buy property similar to fable 2, but you can only buy one house, or even build your own place anywhere in the world. you can form bonds with other npc's, but not by Fable's horrid interaction system. it will be a sort of mini dating sim, where the women aren't easily swayed by a bouquet of flowers when you first lay eyes on each other, and won't marry you as soon as you give them fifty roses, a box of chocolates, and a diamond earring. They will act like actual human beings and not the anime tentacle targets in final fantasies 7,8,9,10,10-2,12,13.
Combat like I said will be similar to the KH series. Jump button, light attack, ranged/heavy attack, and block. spells and special abilities will be performed using a shoulder button and a face button, making spellcasting much simpler. Perhaps a sprint button will be placed on the other trigger. The bumper buttons/L1 and R1, will be used to switch your control of each character. in the pause menu (which can be used in and outside of combat) you can change the character's battle tactics (a la Final Fantasy Tactics) and customize your spell/ability layout.
The plot will basically be the original final fantasy, with minor changes if necessary. The main warriors of light will have no personality, and it will be up to the player to decide who these people are. Multiplayer should only be a possibility, with drop in and out co-op, similar to Dead Rising 2.
In total, I want Final Fantasy to return with a flourish, a return to form in style, and all new gameplay. The style and aesthetic will be reminiscent of the first 6 games, while the graphical prowess will come from the 13th game (although, even that couldn't save it). this is all that I beg of you, Square. Just end this decade long streak of incompetency. I'm not saying this because I hate you...that much, I'm saying this because I miss your earlier days. Now get your ass in gear.